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Christians, Muslims and prayer: Does worship divide or unite?

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How can I counter the irrational hatred of Internet Pakistanis for Christianity?

Effort 1:

Christianity and Islam should show each other respect and live in peace
Does worship divide or unite?

A distinguished Catholic gives a bold answer to a thorny question about how much monotheists have in common

Nov 4th 2013 by B.C.

CAN people of different religions, or different interpretations of the same religion, pray together? In religious history, that has been a very thorny question. The early fathers of the Christian church, furiously determined to preserve the integrity of their faith in all its details, took a very firm line on this matter. They threatened with excommunication anybody who prayed with "heretics"—a word which often, in practice, meant the losing side in whichever theological argument had just shaken the Christian world.

The issue still excites passion. Ultra-conservative Catholics were dismayed by the willingness of Pope John Paul II to pray publicly with Muslims (in Morocco, for example) and to acknowledge that "because of the faith we have in common, Christianity and Islam have many things in common [including] the privilege of prayer...." His successor (whether as pope or in his earlier days as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) seemed to take a stricter view. He thought it was wrong for a Christian to pray with a non-Christian if the latter expected his or her Christian partner or friend to water down or relativise the fundamentals of faith in Jesus Christ. He also argued that in Christianity alone, God was present on Earth (through his Incarnate Son) in contrast to the "distant" God of other religions.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox church, has often been criticised by doctrinal hardliners for remaining part of the Geneva-based World Council of Churches (WCC), whose membership is mainly Protestant. According to the hardliners, belonging to the WCC inevitably involves joint acts of worship with liberal Protestants which blur the intregrity of a tradition-minded church. Any Orthodox participants in the tenth assembly of the WCC, now in progress in South Korea, will doubtless hear fresh allegations that they are keeping inappropriate company. For those who object to joint prayer by different shades of Christian, the idea of Christians and Muslims jointly addressing God is presumably inconceivable.

Yet I have just been reading a book by a distinguished Catholic figure which has the almost provocative subtitle "Encouraging Muslims and Christians to Pray Together". It brings together many years of reflection and research by Timothy Wright, a Benedictine monastic who was formally abbot of Ampleforth abbey, a religious community in northern England which also runs a famous private school for boys.

It describes his own evolving relationship with Islam, especially with the Shias; he has exchanged visits with the Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research in the Iranian theological centre of Qom. Lest anyone think that his acquaintance with the Muslim world has been naively emollient, he stresses that he was strongly influenced by a group of Trappist monks in Algeria, seven of whom were murdered in 1996.

In a book whose main title—"No Peace Without Prayer"—is self-explanatory, the learned monastic author compares the direct experience of God sought by the Sufis with his own Benedictine tradition; and he finds commonalities and differences in Christian and Muslim views of Jesus, of Abraham/Ibrahim and of the revealed word of God in general.

If anyone who is outside the world of organised religion happens to read this book, he may be struck by the extraordinary mixture of faces that today's Catholic church (to take only one highly organised faith) presents the world. On one hand, Catholicism can seem very harsh in the way that it treats people who accept its teaching in every way but are for some reason denied the most important rites of the church—divorcees, for example. Yet a prominent Catholic can reach out in an extraordinarily generous, broad-minded way (too broad-minded for some, no doubt) to a Muslim world that shares some important beliefs with Christianity but also rejects some fundamental tenets.

Some non-religious people will have a rather blunter reaction to the book:
we don't mind whether Christians and Muslims pray together, as long as differences between them don't threaten the peace of the world, as they often have. The number of people who believe (or can be persuaded) that Christianity and Islam should show each other respect and live in peace is much larger than the number who can be convinced that members of the two faiths can legitimately pray together. It will be a pity if people are put off the first idea because they find the second one goes a step too far.
no Muslims and christians cannot pray together what a stupid idea
You can read the last testament to know why .

I see your now more open about your Christian evangelism ,after reporting many Muslim posters on here who you've gotten banned just so you can peddle your falsehood here just as your alter ego @Wolfhunter did .

