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China successfully launches the heavy lift CZ-5 Y3 rocket, the 34th rocket launch in 2019

GS Zhou

Oct 10, 2015
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China successfully launches Long March-5 Y3

The third Long March-5 rocket, China's largest carrier rocket, was successfully launched from Wenchang Space Launch Center on Friday night.

Long March-5 Y3 was vertically transported to the launch center in south China's Hainan Province on December 21 ahead of the launch.

The rocket is vital to China's future space missions. It will be tasked with launching China's first Mars probe and sending the Chang'e-5 lunar probe to the moon to bring lunar samples back to Earth.

In addition, a modified version of the rocket, Long March-5B, will be used to construct China's space station.

Congratz China.
I wish so badly that Pakistan followed your footstep and focused on science instead of religion.
I agree with you but given the response we encountered for past few years in this forum. Your wish and hope are distant far. Worst of all, Pakistan is hijacked by a few countries dragging Pakistan down further.
A BIG Success today ! Congratulations China :china:

I have been impressed that they provided live coverage for such an important and potentially risky flight. What are your thoughts guys?

My thought is to congratulate China for a successful launch. I wish US could work together with China in space exploration for the betterment of humanity. But it won't happen under the infantile Trump.
A BIG Success today ! Congratulations China :china:

I have been impressed that they provided live coverage for such an important and potentially risky flight. What are your thoughts guys?
Every launching task is treated as political task, and CZ-5 Y3 this time is more than emphasized due to its importance and the former failure. The original launching time is mid 2019 but in order to confirm a 100% success rate the task got postponed to today.
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