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China’s governance model well-suited to confronting virus outbreak


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China’s governance model well-suited to confronting virus outbreak

By Zhang Shuhua Source:Global Times Published: 2020/2/5


Medical care team members queue to board a plane setting off for Central China's Hubei Province, in Nanchang, East China's Jiangxi Province on Tuesday. A medical care team comprised of 101 members set off for Hubei from Nanchang to combat the novel coronavirus pneumonia on Tuesday. Photo: Xinhua

As China spares no effort to combat the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), some Western media outlets have launched a fresh round of criticism of China's governance model in dealing with the spread of the pneumonia. The New York Times in late January published an article titled "Coronavirus Exposes Core Flaws, and Few Strengths in China's Governance," suggesting that "China's political system might be getting in the way of its ability to confront the coronavirus outbreak."

The 2019-nCoV is new to humanity and its unexpected and unprecedented proliferation would severely test any country no matter their system of governance.

Since it was first detected in late 2019, the epidemic has been evolving on a daily basis. It is still going to take scientists time to fully understand how the virus transmits and affects people, and this has nothing to with a system of governing. During the 2009 H1N1 influenza epidemic, the US system was clearly overwhelmed, as an estimated 50 million Americans were infected and 10,000 people died.

The outbreak of the 2019-nCoV virus has coincided with Chinese Lunar New Year, when tens of millions of people travel for the Spring Festival holiday during the world's largest annual human migration. The vast scale of the movement of people and China's population cannot by imagined by people in other countries, especially those in the West. US residents should try to imagine their Christmas travel rush and then quadruple it.

Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus outbreak in Central China's Hubei Province, is the most populous in Central China and one of the country's most important transportation hubs.

These are the main causes of the epidemic's rapid spread and has nothing to do with China's political system. The fact is, the Chinese government has made a massive and prompt response. The full genome sequence of the coronavirus was confirmed soon and has been shared with the rest of the world. Research on the virus by Chinese scientists has gained international recognition. The new virus still poses a serious threat to all humanity, and China is leading the world in understanding it.

All countries inevitably encounter emergencies. While China battles the coronavirus, wildfires are burning in Australia. The flu pandemic in 2009 spread across the US. In dealing with its emergencies, China has some unique advantages.

China's national system is capable of overcoming the constraints of various departments, agencies and local bureaucracies, and preventing different political forces from passing the buck. Under this system, China can concentrate on accomplishing major tasks, build strong cohesiveness and efficiently fight any emergency. The construction of Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital, which was completed in 10 days, displays China's speed and efficiency.

The outbreak of virus has indeed presented a huge challenge to China's central and local governments. It has undermined festivities of the Chinese New Year and to some extent frustrates public confidence. Some Chinese people have expressed dissatisfaction with the handling of the outbreak by some authorities.

This East Asian country will reflect, and reinforce its emergency response efficiency, and ensure the vitality and dynamism of local governments. China should improve its systems of information collection and feedback, error correction, and decision-making. It could turn this negative into a positive by learning lessons as it deals with the virus, which will enhance the work of the government.

The Chinese government has been exerting all-out energy to prevent and control the spread of the virus and has taken extreme and effective measures. It has locked down cities, isolated infected people and their close contacts, it has extended the week-long national holiday, it is promptly releasing accurate information, and is building and opening hospital with amazing speed. The nationwide prevention and control system has effectively curbed human-to-human transmission of the virus, and has curtailed the export of the virus.

China has made great self-sacrifice by reducing internal travel and international exchanges, incurring huge economic losses. The moves China is taking are designed to not only protect Chinese people, but the rest of world as well. This is how a responsible big country deals with an emergency.

It's no wonder Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, said on January 29 that China deserves the international community's gratitude and respect for having taken very serious measures to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak and limit the number of cases overseas.

In the face of non-traditional global security issues, such as new viruses and large-scale infectious diseases, all countries must take a proactive, cooperative approach in dealing with unprecedented international challenges.

Yes, 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak in the US have Death toll much higher than the reality according to recent reserach

The results suggest that between 123,000 and 203,000 pandemic influenza respiratory deaths occurred globally from April through December 2009.

The researchers took into account only deaths caused by respiratory diseases. However, people can die from bacterial infections that happen after they've been weakened by the flu. The H1N1 virus can also kill by worsening existing health problems, such as heart disease. The researchers found that when the H1N1 deaths due to causes other than respiratory disease are included, t
he 2009 pandemic toll might be as high as 400,000 people.

China's governance system has advantages in tackling disease outbreaks



Medical staff make final checks before taking patients infected with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan City, central China's Hubei Province, February 3, 2020. /Xinhua Photo

Editor's Note: The following article is taken from the Chinese-language "The Real Point." The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged governments at all levels to firmly follow the unified command, coordination and arrangements of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, emphasizing strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions.

The president made the remarks on Monday at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the second meeting of the top leadership in 10 days. "The outbreak is a major test of China's system and capacity for governance," Xi said.

On the same day, the State Council Information Office revealed that the problem of medical and daily living supplies running low in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the disease's outbreak, has been greatly eased and that supplies across the country have been stabilized as the entire nation has been mobilized to fight against the epidemic.

The efforts made since the outbreak of the new coronavirus have demonstrated the governance capacity of the country's system, which has been shaped over the past 70 years and features the leadership of the CPC, the ability to pool national strength to carry out major undertakings, and a people-centered approach.

Under the leadership of a central leading group responding to the outbreak, a special working team has been set up to secure medical supplies. Measures taken include mobilization of enterprises for early resumption and expansion of production, reinforced production supervision and coordination, and the establishment of a national dispatch platform for key medical supplies.

As of Sunday, domestic manufacturers have delivered 131,200 pieces of medical protective suits and sent out 135,600 N95 masks to Hubei Province, alleviating local supply shortages.

Another working team has been established to ensure the supply of daily necessities. As of Sunday, market prices of beef, mutton, chicken and eggs as well as 15 kinds of vegetables in 36 medium and big cities were down from their high level of days ago.

The fact that the prices of daily necessities across the country have been stabilized within a short period of time during an emergency provides more evidence of the efficiency of China's governance system.

China still faces a grim situation in curbing the epidemic. Monday's meeting of top leadership also stressed summing up the experience and drawing a lesson from this outbreak, improving the country's emergency management system and capacity of handling urgent, difficult, dangerous and important tasks.

It said an overhaul of environmental sanitation conditions should be conducted, calling for efforts to strengthen the areas of weakness in public health. Furthermore, resolute efforts should be made to crack down on illegal wildlife markets and trade to address major public health risks at the root.

It underscored the need to systematically review the areas of weakness in the national reserve system, enhance reserve efficiency and capacity, and improve the production capacity of essential supplies. As long as the country's system and capacity of governance is given full play, a victory over the coronavirus is not far off.


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