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China-Pakistan Deal Highlights Waning U.S. Influence In Region

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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China's President is pledging to invest $46 billion in a corridor across Pakistan linking China with the Middle East. Some analysts say this signifies a decline in America's influence in the region.


Game-changer is the term being used to describe the state visit by China's President Xi Jinping to Pakistan. President Xi left today after signing off on investment projects worth tens of billions of dollars. NPR's Philip Reeves reports on what this means for Pakistan's other historic ally and funder, the United States. He sent this report from Pakistan's capital, Islamabad.

PHILIP REEVES, BYLINE: Xi Jinping today became the first Chinese president to address a joint session of Pakistan's parliament.


PRESIDENT XI JINPING: (Through interpreter) Ministers, members of the parliament, ladies and gentlemen.

REEVES: He received a standing ovation. You'd expect nothing less for a man promising $45 billion. China's an old friend of Pakistan, a supplier of nuclear know-how and most of its conventional weapons. But this is new. The scale of the commitments made by President Xi in his two-day visit to Islamabad dwarfs the sums poured into Pakistan by the U.S. over the last few years. You could argue this means that after drawing down forces from neighboring Afghanistan, the U.S. is now being edged out of this part of the world by China. You'd be wrong, says Sherry Rehman, a former Pakistan ambassador to the U.S.

SHERRY REHMAN: Looking at Pakistan and the United States and China in some kind of zero-sum equation is very last-century. It's a view that really was prevalent during the Cold War.

REEVES: Andrew Small, author of the book "The China-Pakistan Axis," says the U.S. has actually been encouraging China to ramp up its investment in Pakistan, hoping this will help stabilize the region, Afghanistan included.

ANDREW SMALL: So in broad terms, I think this is a development that the United States is actually pretty supportive of.

REEVES: There are certainly plenty of reasons for the U.S. to stay engaged in the neighborhood. These include keeping an eye on Pakistan's growing arsenal of nuclear weapons, its potentially perilous relationship with its nuclear-armed foe India and the continuing threat posed by Islamist extremism. Sherry Rehman, again.

REHMAN: The region is still pivotal for the United States. So I think there are calculations to be made based on lessons learned from the past - where interventions work and where they don't. So I don't think the United States is going to repeat the mistakes of the past in terms of completely averting its gaze from the region.

REEVES: Many of the billions promised by President Xi are for the development of a corridor running from western China, down Pakistan to the port of Gwadar on the Arabian Sea. This is part of a grand plan by China to create a network of routes linking it with the Middle East, Africa and Europe. China has announced multibillion investments in Pakistan before, only to hand over a fraction of the funds. It's hard to build things in a country blighted by corruption, bad governance, insurgents and regular political crises.

Andrew Small says there's good reason to be skeptical about President Xi's 45 billion, but adds that China's very deeply committed to its so-called Silk Road expansion plans. Small thinks this time there's a better chance Beijing will follow through.

SMALL: I wouldn't be surprised if a large chunk of these resources didn't eventually turn into projects, and that would still to add up to a significant sum of new investment for Pakistan, even if only a quarter of the final figure eventually came through.

REEVES: For China, key trade routes and big bucks are at stake. That's why it's now getting more involved in pushing for peace in a region wrecked by wars. Philip Reeves, NPR News, Islamabad.

China-Pakistan Deal Highlights Waning U.S. Influence In Region : NPR
Right on target. i already notified that it is Iran's move to counter usa+wahabis in Pakistan. there is no other soft option to undo the usa+wahabi grip over Pakistan.

saudi puppet india and wahabi terrorists will resist.
Right on target. i already notified that it is Iran's move to counter usa+wahabis in Pakistan. there is no other soft option to undo the usa+wahabi grip over Pakistan.

saudi puppet india and wahabi terrorists will resist.
and so will Irani shia
and so will Irani shia

that is China. we will counter wahabis when needed.

petro powered wahabism will pack up and sunni-shia with other minorities will live in peace as per previous.
Right on target. i already notified that it is Iran's move to counter usa+wahabis in Pakistan. there is no other soft option to undo the usa+wahabi grip over Pakistan.

saudi puppet india and wahabi terrorists will resist.
are you sure you can call others... puppet
are you sure you can call others... puppet

ofcourse. puppet can call other puppet.

india is a puppet of saudi and kargil war exposed it. opening up of shiachen front and all wars it imposed on pak on saudi behalf. next decade will provide documentatry proofs.
@Horus @Irfan Baloch @Windjammer @Chinese-Dragon ...
the Needle that stinks badly to USA and other western countries....this would be a game changer,,, as this route could later on can be utilize by Russia and other land locked Central Asian Countries...
America cant careless.it has the entire sea front covered.

Pakistan and USA are allies and China and USA trade runs in billions.
the countries that have real issue and hurt are some of our Brother Arab countries (not Iran) and India. Not Iran because it has no say and no freedom due to crippling economic sanctions and limited outreach.
ofcourse. puppet can call other puppet.

india is a puppet of saudi and kargil war exposed it. opening up of shiachen front and all wars it imposed on pak on saudi behalf. next decade will provide documentatry proofs.
so your real enemy saudi...India is just Saudi's puppet :D
America cant careless.it has the entire sea front covered.

Pakistan and USA are allies and China and USA trade runs in billions.
the countries that have real issue and hurt are some of our Brother Arab countries (not Iran) and India. Not Iran because it has no say and no freedom due to crippling economic sanctions and limited outreach.

Please tell me more jokes...
America cant careless.it has the entire sea front covered.

Pakistan and USA are allies and China and USA trade runs in billions.
the countries that have real issue and hurt are some of our Brother Arab countries (not Iran) and India. Not Iran because it has no say and no freedom due to crippling economic sanctions and limited outreach.

currently in the changing equations no one knows who is who. Only time will reveal once camel sits on its knees. If china is able to foil indian+wahabi terror in Pakistan then things will begin to change very fast and in favour of Pakistan. but it is a long road to go.
ofcourse. puppet can call other puppet.

india is a puppet of saudi and kargil war exposed it. opening up of shiachen front and all wars it imposed on pak on saudi behalf. next decade will provide documentatry proofs.
Please provide proofs to your stupid claims

that is China. we will counter wahabis when needed.

petro powered wahabism will pack up and sunni-shia with other minorities will live in peace as per previous.
You seem to be very confident about Irani influence.
even though i m yet to see any border incident with Arabs as it was done with Irani
Please provide proofs to your stupid claims
You seem to be very confident about Irani influence.
even though i m yet to see any border incident with Arabs as it was done with Irani

history carriers all proofs and all know it is time for change. not even a single strategist oppose this idea. those who will not will perish.
history carriers all proofs and all know it is time for change. not even a single strategist oppose this idea. those who will not will perish.
dont give me philosophical shit !
either you come up with convincing proof or admit that youre nothing more than emotional brat
America cant careless.it has the entire sea front covered.

Pakistan and USA are allies and China and USA trade runs in billions.
the countries that have real issue and hurt are some of our Brother Arab countries (not Iran) and India. Not Iran because it has no say and no freedom due to crippling economic sanctions and limited outreach.

I agree. I have seen some Americans too act very paranoid regarding this development. There is really no need to view this Chinese investment through such a narrow prism.

Pak US relations are in tact just like China US relations are. Pakistan and the US are not allies though. This is a relationship of necessity and nothing more. I would like to define the relation between the US and China in a similar fashion.

This deal is simply logical and bound to happen. Pakistan and China are two natural regional allies who want to work together on the economical and security front. People should view this development in that context only. There is no conspiracy nor harm meant against anyone. The paranoia by some people is unjustified.
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