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Chinese troops intercept Army patrol in Ladakh


Jan 28, 2012
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Chinese troops intercept Army patrol in Ladakh

NEW DELHI: India and China may have restored "status quo ante'' after a 21-day military standoff in the Depsang Bulge area in the Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector of Ladakh but regular face-offs between the rival troops all along the undelineated Line of Actual Control (LAC) continue as before.

In the latest such incident that has come to light, People's Liberation Army soldiers intercepted an Indian Army patrol and prevented it from going up to what India perceives to be its territory in the Finger-VIII or Sri Jap area, situated north of Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh, on May 17.

This was just 12 days after the resolution of the military standoff in Depsang area, where Chinese troops had intruded 19 km inside Indian territory and pitched tents on April 15, and just a couple of days before Chinese premier Li Keqiang came visiting India.

Army sources on Sunday said there was "nothing unusual'' about the May 17 face-off. "Six to seven such incidents take place in that area every month, with both sides patrolling up to what they perceive to be their territory along the LAC... there was no activity out of the established pattern witnessed there,'' a source said.

There were reports that the PLA had constructed a metal-top road five km deep into Indian territory across the LAC in the area, claiming that it was part of the Aksai Chin region held by them. But Army sources here said China had constructed no new roads in the sub-sector since 2008, and that the Sri Jap area "fell under the Chinese side of the LAC''.

The fact, however, remains that PLA has stepped up its "military assertiveness'' to stake claim to disputed areas after India took to building border infrastructure over the last four to five years, in a belated response to China's massive infrastructure build-up along the LAC over the last two decades.

India has recorded well over 600 "transgressions" — the government's euphemism for cross-border intrusions -- by the PLA all along the 4,057-km LAC over the last three years. Apart from the sheer number of such incidents, what has further troubled the Indian establishment is the "aggressive intent'' being shown by PLA soldiers in all the three sectors — western (Ladakh), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal) and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal).

The DBO and Nyoma sectors as well as Trig Heights and Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh, in particular, have witnessed stepped-up PLA activity. The Depsang stand-off, where rival troops pitched tents across each other, was apparently triggered by India's construction of an observation post at Chumar near the Ladakh-Himachal Pradesh border to the south.

After the PLA troops pitched tents in the Depsang area on April 15, Indian troops had swiftly constructed bunkers with tin roofs at Chumar as a counter-measure to pressurize China. Ultimately, India dismantled the bunkers after the PLA troops agreed to leave the Depsang area on May 5 to restore "status quo ante''.

Chinese troops intercept Army patrol in Ladakh - The Times of India

First put tent, then build road, and then actlike Ladakh is Chinese territory...
China is well on its way to invade Ladakh.
And India is hopeless.
Get ready.
If you have nothing to say on topic don't post anything

sorry its just that i cant figure out how some one can write a retarded comment like this

First put tent, then build road, and then actlike Ladakh is Chinese territory...
China is well on its way to invade Ladakh.
And India is hopeless.
Get ready.

its hard to believe such morons exist
sorry its just that i cant figure out how some one can write a retarded comment like this

its hard to believe such morons exist

How is it retarded?
China just cozying itself up to take position in Ladakh... That's all.
thats like saying india is cozying itself up to take Balochistan

How would India take Balochistan again?
Enlighten us.

Good god, Indian education system has gotten worse since I joined.

Besides, china can easily take Ladakh. It is right next door.
How would India take Balochistan again?
Enlighten us.

Good god, Indian education system has gotten worse since I joined.

Besides, china can easily take Ladakh. It is right next door.

ok here is some basic facts for you.
1.the difference between the military powers of india and china is somewhat substantial, while that between india and pakistan is very large
2.Sindh acts as a block between india and balochistan wheras the himalayas blocks china and ladhak
This intercept of Indian troops is quite amusing, because just days ago there were talks of China India making peace and lifting Asia for economic prosperity together, and now Chinese Army intercept Indian army troops in the very territory Indian army claims is there, this is laughable. China PLA is really showing how assertive they can be.
It look like India has no choice by side with the US lead western alliance.

Time to forget about being neutral between US/western country vs China/Russia.
It look like India has no choice by side with the US lead western alliance.

Time to forget about being neutral between US/western country vs China/Russia.

india did not side with anyone in 1962, when it had practically nothing. what makes you think we will do so today when we are a military powerhouse?
First put tent, then build road, and then actlike Ladakh is Chinese territory...
China is well on its way to invade Ladakh.
And India is hopeless.
Get ready.

First we Kicked them out,and now we are going to patrol their area...HOW ABOUT THAT???and why you are going to happy??I thought Pakistan thinks "Kashmir is their's"..or is it "Higher than Pebble deeper than Gutter" friendship at work??????
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