Try a next ID
Terry "The Defender" of Pakistan & Islam

If this the calibre of Pakistani defenders of Islam and Pakistan these days, I pray, God saves Pakistan and Islam from these internet warriors.
no Muslims and christians cannot pray together what a stupid idea
You can read the last testament to know why .
I see your now more open about your Christian evangelism ,after reporting many Muslim posters on here who you've gotten banned just so you can peddle your falsehood here just as your alter ego @Wolfhunter did .

Try a next ID
sodomite go drown yourself in a well
The whole industry is full of whores and rent boys . If you don't have sex your not getting no where
Same with Hollywood and Bollywood
You need to read before you drop your Christian Mumbo jumbo here ....about exodus chapter this and verse that .
We all understood except you Christian boy
Ignore him he's just a white English Christian who cannot understand he's own language .
You and I know about these white christians and the damage they've done & continue to do in both our countries
Ramzaan mubarak my brother from over the border and may Allahs blessings and forgiveness shower upon you and all Indian Muslims in this blessed month .
If there was no racism in this world your religion wouldn't exist .
Imagine that .You abhorant people
Your existence on this planet is due to racism
Your taught to be racist from day you where born .
Dirty little racist scum
Racism is your rabbi only sucking little white baby penises for blessings but not little black baby's .
White man bible
Page 224 verse 6,375
Your God who you worship is a racist.
Like I said if there was no racism nothing of you or your ilk will exist
Your no Pakistani so gtfo your an Englishman masquerading as a Pakistani .
Wannabe no nation mongerel
Coward still waiting for your number backside digger .
He's not Pakistani
Just a mongerel bum living off welfare in the uk
goes on and on in hundreds of posts spewing/provoking/inciting hatred
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Remember, Christians pray to YAHWEH or Father, Son and Holy spirit - Triunity. Not to Allahu, whom Muslims claims as the same as Jewish and Christian God. Also, Christians worship Jesus as God, not the messenger or prophet of Allah. Islam is blasphemy for Christians and Jews, because of the conflicting teachings. And, may be vice versa.

Never knew that Jesus was NOT a prophet for Christians, right? Christians worship Jesus as God, Son of God. Their ends any similarity with Islam. Will you pray with Christians now? Keep the Imaan high on this Ramzan time. Anyone telling Islam is the same as Judaism or Christianity are lying. Be more radical and follow 100% Islam, never look at Bible or Christian churches.
[----]. Anyone telling Islam is the same as Judaism or Christianity are lying. Be more radical and follow 100% Islam, never look at Bible or Christian churches.
In that case you had better remove and/or abrogate some of the Quranic Ayaat which contradict your stance here in this post.
Remember, Christians pray to YAHWEH or Father, Son and Holy spirit - Triunity. Not to Allahu, whom Muslims claims as the same as Jewish and Christian God. Also, Christians worship Jesus as God, not the messenger or prophet of Allah. Islam is blasphemy for Christians and Jews, because of the conflicting teachings. And, may be vice versa.

Never knew that Jesus was NOT a prophet for Christians, right? Christians worship Jesus as God, Son of God. Their ends any similarity with Islam. Will you pray with Christians now? Keep the Imaan high on this Ramzan time. Anyone telling Islam is the same as Judaism or Christianity are lying. Be more radical and follow 100% Islam, never look at Bible or Christian churches.

Jewish authorities have always stated that they and the Muslims have the same Lord, it's Christians who are kept out of the loop, due according to them, due to their worship of Jesus.

What is Allahu? You do realise what the name of God is in the language of Christ i.e. 'Elaha' in Aramaic, 'Alaha' in Syriac...

How can Allah be worshipped in all three places of worship if he is not the same Lord? That's written in the Quran.

If Allah had not driven some people back by means of others, monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where Allah’s name is mentioned much, would have been pulled down and destroyed. Allah will certainly help those who help Him–Allah is All-Strong, Almighty. (22:40)

Jews, Muslims and Christians have the same Lord, although the methodology is different, and we take the middle ground i.e. not pray to Jesus, love and respect him, but also don't reject him like the Jewish cousins.
Allah @ Wikipedia
Aramaic word for "The God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "The God".

