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Aug 9, 2008
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Apparently, there are 10,000 new Christians every day in China.

Posted from WordPress.com:

Many folks have long considered America to always have been and still is a Christian Nation. Now there are many arguments surrounding that. One can argue about our values being much closer to those of the Bible than other countries. Others would argue, what semblance of biblical literacy do people still have in the most literate place on earth? Many are just referring to the sheer number of people who call themselves “Christian”. We then ask how many of those are true believers versus being culturally Christian? Well for sometime now the experts have been keeping their eye on countries like Africa, South America and of course China because of the massive number of “conversions” reported. The axis of faith has shifted to the margins, to the poor of this world. Forget the West and the idea that America is still the center of God’s redeeming work the Holy Spirit is vibrant in these other parts of the world. They are doing “more” than we are. Their numbers inrease daily. They are developing strategies to reach other parts of the world including the US. The Spirit moves with or without us. Let’s just focus on China for now. Right now, it’s somewhere between 80-100 million Christians and growing rapidly. If we simply consider mere numbers China would be the largest Christian Nation in the world by mid-century according to experts.

Looking merely at numbers and their implications, Michelle Malkin posted her find on the rapid rising of christianity in China – 10,000 Christians a Day

Ten thousand Chinese become Christians each day, according to a stunning report by the National Catholic Reporter’s veteran correspondent John Allen, and 200 million Chinese may comprise the world’s largest concentration of Christians by mid-century, and the largest missionary force in history. If you read a single news article about China this year, make sure it is this one.
I suspect that even the most enthusiastic accounts err on the downside, and that Christianity will have become a Sino-centric religion two generations from now. China may be for the 21st century what Europe was during the 8th-11th centuries, and America has been during the past 200 years: the natural ground for mass evangelization. If this occurs, the world will change beyond our capacity to recognize it. Islam might defeat the western Europeans, simply by replacing their diminishing numbers with immigrants, but it will crumble beneath the challenge from the East.

Rabbit Trail:
Commentary from Asia Times, Christianity finds a fulcrum in Asia
Original Source, The Uphill Journey of Catholicism in China

What is God doing in China? What are the implications? Numbers are what people think about first and most. It’s really much more complicated by that. This year actually marks 200th anniversary of the first protestant missionary to China, Robert Morrison. Missions to China actually goes back before Morrison to the 1500s with the Jesuits and prolly even before that. The process of the work of God in China has shown us many things not only about missions but the growth of the church (i’d rather not say church growth) and personal discipleship. It has caused us to reconsider our methodologies and even our securities.
I truly hope not. I truly don't.

I need some more sources before I'm willing to believe that Christianity really is growing that fast in China.

It's definitely growing, I know quite a few Chinese Christians here... but I don't think it's growing THAT fast.
Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China. No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.

Fortunately Christianity in China is mostly a rural/small town affair, with modernization and rapid urbanization, it will eventually be eradicated.
Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China. No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.

Fortunately Christianity in China is mostly a rural/small town affair, with modernization and rapid urbanization, it will eventually be eradicated.

Better yet with more science education, it will become absurd. Despite attempts to modernize and pick'n choose parts of itself, religion in general and Christianity specifically is still based on a inherently flawed way of looking at the world. Religious people can function in modern society but they do so not because of their belief but in spite of them.
Christians should be arrested for disturbing public order. Just as I do not want naked men running around my children offering them candy, I also do not want Christians running around my children offering them bibles!

Your dignity, your life, and your mind.
I need some more sources before I'm willing to believe that Christianity really is growing that fast in China.

It's definitely growing, I know quite a few Chinese Christians here... but I don't think it's growing THAT fast.

If you want to see the crazy mess you get when you mix east asians and christianity just look to Korea. I remember news from a couple of years ago, where a korean girl was severely beaten by her pastor and her family for not attending church often enough.
Christians should be arrested for disturbing public order. Just as I do not want naked men running around my children offering them candy, I also do not want Christians running around my children offering them bibles! I put Christians on the same list of "undesirables" as rapists and street thugs, they're below even corrupt officials and prostitutes in my book.

Corrupt officials steal money, which can be made back.
Rapists, street thugs, and Christians steal things that can't be made back:

Your dignity, your life, and your mind.

Better yet with more science education, it will become absurd. Despite attempts to modernize and pick'n choose parts of itself, religion in general and Christianity specifically is still based on a inherently flawed way of looking at the world. Religious people can function in modern society but they do so not because of their belief but in spite of them.

I don't know if that will work.

America has some good Science education, but from what I have read, around 45% of all Americans believe in "Creationism"... and reject the theory of Evolution.

If my Doctor did not believe in Evolution (and if he thought the Earth was only 10 thousand years old)... then I would be very worried!
I don't know if that will work.

America has some good Science education, but from what I have read, around 45% of all Americans believe in "Creationism"... and reject the theory of Evolution.

You have to realize how poor public education is in parts of America. I've experience great schools in the US and some pretty poors ones. Besides half of those at the top research universities are often as not, Chinese Indian or of some other foreign origin.

If my Doctor did not believe in Evolution, I would be a bit worried!

If my doctor did not believe in evolution, I would see that as a definitive indicator that he/she has an inability to think objectively. That said, I have a few very very very religious friends who are dead smart, great at math, does super well in university and I wouldn't mind them as doctors. But I have a feeling that they would good kind people with or without religion.
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