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China seeks new military relationship with U.S. - Xinhua

David James

Aug 23, 2012
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China seeks new military relationship with U.S.

BEIJING, August 26 (Xinhuanet) -- The deputy chief of staff of China’s People’s Liberation Army has stressed the importance of developing a new type of military relationship with the United States. :woot::devil:

Cai Yingting is now on a visit to the United States. He says the two countries need to strive to implement the consensus reached between Chinese President Hu Jintao and his US counterpart Barack Obama on constructing a new type of relationship between big powers. It should based on mutual respect, equality, inclusiveness and mutual benefit.

Cai has met with senior US military and government officials, including US Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. They exchanged views on the issues of Taiwan, Tibet, the South China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands.

Carter says the US strategy in the Asia-Pacific region is not aimed at containing China and the US expects the two countries will continue to be partners. Cai emphasized that the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islands are an integral part of China’s territory.

Cai Yingting, deputy chief of gen. staff of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, said, "We would prefer to resolve conflicts through peace talks and negotiations. We strongly reject the claim that the Diaoyu Islands fall within the scope of the US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security. We hope the US will do something good to maintain regional peace and to maintain a good relationship between China and the US."

Xinhua is the official News Agency of the Govt. of China

China seeks new military relationship with U.S. - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China must be having trouble STEALING U.S. secrets.:rofl:

Would you rather see WW3 started over some uninhabitable islands. Talking is good.

claymore's comment is childish.

Those islands have strategic values. they can be used as the centers and circles of EEZs be drawn around them. They also adequately provide good linking spots for the japanese and yankies with the rest of their " island chain ".

What the Chinese top brass' visit is to send a message to the yanks: "keep the f*ck out of our business"!
I wish the Chinese would said that.

Nah China will never said that explicitly..but we will take parity measure to plan some kind of virus into US central command such as "Independant's day" movie...when you Americans can't defeat Aliens because of enemy invincibility with shielding technology, so you guys decide to fly to Alien's mothership and implant a virus...that's not a bad idea...what you think ?
If China doesnt break off dialogue the next time we sell aircraft to Taiwan, i'll start to believe it.
It is better face to face talking with the yankies so as to get their immeidate response instead of getting second hand diplomatic dialogues!

I wish the Chinese would said that.

If China doesnt break off dialogue the next time we sell aircraft to Taiwan, i'll start to believe it.

Chinese looks angry with your statement …looks like they cannot digest truth.

Typical cheerleading indians' childish antics on behalf of their boss are easy to understand!
The only military relationship between China and the US that I see is a necessity and can not do without is a manned hot line between the top commands of the two forces. Anything else is just a fantasy at this moment.
The deputy chief of staff of China’s People’s Liberation Army has stressed the importance of developing a new type of military relationship with the United States...based on mutual respect, equality, inclusiveness and mutual benefit.
In other words, China wants to be at the negotiating table as one of the guests or hosts, rather than one of the courses.

On the plus side, this is a welcome evolution in Chinese thinking: no more begging at the table pleading for aid, no more snide complaints about "unequal treaties".

On the minus side, China may be signaling not that it wants to sit at the table but to throw it over: a new effort at expansion, akin to the conquest of Tibet sixty years ago and the complete suppression of its native population due to pro-Han racist rule and the colonization efforts and mass transit links of the past decade. South China Sea today, Southeast Asia tomorrow, the rest of Siberia after that. Australia, anyone?
In other words, China wants to be at the negotiating table as one of the guests or hosts, rather than one of the courses.

On the plus side, this is a welcome evolution in Chinese thinking: no more begging at the table pleading for aid, no more snide complaints about "
unequal treaties"

you are talking about the likes of india, the philippines. We are americans' banker. you have been begging us for financial aid buying up your treasury

"unequal treaties" still exists. just as time will not wash out us' war crime in the middle east and elsewhere

On the minus side, China may be signaling not that it wants to sit at the table but to throw it over: a new effort at expansion, akin to the conquest of Tibet sixty years ago and the complete suppression of its native population due to pro-Han racist rule and the colonization efforts and mass transit links of the past decade. South China Sea today, Southeast Asia tomorrow, the rest of Siberia after that. Australia, anyone?

Xizang is as good a part of our territory as your new mexico, michigan, wyonming. Folks in Xizang as as good a part of us as the blacks and latinoes in america. SCS is not american's territory. STFU! Siberia is an issue amongst the ruskies, canada, yankies and nothern europe. the ozzies are on their own. what loads of cr@p are you talking!

The only military relationship between China and the US that I see is a necessity and can not do without is a manned hot line between the top commands of the two forces. Anything else is just a fantasy at this moment.

a hot line has been established. It is either a direct line between the 2 heads of states or the heads of military.
We are americans' banker. you have been begging us for financial aid buying up your treasury

You need them as much as they need you.
If you wouldnt be buying bonds, yuan would go up and owith it prices, which means more businesses migrating elsewhere, meaning less taxes, revenues for your beloved Cleptocracy Party.
You dont need all that, when there's already a slump caused by the sluggish eurozone. Youve had what 2% growth drop? And that's when me personally not feeling the effects of the crisis.
What if (heavens forbid) i have to stand in the soup lines organized by my failing government or charities. At what % you think you will be then? 1, 2?
You need them as much as they need you.
If you wouldnt be buying bonds, yuan would go up and owith it prices, which means more businesses migrating elsewhere, meaning less taxes, revenues for your beloved Cleptocracy Party.
You dont need all that, when there's already a slump caused by the sluggish eurozone. Youve had what 2% growth drop? And that's when me personally not feeling the effects of the crisis.
What if (heavens forbid) i have to stand in the soup lines organized by my failing government or charities. At what % you think you will be then? 1, 2?

we don't need jack from the Americans, they only buy 18% of our total exports.
We let the yuan rise, more domestic consumption increase due to higher purchasing power. We consume our own products.

We don't lend you that $1+ trillion, the American interest rates skyrocket. Then the fed prints money and buys bonds creating massive inflation in the dollar.

The banker controls everything in the relationship.
We can take our losses, you can't survive without our lending.

Btw the yuan has risen 30% since 2005, but we are still a manufacturing powerhouse.
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