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CHINA’S TOP KILLER, Able to deal the the U.S. Navy's Five AC Battle Groups


Jan 29, 2012
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Military strategy services political strategy, political strategy for the economic strategy, and economic strategies to the country’s economic base as the criterion, while the economic base determines the superstructure, including the National People’s Congress system and the military’s strength. Words can also turn narrative, and: the economic base determines the superstructure for the country’s economic strategy, which in turn determines the economic strategy toward political strategy, and political strategy in turn determines the direction of military strategy, military strategy is specifically manifested in military deployment and combat capabilities. Mo takes a national strategy has been a move, of course, has its purpose, one for survival, two for development. Survival did not mention a number of reasons, who knows; the other, the development is to advantage, passing, progress, and that white is better than it is now, at least not to be bullied.


The strategic direction of the U.S. has seriously damaged the interests of China and Russia, and China and Russia are both nuclear powers. That what means and China in exchange it? Is equivalent to the strategic interests of the United States is not, then it wanted to manufacture, who? Japan. Virtual carrying value of Japan, such as the limited hands-off of Japanese militarism, transfer from east line disputes, using the value of Japan in Asia to create harassment impede China’s development, manufacturing, the reality of the pressure on China and Russia, is to increase the exchange of chips, brought balance Iran suffered by the loss. But, Iran is Russia’s soft belly, is the energy of China’s development pipeline, which is the core problem; is a national core person must be taken into account. Due to the potential of the source situation and the war, can understand nothing good food in Japan, you can ignore, you can also Buda Li in the final analysis, Japan is nothing but the United States to “prop up”, which can only ever be a “prop” . Three-inch-long carp can not jump Dragon! Of any country’s development is inseparable from the strategic direction of an accurate, national self-esteem so that we can not require strong into decadence; to find the object on the look behind the scenes and try to find a knife on the foreground of the. Sometimes seizing and do not need to face the master!

From a purely military terms, we know that the United States occupies a huge advantage in this, the needle on the edge Let’s definitely a disadvantage, then let’s do how can reverse the troubling trends? The current strength of its own no matter how the space will not improve, can not sit back! Approach is to people who want out. Stratosphere NMR explosion to destroy the enemy space communications and reconnaissance navigation satellite systems possible? Certainly, in 2004 in Tibet, let’s have used laser technology to make its own experimental satellites are a failure, I would like to simulate the environment does have a unique bar; stratospheric NMR burst more competent, and no one will have a manned do not believe in heaven State can not do that; many ways in this area many articles, not 11 seen that. This results in what is it? Is the inter-blind, that is, equality, and that the U.S. already at a disadvantage in this regard. One can imagine that rely on information warfare domineering U.S. war machine, to see their data links have been cut off one’s taste is difficult to bear. Can use only the radar, reconnaissance aircraft and a number of electrical sensors, and in this regard let’s not an absolute weakness. Because the default near the battlefield in China, let’s strategic depth in the popular support and have unique advantages, but also share in the logistics unmatched odds. Relying on the United States can be used only in Japan, Guam, line, and to go through tens of thousands of kilometers of sea lines of transportation in order to achieve these transit bases can be smoothly, said another. Land-based on the United States in Japan and Guam that is more likely than a few bases in wartime, then the threat to regard the movement of aircraft carrier battle group, could come a few?
I would like to up to five, and why? Trouble east, and west can be something to please! Not how the west was proposed on the land-based base-ching, and the United States had to rely on aircraft carriers, at least to stay in four aircraft carrier battle group, the rest should defend its homeland and as a motor. So China is facing is the five aircraft carrier battle groups now living in hiding with land-based fighter. Normally I like some of the Anglo-American military network warfare, not long ago I read a senior U.S. military tribune-review, they discussed the outcome is this: within a decade if a conflict with China alone, an aircraft carrier battle group, fundamentally solve the problem also controls the can not be a large-scale military conflict with China, let alone in the Western Pacific can be assembled up to four aircraft carrier battle groups, because war level of development, I am afraid in the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean to the number of assembled aircraft carrier battle groups deployed in the Pacific than the quantity, battle took place in western China than the intensity of the strong over the western Pacific. Moreover, in the Western Pacific on the aircraft carrier battle group of the United States to bear the risk factor can be a very large presence in China’s offshore office here called “a very big risk factor” First, to the case of Chinese submarine threat, one aerial threat, it is The so-called air threat is what models do? I do not think that air superiority fighter, is a high-altitude high-speed high-efficient planes.

China wants to build a “killer”, a good “killer” if accompanied by a good knife, it has become a real top “killer.” Well, this is what the good knife? Is the long-range air to air missiles and long-range radiation missiles. Ultra-performance airborne radar and small bombs contained the development of phased array radar to lay the foundation for our success. All this makes a good knife has become a Mito, and then forge a “killer.” In fact, these messages could be from Russia and China’s desire to jointly develop long bombs, the United States frequently mentioned concerns the threat of air distance will be able to understand what the news!

