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Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel


Jun 24, 2013
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Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

Chinese ship coded 11209 sank a Vietnamese fishing boat with 10 members on board in Vietnamese waters on May 26.

Boat DNa 90152 from the central city of Da Nang during its regular operation in its traditional fishing ground was deliberately encircled by 40 fishing vessels of China before it was attacked by the Chinese ship 11209.

The incident occurred at 4 pm at a site 17 nautical miles from where China ’s Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig is illegally standing.

The location is the traditional fishing ground of Vietnamese fishermen in Vietnam ’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

All 10 fishermen were then rescued by other ships of Vietnam .

This is not the first time Vietnamese fishing boats have been attacked by Chinese ships.

On May 16, boat QNg 90205-TS’s regular operation in the traditional fishing ground in Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago was disrupted by Chinese ship coded 306. Vietnamese fishermen were then beaten by crew members of the Chinese ship while their properties including satellite positioning and communications equipment were taken away.

After being assailed, the boat, captained by Nguyen Van Quang from Binh Son district, central Quang Ngai province, managed to escape and then get medical assistance from Vietnam ’s coast guard vessels.

Quang said the attack cost him about 500 million VND (23,500 USD).

On May 7, fishing boat QNg 96416-TS, captained and owned by Nguyen Van Loc from An Vinh commune, Ly Son district, Quang Ngai province, was chased and rammed by a Chinese ship in the Hoang Sa area, suffering from damage to its sides and cabin.

Since the beginning of May, China illegally dispatched the rig, as well as a large fleet of armed vessels, military ships and aircraft, to Vietnamese waters and positioned the rig at a location 80 miles deep inside Vietnam ’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone prescribed by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

Chinese ships have repeatedly rammed and fired water cannons into Vietnamese coast guard and fisheries surveillance ships which are carrying out their law enforcement missions in the country’s waters, leaving many Vietnamese ships damaged and officers injured.-VNA

Haha, viets, this is your own official report. You want to play, bring it on. where is your missle and white savior, brave viets.

Haha, viets, go to US and Japan for crying
Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

Haha, viets, this is your own official report. You want to play, bring it on. where is your missle and white savior, brave viets.

Haha, viets, go to US and Japan for crying
Typical pathetic Chinese kid, always crying about justice and peace, but swanky and happy about these kind of thing. This's not PC game to fire a missile so easy because dirty action like this. :disagree:

Russian border coast guard ship was open fire and attack on your fishing-ships, but PRC govt don't dare to howling like you. They know their place ... :smart:
Typical pathetic Chinese kid, always crying about justice and peace, but swanky and happy about these kind of thing. This's not PC game to fire a missile so easy because dirty action like this. :disagree:

Russian border coast guard ship was open fire and attack on your fishing-ships, but PRC govt don't dare to howling like you. They know their place ... :smart:

What's funny was that the ship was a disguised Viet naval asset in the mission to disrupt the work of 981 rig! Now your country men are crying foul and you totally forgot your joy a few days ago to kill four Chinese workers at home...

Imagine if you have seen how monkeys behave, huh?
What's funny was that the ship was a disguised Viet naval asset in the mission to disrupt the work of 981 rig! Now your country men are crying foul and you totally forgot your joy a few days ago to kill four Chinese workers at home...

Imagine if you have seen how monkeys behave, huh?
No, buddy, I share my sympathy to those poor workers who lose their job because stupid aggressive actions from PRC government, as well as my sympathy for poor people was slaughter like pigs, explode like dust because their government was so busy with their game on the Sea, and some high boys keep howling for war...

Imagine if you have seen how idiots arrogant behave, huh !? :D
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What's funny was that the ship was a disguised Viet naval asset in the mission to disrupt the work of 981 rig! Now your country men are crying foul and you totally forgot your joy a few days ago to kill four Chinese workers at home...

Imagine if you have seen how monkeys behave, huh?

I know you guys are not bright as a majority... but even a person of average intelligence would read from the article

A. a fishing boat was taken out .
B no mention of being disguised as anything...
I know you guys are not bright as a majority... but even a person of average intelligence would read from the article

A. a fishing boat was taken out .
B no mention of being disguised as anything...

I'm afraid that not everyone in the forum is at the level of average intelligence.

Imagine if you have seen how idiots arrogant behave, huh !?

I have just seen one.
do you viets really think you could easily get away with killing our people? This is just beginning.
since we have already evacuate our people, we now have a free hand to deal with you. Time to pay your debt

fishing near the chinese oil rig. something is fishy ..
It is not a common fishboat. they use it to play the raming game with us in recent days, military personnel in disguise

No, buddy, I share my sympathy to those poor workers who lose their job because stupid aggressive actions from PRC government, as well as my sympathy for poor people was slaughter like pigs, explode like dust because their government was so busy with their game on the Sea, and some high boys keep howling for war...

Imagine if you have seen how idiots arrogant behave, huh !?
poor worker? those people earn $1500 a month in your shithole country, a amount an average viet dare not to imagine even in its dream.
ok, by your words, you slaughter our people in your country like pigs, how brave you savage viets are. don't whine for sympathy like a sissy then.
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I'm afraid that not everyone in the forum is at the level of average intelligence.

I have just seen one.
Sure you are ... :D
do you viets really think you could easily get away with killing our people? This is just beginning.
since we have already evacuate our people, we now have a free hand to deal with you. Time to pay your debt

It is not a common fishboat. they use it to play the raming game with us in recent days, military personnel in disguise

poor worker? those people earn $1500 a month in your shithole country, a amount an average viet dare not to imagine even in its dream.
ok, by your words, you slaughter our people in your country like pigs, how brave you savage viets are. don't whine for sympathy like a sissy then.
No, bubby boy, you're so high by smoke ... :rofl: I said about your country, not about Vietnam ... :D
Take some medicine and rest for night ... :laugh:
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