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Chinese naval force may have deterred Indian invasion of Maldives

Han Patriot

Mar 23, 2011
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A Chinese naval combat force that entered the Indian Ocean for the first time in four years may have helped deter an Indian intervention in the Maldives after its pro-China president imposed a state of emergency, according to military and diplomatic sources and analysts.

India has traditionally been the biggest player in the tiny island chain 400 km (250 miles) to its south, and faced calls from Maldives' opposition leaders last month to use force against President Abdulla Yameen to restore democracy.

After the state of emergency was declared India - which sent troops to foil a coup in the Maldives three decades ago - moved aircraft and ships to its southern bases and put special forces on standby, two military sources in New Delhi said.

But in the end, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held off from hard action, unwilling to entangle the military in a foreign country of 400,000 people, the sources said.

Beijing's signals it would not look kindly on any foreign involvement in the Maldives - where it is investing millions of dollars as part of its Belt and Road Initiative - backed up by its naval presence in the eastern Indian Ocean, may also have weighed against an intervention, security analysts said.

China's defence ministry said the ships carried out routine exercises. "These drills were normal exercises for this year and not aimed at any third party," the ministry said in a statement to Reuters, when asked whether the manoeuvres were linked to the crisis in Maldives. It did not elaborate.

Beijing's foreign ministry said it was paying close attention to events in the Maldives and had asked the government in Male to protect Chinese interests there.

India's defence ministry did not respond to a request for comment. A naval official confirmed the Chinese ships entered the Indian Ocean, but said they were thousands of miles away from the Maldives.

China, whose navy is now four times bigger than India's, is increasingly asserting itself in the Indian Ocean. It has built a network of friendly ports, its so-call "String of Pearls", around shipping lanes through which more than three-quarters of its oil moves.

Soon after the emergency was declared in the Maldives, India's military moved C-130 Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster transport planes from near Delhi to its Yelahanka air force base near the southern city of Bengaluru, and ordered paratroops to be on stand-by, the two Indian military source said.

A few days later the Indian navy launched "large-scale operational exercises" in the western Indian Ocean involving 40 warships including an aircraft carrier. The naval official said these were pre-planned.

Yameen was unfazed, and on Feb. 20 extended the emergency by another 30 days despite international calls not to do so.

A source close to Chinese diplomats in Colombo said that Beijing had told its missions in the region that China stood ready to help Yameen if India tried to unseat him. The source was not clear whether that included military help.

A diplomat at the Maldives' embassy in Colombo said Beijing had given the same assurance of support to the Yameen government. A second diplomat said China had been dragged into the political crisis by the Maldivian opposition, which accused Beijing of grabbing some of its islands.

Throughout the crisis, the Maldivian government was in continuous contact with the Chinese embassy in Male and China was informed about Yameen's every move, including the state of emergency well, in advance, the first diplomat said.

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Throughout the crisis, the Maldivian government was in continuous contact with the Chinese embassy in Male and China was informed about Yameen's every move, including the state of emergency well, in advance, the first diplomat said.

So the big fat middle finger to India was orchestrated with Chinese invisible hand?:rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Maldives is a sovereign country, we are just their friend and when a friend gets bullied, you don't stay silent, you help them. :china:
SP12'ers right now "it is actually part of our tactics,you will be surprised when we will show you our powder,just wait till 2000000000012"
Revealed! What Made Chinese Warships Headed to Troubled Maldives Make a U-Turn

In a first of its kind, India recently conducted a massive exercise in the Indian Ocean involving its army, navy, air force and coast guards. The extensive exercise saw the participation of all operational ships, submarines and aircraft of the Indian Navy, along with men and equipment of the Indian Army, all types of aircraft of the Indian Air Force and ships and aircraft of the Indian Coast Guard. The Indian defense ministry claimed that the war games were aimed at threat perceptions of a two-front war, i.e. simultaneous combat with China and Pakistan.

"The war games conducted on both the seaboards of India extended from the Northern Arabian Sea off the coast of Gujarat to the Southern Indian Ocean off the Sunda Straits near Indonesia," the defense ministry said about the exercise which concluded on 28 February.

Around the same time, Chinese news portal Sina com cn had reported that a fleet of destroyers, at least one frigate, a 30,000-tonne amphibious transport dock and three support tankers entered the Indian Ocean. Though the report did not mention any specific reason for the deployment, it was widely construed as an attempt by China to exert its influence over Maldives — the strategically located chain of islands in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

It was later reported that the Chinese warships turned around and returned to the South China Sea through the Lombok Strait. The four straits of Malacca, Sunda, Lombok and Ombai Wetar are used by China's People's Liberation Army (Navy) to cross between their bases in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The Indian defense ministry hinted that the Chinese warships that were believed to be destined to linger off the Maldives, made a U-turn after they encountered the mission-ready ships of the Indian Navy that were then engaged in the war games.