Allah is contraction of al-ilāh, al means The, ilāh means a god any god, al-ilāh means The God

What is Allahu
Allah hu = The God is

Allah hu is part of a phrase e.g.
Allah hu akbar
The God is great

If an Indian came across a zikkar gathering at one of many shrines where people chant Allahu repeatedly, he may mistake it for the real name of The God.


2:62 Surely they that believe (Muslims), and those of Jewry, and the Christians, and those Sabaeans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day, and works righteousness -- their wage awaits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them; neither shall they sorrow.
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Jewish authorities have always stated that they and the Muslims have the same Lord, it's Christians who are kept out of the loop, due according to them, due to their worship of Jesus.
Someone told this: YAHWEH is the monotheist Abrahamic God. Christians are the schismatics who opened Judaism for the infidels (gentiles) and incorporated trinity concept also. Islam - where does it fit? By claiming Arab Christians who live among Arabi Muslims that they also call Allah for God? That is flawed. Then why we have Elohim or Abba or YAHWEH as the God in Christianity (and Judaism too)? There can be Jewish and Christian scholars who may agree to the Allah is YAHWEH claim; But, reality is, Islam is seen as the wrong faith inside their religions. For example: Matthew 7:15-20

You Muslims also know that Jews are categorized for one thing - right? They are appeasing you, while killing - smiling and beating at the same time.

If an Indian came across a zikkar gathering at one of many shrines where people chant Allahu repeatedly, he may mistake it for the real name of The God.
For a Pakistani, India seems Hindu only. Only exposed to north India due to similar language an media (TV channels), the other side is less seen. I live in a state where Muslims are almost 30%. Living in a town which has 40-50% Sunni majority and you assume I don't know much about Muslims or Islam? Yes, the Malabari/Malayali Muslims address Allah as Allahu generally. For that case, call for prayer (azan) as "Baank" (originated from Persian). India has 2 major flows of Sunni Islam - The Urdu/Pathani/Turkish heritage - North Indian Sunnis and the more ancient Muslims - The Shafi fiqh following Malayali Mappila Muslims. Muslims probably are undercounted in census of India,probably reaching 20-21 carore in number by now.
Ethics/morlas side of religions mostly same but great difference in whom they worship and how they worship . You may label this as divison but every religion claim to be truth ..Two religion with two contradictory practices cannot be true at the same time so followers of a particular religion stick to their religion simply because of differences .
Remember, Christians pray to YAHWEH or Father, Son and Holy spirit - Triunity. Not to Allahu, whom Muslims claims as the same as Jewish and Christian God. Also, Christians worship Jesus as God, not the messenger or prophet of Allah. Islam is blasphemy for Christians and Jews, because of the conflicting teachings. And, may be vice versa.

Never knew that Jesus was NOT a prophet for Christians, right? Christians worship Jesus as God, Son of God. Their ends any similarity with Islam. Will you pray with Christians now? Keep the Imaan high on this Ramzan time. Anyone telling Islam is the same as Judaism or Christianity are lying. Be more radical and follow 100% Islam, never look at Bible or Christian churches.

Very well explained.

For a Pakistani, India seems Hindu only. Only exposed to north India due to similar language an media (TV channels), the other side is less seen. I live in a state where Muslims are almost 30%. Living in a town which has 40-50% Sunni majority and you assume I don't know much about Muslims or Islam? Yes, the Malabari/Malayali Muslims address Allah as Allahu generally. For that case, call for prayer (azan) as "Baank" (originated from Persian). India has 2 major flows of Sunni Islam - The Urdu/Pathani/Turkish heritage - North Indian Sunnis and the more ancient Muslims - The Shafi fiqh following Malayali Mappila Muslims. Muslims probably are undercounted in census of India,probably reaching 20-21 carore in number by now.

Not to forget Islam came to Kerala much before it came to Sindh. The Islam practiced in Kerala is much more pure and authentic than what is practiced in the North India & Pakistan.
[---]There can be Jewish and Christian scholars who may agree to the Allah is YAHWEH claim; But, reality is, Islam is seen as the wrong faith inside their religions. For example: Matthew 7:15-20
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves

I've been using this verse to describe your type for a long time, it seem ironic now that I get bashed with it.