Imagine the East China Sea unexpected events: a new economic space for eight aircraft with a knife, “the Western Hills Station” base 4 Division 10 HNA Group, Wuhu, “Wanli” bases empty three divisions, Huaining “big Yongsan” empty base 10 divisions, only the specific direction of the air combat force is powerful, engaging in a new raid on the three bases in eight have air superiority fighter, as after the pad, the basic insurable self-worry-free.
Over hyped it is not accurate article

You think information contained in links you provided are accurate posted in "business insider", really hilarious...

What sort of Tests being carried out by Author to dismiss DF Series as being over hyped and unsuccessful Weapons, enlighten us.

DF Series/Variants are Highly Capable Weapons-Systems, US-Russia Acknowledges, the sooner you accepted it.
Not the DF-21 again...

You think information contained in links you provided are accurate posted in "business insider", really hilarious...

What sort of Tests being carried out by Author to dismiss DF Series as being over hyped and unsuccessful Weapons, enlighten us.

DF Series/Variants are Highly Capable Weapons-Systems, US-Russia Acknowledges, the sooner you accepted it.
The more valid question is what tests performed by the claimant -- China -- to support the article's suppositions?
You think information contained in links you provided are accurate posted in "business insider", really hilarious...

What sort of Tests being carried out by Author to dismiss DF Series as being over hyped and unsuccessful Weapons, enlighten us.

DF Series/Variants are Highly Capable Weapons-Systems, US-Russia Acknowledges, the sooner you accepted it.

It was more the article in the Diplomat which I was referring to.

This complicated “kill chain” provides a number of opportunities to defeat the attack. For example, over-the-horizon radars used to detect ships can be jammed, spoofed, or destroyed; smoke and other obscurants can be deployed when an imagery satellite, which follows a predictable orbit, is passing over a formation of ships; the mid-course updates can be jammed; and when the missile locks on to the target its seeker can be jammed or spoofed. Actually intercepting the missile is probably the most difficult thing to do. The SM-3 has an exoatmospheric kill vehicle, meaning that it can only intercept the missile during mid-course, when it’s traveling through space, so an Aegis ship escorting the target would have to fire its SM-3 almost immediately in order to intercept the missile before it reentered the atmosphere, or else there would have to be an Aegis ship positioned right under the flight path of the missile. The DF-21D may be equipped with decoys that are deployed in mid-course, making the SM-3’s job harder. U.S. Aegis ships are also equipped with the SM-2 Block 4 missile, which is capable of intercepting missiles within the atmosphere, but the DF-21D warhead will be performing some high-G maneuvers, which may make it impossible for the SM-2 Block 4 to successfully intercept it.

How all this would work in reality is impossible to know in advance. Even after China has tested its missile against an actual ship, it won’t have tested it against one employing the full range of countermeasures that a U.S. ship would throw at it and, as you say, the U.S. Navy will never have tested its defenses against such an attack. Somebody is likely to be surprised and disappointed, but there is no way of knowing who

There is various countermeasures that could be adopted explained in this video such as jamming or tricking the missile into thinking the Aircraft carrier is located somewhere else.
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Holy crap, what is the source for this, it is barely legible terrible english! Did the poster translate this using google or something or is this self made?

Either way I struggle to find any credibility in this purely on the lack of professionalism alone. I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi, but it's really really noticeable.
All these are overrated achievements which China would like to make and US would like to have them. It is false sense of security and confidence which Chinese are having. US is not altering its its position on DF-21 because they know missile's capability and their own countermeasures to shoot it down in flight or the ground before it takes the flight. If US acts to fast to tell the Chinese that the countermeasures are ready then Chinese would send another bunch of spies to figure out the counter measure and build a still better missile, hence US unlike the Cold War are keeping mum.

I will much more surprised if DF-21 could strike a five acre airfield on the move on high sees within 100 miles of it. Let alone 10 miles. Forget countermeasures.

It is much more advisable to keep mum.

Also keep these Chinese propaganda maker away. They are party men as part of psychological warfare. They ply forums like this to scare people into believing falsehood.
All these are overrated achievements which China would like to make and US would like to have them. It is false sense of security and confidence which Chinese are having. US is not altering its its position on DF-21 because they know missile's capability and their own countermeasures to shoot it down in flight or the ground before it takes the flight. If US acts to fast to tell the Chinese that the countermeasures are ready then Chinese would send another bunch of spies to figure out the counter measure and build a still better missile, hence US unlike the Cold War are keeping mum.

I will much more surprised if DF-21 could strike a five acre airfield on the move on high sees within 100 miles of it. Let alone 10 miles. Forget countermeasures.

It is much more advisable to keep mum.

Also keep these Chinese propaganda maker away. They are party men as part of psychological warfare. They ply forums like this to scare people into believing falsehood.

lol you know what the funny part is? the Chinese government has never ever said anything to the tune of the existence of the missile, infact the initial news can from the west and the chinese media merely picked up those stories. thus according to your indian logic, china is keeping mum because they are already past the DF-21 and have something much better already developed because they already know the capabilities of the counter measures.

ah indians, cant develop even a bullet for themselves and their making fun of chinese developments.
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