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China remains as the world's largest gold trading market


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
China remains as the largest gold trading market
July 13, 2015



As Shanghai Gold Exchange reveals, its total turnover of the first half year of 2015 has year-on-year growth of 151 percent with volumes of transaction on gold and silver keeping climbing up. Till now, China has been the largest gold trading market for 8 years.

Statistics show that the total volume of transactions for the first half of 2015 at Shanghai Gold Exchange has a year-on-year growth of 139 percent. The volume of transaction on gold is 17,520 tons with a 166 percent growth rate, and the volume of transaction on silver 380,000 tons with a growth rate of 151 percent.

As the one and only national legal gold exchange market set up by People's Bank of China, Shanghai Gold Exchange has globally been the largest gold exchange market for 8 years. Its status and rank have been rising, and now it is marching forward as an important world market for precious metal exchange.

The vice general manager of Shanghai Gold Exchange Shen Gang notes that China has great market demands for gold, and under RMB internationalization and the boost from the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center, China now is qualified to set up its own pricing mechanisms of gold RMB, and it is planned to be released to the public by the end of this year.

@Jlaw :)
Shen Gang notes that China has great market demands for gold, and under RMB internationalization and the boost from the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center, China now is qualified to set up its own pricing mechanisms of gold RMB

Word. Im a bit of a gold bug myself having purchased .9999% gold bouillion. Also a big investor in silver coins/bars. You know you have to diversify, can't just rely on the stock market ;) where virtual shares exchange hands every day. I can tell you from the north American perspective, gold have been kept artificially low by the people who is selling paper shares of gold (the GLD of the world). Gold gold reached an all-time high of $1921.50 per oz on Sept 6 2011 but have declined due to manipulation.

I think what has been happening is countries like China have been buying gold and padding its reserves for years. This will likely continue into the future.

China Buys More Gold Than The World Produces - Forbes
Word. Im a bit of a gold bug myself having purchased .9999% gold bouillion. Also a big investor in silver coins/bars. You know you have to diversify, can't just rely on the stock market ;) where virtual shares exchange hands every day. I can tell you from the north American perspective, gold have been kept artificially low by the people who is selling paper shares of gold (the GLD of the world). Gold gold reached an all-time high of $1921.50 per oz on Sept 6 2011 but have declined due to manipulation.

I think what has been happening is countries like China have been buying gold and padding its reserves for years. This will likely continue into the future.

China Buys More Gold Than The World Produces - Forbes

I knew you were into gold so wanted to share it and let you know :partay:

Best of luck :D
Word. Im a bit of a gold bug myself having purchased .9999% gold bouillion. Also a big investor in silver coins/bars. You know you have to diversify, can't just rely on the stock market ;) where virtual shares exchange hands every day. I can tell you from the north American perspective, gold have been kept artificially low by the people who is selling paper shares of gold (the GLD of the world). Gold gold reached an all-time high of $1921.50 per oz on Sept 6 2011 but have declined due to manipulation.

I think what has been happening is countries like China have been buying gold and padding its reserves for years. This will likely continue into the future.

China Buys More Gold Than The World Produces - Forbes

US has been manipulating the gold market through the gold futures in the COMEX to support the dollar. High gold price shows the dollar is losing value which is bad for the dollar as a store of value. Everyone knows the role the dollar plays in American dominance. Without the dollar having a big market share in usage, American power will be finished.

By suppressing the price of gold, it allows China to accumulate gold at lower prices.

IMO China will continue to buy gold while developing the gold futures and gold-fix in Shanghai to break the monopoly of the gold pricing power of the US and UK.
US has been manipulating the gold market through the gold futures in the COMEX to support the dollar. High gold price shows the dollar is losing value which is bad for the dollar as a store of value. Everyone knows the role the dollar plays in American dominance. Without the dollar having a big market share in usage, American power will be finished.

By suppressing the price of gold, it allows China to accumulate gold at lower prices.

IMO China will continue to buy gold while developing the gold futures and gold-fix in Shanghai to break the monopoly of the gold pricing power of the US and UK.
China is buying a lot of gold now at $1200/oz is a good price. Prices will increase once they accumulate more and once the "Chinese COMEX" is ready.

People are funny. In my local bouillon store there are not a lot of people buying gold and silver now because prices are low. During 2011 the place was packed as people were buying gold and silver at all time high prices. The same thing with the stock market.
Word. Im a bit of a gold bug myself having purchased .9999% gold bouillion. Also a big investor in silver coins/bars. You know you have to diversify, can't just rely on the stock market ;) where virtual shares exchange hands every day. I can tell you from the north American perspective, gold have been kept artificially low by the people who is selling paper shares of gold (the GLD of the world). Gold gold reached an all-time high of $1921.50 per oz on Sept 6 2011 but have declined due to manipulation.

I think what has been happening is countries like China have been buying gold and padding its reserves for years. This will likely continue into the future.

China Buys More Gold Than The World Produces - Forbes

You prefer to hold gold in physical form, or ETF?
Yes. Now please exit the thread before you are buried under the relentless artillery fire of toilet/poverty/rape:)

I explained long before with some of your flager about the situation so u don't worry
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