There are many Christians who can't stand the sight of a Catholic as well as Muslim Jew Hindu Buddhist. Every one hates some one
You Muslims also know that Jews are categorized for one thing - right? They are appeasing you, while killing - smiling and beating at the same time.
I suspect that no matter what I say to counter you, you'll deflect and distort. If you indeed are a Muslim, why have you failed to mention or comment on Quran? Is it wrong, is it lying when it speaks of these people? who has altered it? is your version different?
For a Pakistani, India seems Hindu only. Only exposed to north India due to similar language an media (TV channels), the other side is less seen. I live in a state where Muslims are almost 30%. Living in a town which has 40-50% Sunni majority and you assume I don't know much about Muslims or Islam? Yes, the Malabari/Malayali Muslims address Allah as Allahu generally. For that case, call for prayer (azan) as "Baank" (originated from Persian). India has 2 major flows of Sunni Islam - The Urdu/Pathani/Turkish heritage - North Indian Sunnis and the more ancient Muslims - The Shafi fiqh following Malayali Mappila Muslims. Muslims probably are undercounted in census of India,probably reaching 20-21 carore in number by now.
I've seen them "worshipping" with nooran sisters, Abida Parveen, Gurdas Maan, Kanwar Grewal, Naina Kanwal, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Sain Zahoor etc. at various ancient (and newer) grave-sites going hoo hu hu. and then there are those at the other extreme who are drowning in petty detail, busy issuing fataawah against things like cameras

I am Not a Muslim but I knew and respected (before 1995) quite a few Pakistani Hanafis some Ismaili as well as twelver Shiite, 1 Ahmadi and Sufis who could actually read and and speak in Quranic Arabic.

we re talking about and trying to find commonalities in the core teachings, while you maybe thinking of current pactice of some people
Remember, Christians pray to YAHWEH or Father, Son and Holy spirit - Triunity. Not to Allahu, whom Muslims claims as the same as Jewish and Christian God. Also, Christians worship Jesus as God, not the messenger or prophet of Allah. Islam is blasphemy for Christians and Jews, because of the conflicting teachings. And, may be vice versa.

Never knew that Jesus was NOT a prophet for Christians, right? Christians worship Jesus as God, Son of God. Their ends any similarity with Islam. Will you pray with Christians now? Keep the Imaan high on this Ramzan time. Anyone telling Islam is the same as Judaism or Christianity are lying. Be more radical and follow 100% Islam, never look at Bible or Christian churches.
Take ur ignorance elsewhere. I can see that u have no understanding of Islam or Christianity other than a few google searches.

Judaism/Christianity/Islam have all one God referred to as YHWH/Jehovah/Allah. Bible and Torah are considered holy books in Islam...their prophets are our prophets etc.

The paths where Christianity and Islam diverge is that in Christianity Jesus is considered "son of God(the father)"...and therefore also a part of God along with the Holy Spirit, completing the Trinity. Whereas in Islam, Jesus is a prophet(human) instead and not "son of God"(part of God). This is about the only major difference.
Take ur ignorance elsewhere. I can see that u have no understanding of Islam or Christianity other than a few google searches.

Judaism/Christianity/Islam have all one God referred to as YHWH/Jehovah/Allah. Bible and Torah are considered holy books in Islam...their prophets are our prophets etc.

The paths where Christianity and Islam diverge is that in Christianity Jesus is considered "son of God(the father)"...and therefore also a part of God along with the Holy Spirit, completing the Trinity. Whereas in Islam, Jesus is a prophet(human) instead and not "son of God"(part of God). This is about the only major difference.
And also the Christians do not accept the Seal of the Prophets ﷺ to be a Prophet.
And also the Christians do not accept the Seal of the Prophets ﷺ to be a Prophet.
Yes that goes without saying...obviously if they considered Muhammad(SAW) a prophet then they would have to follow his teachings and therefore be Muslims.

I was talking more in terms of the main difference between the two religions when it comes to God.
Yes that goes without saying...obviously if they considered Muhammad(SAW) a prophet then they would have to follow his teachings and therefore be Muslims.

I was talking more in terms of the main difference between the two religions when it comes to God.
I see.
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