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China sentences Canadian businessman Michael Spavor to 11 years for spying


Jul 14, 2017
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Canadian businessman Michael Spavor has been sentenced by a Chinese court to 11 years behind bars on espionage charges. Canadian observers criticised the ruling on August 11, 2021, as “hostage diplomacy” in retaliation for the arrest of a top Huawei executive. Spavor is one of two Canadians arrested in 2019, weeks after the detention of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada on a US extradition request. Spavor and former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig were arrested in the city of Dandong, near the North Korean border.
Spavor’s verdict was handed down one day after a Chinese High Court in Liaoning province upheld a death sentence for convicted Canadian drug trafficker Robert Schellenberg.
Just 11 years is no where near enough, they should have given him the death penalty especially since Meng is pretty much guaranteed to be deported to the US at this point so Spavor will be useless and should be disposed of, and take a couple of Americans in China instead and sentence them to death this way finally that could perhaps convince the US to give Meng back.
Any Canadian getting a shaft up his *** , is a good deed in my books.
For the next 11 years, we can humiliate the Canadian government by making fake news about his torture in prison on an irregular basis. :azn: :azn: :azn:

Canadian businessman Michael Spavor has been sentenced by a Chinese court to 11 years behind bars on espionage charges. Canadian observers criticised the ruling on August 11, 2021, as “hostage diplomacy” in retaliation for the arrest of a top Huawei executive. Spavor is one of two Canadians arrested in 2019, weeks after the detention of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada on a US extradition request. Spavor and former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig were arrested in the city of Dandong, near the North Korean border.
Spavor’s verdict was handed down one day after a Chinese High Court in Liaoning province upheld a death sentence for convicted Canadian drug trafficker Robert Schellenberg.
attention Pakistani judicial system:
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