"Mission-ready ships are now forward deployed in critical areas of the IOR with the inherent capability to respond to emerging threats and benign situations. The Navy has already reaped rich dividends from this concept," defense ministry exulted.

The Indian Navy adopted the "mission-based deployment" concept last year in July to maintain its dominance in the IOR. The exercise was mainly a review of his concept. The Indian Navy further revealed that it has "cut the flab" in the various exercises undertaken at sea.

"Greater focus has been accorded to conflict readiness across the spectrum, as well as realistic scenarios likely to be faced at sea," the defense ministry revealed.

It said that the focus has been on realistic scenarios likely to manifest in the future, including terrorist attacks from the sea on critical infrastructure and populated areas, defense of offshore oil resources of the country and protection of India's significant seaborne trade.
defencenews in /article/Revealed!-What-Made-Chinese-Warships-Headed-to-Troubled-Maldives-Make-a-U-Turn-536859
look at the desperate OP, editing titles to his narratives
Around the same time, Chinese news portal Sina com cn had reported that a fleet of destroyers, at least one frigate, a 30,000-tonne amphibious transport dock and three support tankers entered the Indian Ocean. Though the report did not mention any specific reason for the deployment, it was widely construed as an attempt by China to exert its influence over Maldives — the strategically located chain of islands in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

It was later reported that the Chinese warships turned around and returned to the South China Sea through the Lombok Strait. The four straits of Malacca, Sunda, Lombok and Ombai Wetar are used by China's People's Liberation Army (Navy) to cross between their bases in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

So China single destroyer u turn after seeing indian ships..:lol:

Maybe cuz the chicoms had only one destroyer capable of reaching Indian ocean with three other ships to support it..:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
i dont know if you ever been hunting but to pull trigger and shoot a sitting duck one need balls!!!

if ships are easy target without air cover why dint you guys shoot it?

keyboard warriors grow a pair or STFU!

it is not like china has declared war or anything

Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bangladesh are dependent on Western (read US/European) markets and tourists
The little deals they cut with China are no threat to the security of India and USA

sorry to disappoint keyboard warriors
Since India has made it public their intention in disrupting Chinese supply lines in the IOR in case of any hostilities, it's imperative that China has enough resources there to deal a "knock-out" blow at the very first round!! Hence, Maldives is indispensable for them. Anyway, it's a good news for CPEC. And, a bad one for the Pentsgon boys. India has again shown that she isn't ready to go an extra nautical mile to deter China. Whomever the Pentagon is putting their support on is turning out to be a non-starter for them - be it NA thugs, PKK/PYD, Trump or anyone else!!!
China’s naval presence deterred Indian intervention in Maldives crisis: sources


NEW, DELHI/COLOMBO – A Chinese naval combat force that entered the Indian Ocean for the first time in four years may have helped deter an Indian intervention in the Maldives after its pro-China president imposed a state of emergency, according to military and diplomatic sources and analysts.

India has traditionally been the biggest player in the tiny island chain 400 kilometers (250 miles) to its south, and faced calls from Maldives’ opposition leaders last month to use force against President Abdulla Yameen to restore democracy.

After the state of emergency was declared, India — which sent troops to foil a coup in the Maldives three decades ago — moved aircraft and ships to its southern bases and put special forces on standby, two military sources in New Delhi said.

But in the end Prime Minister Narendra Modi held off from hard action, unwilling to entangle the military in a foreign country of 400,000 people, the sources said.

Beijing’s signals that it would not look kindly on any foreign involvement in the Maldives — where it is investing millions of dollars as part of its Belt and Road Initiative — backed up by its naval presence in the eastern Indian Ocean, may also have weighed against an intervention, security analysts said.

China’s defense ministry said its ships carried out routine exercises. “These drills were normal exercises for this year, and not aimed at any third party,” the ministry said in a statement to Reuters, when asked whether the maneuvers were linked to the crisis in Maldives. It did not elaborate.

What a humiliation for Bharat again :lol:
So the big fat middle finger to India was orchestrated with Chinese invisible hand?:rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Maldives is a sovereign country, we are just their friend and when a friend gets bullied, you don't stay silent, you help them. :china:

Since the time you joined this forum you have been laughing more and writing less.

China doesn’t produce so much potassium. Looks like terrorists have cracked some opium code?

Well, India was officially asked for a military intervention, but they decided not to.

Even though it was unlikely for China to declare war over such a matter, I guess India decided not to take the risk anyway.

With 0 investments it was still asked. Time to ponder?
Lol... and the news coming out next week from this funny land called India will unravel a new killer missile name given to it is China Killer Number 159

Whole nation will clap and celebrate at this great achievement lol. Modi will take credit .

News cast and guest will be then go complete nuts and wild on the famous two front war. How India is able too defeat both countries

What a fckeD up country.
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