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China's Future Submarine Could Go The Speed Of Sound


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
Warning: Removed SCMP as this is from Popsci.com
China's Future Submarine Could Go The Speed Of Sound
Thanks to a gas bubble and a liquid lubricant

Kelsey D. Atherton


Supercavitating Submarine

The submarine of the future may come to America in a super fast bubble, traveling under water. Researchers at China's Harbin Institute of Technology developed a new concept for submarine “supercavitation,” where an underwater vessel creates a pocket of air around itself. Inside this bubble, the submarine can travel much faster without friction of water creating drag and slowing it down. Theoretically, a supercavitated vessel using rocket engines could travel inside that air pocket at almost the speed of sound.

While the exact science of forming an air cavity within a liquid for submarines is complex, the phenomenon is easy to observe in a simple college prank. Clanking one full beer bottle on top of another compresses the beer in the bottom bottle, causing it to release air bubbles rapidly and overflow. For submarines, the bubbles come from a gas ejected out of a special nozzle at the nose, but the vessel has to be going a fast speed--thus compressing the air in front of it--in order for supercavitation to take effect. Once it's going super fast inside a pocket of air, steering becomes hard as the vessel behaves almost like a missile.

The Harbin researchers’ concept may help the submarine get up to the speed where supercavitation can start to happen. First, the vessel releases a special liquid membrane over itself, reducing drag before the supercavitation takes effect. Then, to steer the craft, the drivers alter how much and where the liquid membrane gets replenished, creating areas of lesser and greater friction that turn the vessel. (The finer details of the design and how it works are being kept secret by the military.)

Membrane steering is a breakthrough for supercavitation, but the scientists at Harbin’s Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Lab acknowledge that it alone isn’t enough to make super fast submarines possible. Such a craft still needs a rocket engine that works underwater, and one that can last long enough to complete the cross-Pacific journey.

Supercavitation itself isn’t new. Military researchers from multiple countries started working on the idea decades ago. In the 1960s Russia started work on the Shkval supercavitating “underwater rocket,” which had a maximum range of about four miles. The United States started working on a supercavitating torpedo in 1997, and DARPA announced a program to develop asupercavitating mini-submarine in 2006. Range and steering posed problems for all of these projects, but the Harbin Institute’s liquid membrane might be the breakthrough needed that lets submarines fly underwater like rockets. With luck, the supersonic submarine will fare better than attempts at hypersonic missiles.

Shanghai to SanFrancisco in less than 2 hours!!!
Freaking News: Indian will join with Ukrain against Russia, India sending 3 nano arm with water gun and loaded with curry to destroy Russia airspace WW9 coming?
Cavitating subs, BS news. What would be the advantage of having a supersonic sub? April the first has already been an gone, now a LONG RANGE cavatating torpedo or a non-metalic/magnetic smart mine like a version of underwater stealh UCAV would be interesting.
China's Future Submarine Could Go The Speed Of Sound
Thanks to a gas bubble and a liquid lubricant

Kelsey D. Atherton


Supercavitating Submarine

South China Morning Post
The submarine of the future may come to America in a super fast bubble, traveling under water. Researchers at China's Harbin Institute of Technology developed a new concept for submarine “supercavitation,” where an underwater vessel creates a pocket of air around itself. Inside this bubble, the submarine can travel much faster without friction of water creating drag and slowing it down. Theoretically, a supercavitated vessel using rocket engines could travel inside that air pocket at almost the speed of sound.

While the exact science of forming an air cavity within a liquid for submarines is complex, the phenomenon is easy to observe in a simple college prank. Clanking one full beer bottle on top of another compresses the beer in the bottom bottle, causing it to release air bubbles rapidly and overflow. For submarines, the bubbles come from a gas ejected out of a special nozzle at the nose, but the vessel has to be going a fast speed--thus compressing the air in front of it--in order for supercavitation to take effect. Once it's going super fast inside a pocket of air, steering becomes hard as the vessel behaves almost like a missile.

The Harbin researchers’ concept may help the submarine get up to the speed where supercavitation can start to happen. First, the vessel releases a special liquid membrane over itself, reducing drag before the supercavitation takes effect. Then, to steer the craft, the drivers alter how much and where the liquid membrane gets replenished, creating areas of lesser and greater friction that turn the vessel. (The finer details of the design and how it works are being kept secret by the military.)

Membrane steering is a breakthrough for supercavitation, but the scientists at Harbin’s Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Lab acknowledge that it alone isn’t enough to make super fast submarines possible. Such a craft still needs a rocket engine that works underwater, and one that can last long enough to complete the cross-Pacific journey.

Supercavitation itself isn’t new. Military researchers from multiple countries started working on the idea decades ago. In the 1960s Russia started work on the Shkval supercavitating “underwater rocket,” which had a maximum range of about four miles. The United States started working on a supercavitating torpedo in 1997, and DARPA announced a program to develop asupercavitating mini-submarine in 2006. Range and steering posed problems for all of these projects, but the Harbin Institute’s liquid membrane might be the breakthrough needed that lets submarines fly underwater like rockets. With luck, the supersonic submarine will fare better than attempts at hypersonic missiles.

Shanghai to SanFrancisco in less than 2 hours!!!

China's hypersonic missiles has successive 10 or so flight tests according to americans, meanwhile the americans failed miserably in developing hypersonic weapons.

Juding by the track record of hypersonic weapons, my bet is China is likely dominate the poor americans in supersonic submarine as well.:enjoy:
Cavitating subs, BS news. What would be the advantage of having a supersonic sub? April the first has already been an gone, now a LONG RANGE cavatating torpedo or a non-metalic/magnetic smart mine like a version of underwater stealh UCAV would be interesting.

Well, supersonic manned sub may be impossible. But, they can always use it as supersonic torpedo, or supersonic unmanned submarine. As traditional torp tend to be slow and short range, compared to today missile.

As far as I know, traditional torpedo was slow and short range. Then there is ASROC; torpedo with rocket. Now Supersonic Submarine Technology (dunno if it's actually ASROC or not).
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The thing is with water being a liquid and therefore the resistance and drag would have a massive affect on an object trying to reach such a high speed. The vehicle itself would require an incredibly powerful powerplant. I just don't see it!
The thing is with water being a liquid and therefore the resistance and drag would have a massive affect on an object trying to reach such a high speed. The vehicle itself would require an incredibly powerful powerplant. I just don't see it!

Lol what? then you developed a new power-plant to power it. like we never have the ability to go into space.. but now we can cause we develoeped new power-plant to give enough boost to get into space. i'm not saying it will be developed 5 years from now, but more like 20.
Just look at the picture above. The sub can go into supersonic speed because they put rocket on it. To a manned submarine, yes, it will be very challenging, if not almost impossible, and not practical. But as a torpedo, or maybe small unmanned submarine, it's more than possible to build. Look at ASROC.

By mastering the technique to put rocket in an underwater vehicle, means that China has already has the knowledge to make a better torpedo, and that is a nightmare to all hostile submarine in the vicinity.
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