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China, other Asian nations angry over embassy spy reports

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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China, other Asian nations angry over embassy spy reports
Published 2013-10-31 13:48:37
SYDNEY: China and Southeast Asian governments demanded an explanation from the US and its allies on Thursday following media reports that American and Australian embassies in the region were being used as hubs for Washington's secret electronic data collection program.

The reports come amid an international outcry over allegations the US has spied on the telephone communications of as many as 35 foreign leaders.

A document from National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, published this week by German magazine Der Spiegel, describes a signals intelligence program called ''Stateroom'' in which US, British, Australian and Canadian embassies secretly house surveillance equipment to collect electronic communications.

Those countries, along with New Zealand, have an intelligence-sharing agreement known as ''Five Eyes.''

''China is severely concerned about the reports, and demands a clarification and explanation,'' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

Australia's Fairfax media reported Thursday that the Australian embassies involved are in Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, Beijing and Dili in East Timor; and High Commissions in Kuala Lumpur and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

The Fairfax report, based on the Der Spiegel document and an interview with an anonymous former intelligence officer, said those embassies are being used to intercept phone calls and internet data across Asia.

In a statement, Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said his government ''cannot accept and strongly protests the news of the existence of wiretapping facilities at the US Embassy in Jakarta.''

''It should be emphasized that if confirmed, such action is not only a breach of security, but also a serious breach of diplomatic norms and ethics, and certainly not in tune with the spirit of friendly relations between nations,'' he said.

The Snowden document said the surveillance equipment is concealed, including antennas that are ''sometimes hidden in false architectural features or roof maintenance sheds.''

Des Ball, a top Australian intelligence expert, stated he had personally seen covert antennas in five of the embassies named in the Fairfax report.

He declined to go into further detail or specify which embassies those were. However, Ball said what Der Spiegel has revealed is hardly surprising or uncommon.

Many countries have routinely used embassies as bases to covertly listen in on phone calls, and reports of such surveillance have been public for decades, he said.

''We use embassies to pick up stuff that we can't pick up from ground stations here in Australia — and lots of countries do that,'' said Ball, a professor with the Australian National University's Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.

According to the Snowden document, the spying sites are small in size and staff.

''They are covert, and their true mission is not known by the majority of the diplomatic staff at the facility where they are assigned,'' it said.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade declined to comment on the reports. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said only that the government had not broken any laws.

''Every Australian governmental agency, every Australian official, at home and abroad, operates in accordance with the law,'' Abbott told reporters. ''And that's the assurance that I can give people.''

Still, there was predictable outrage in the countries named in the document.

Malaysian Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said his government viewed the allegations as a serious matter and would investigate whether the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur was being used for spying.

The country's opposition party issued a statement Thursday urging the Malaysian government to lodge a protest with both the US and Australian embassies.

Thailand's National Security Council Secretary-General, Lt. Gen. Paradorn Pattanathabutr, said the government told the US that spying was a crime under Thai laws, and that Thailand would not cooperate if asked to help eavesdrop.

Asked about the Australian embassy allegations, he said Australians are not capable of doing such sophisticated surveillance work.

''When it comes to technology and mechanics, the US is more resourceful and more advanced than Australia,'' he said.

''So I can say that it is not true that the Australian embassy will be used as a communications hub for spying.''
Has the NSA gone rogue?


(CNN) -- The National Security Agency scandal keeps getting juicier. Recent revelations, triggered by ex-NSA employee Eric Snowden's earlier disclosures, indicate that the National Security Agency not only collects volumes of metadata about the phone numbers people use, it routinely stores the contents of phone conversations, text messages, e-mails and Internet activity.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney explains that the collection of all of this information is crucial, because NSA staffers cannot know what bits of it will turn out to be relevant to a counterterrorist investigation.

In fact, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has agreed with that argument in approving bulk collection of American as well as foreign metadata for the past seven years. And if metadata must be stored for this purpose, it is an easy step from there to conclude that the contents of communications must be stored as well.

The key question then becomes when the NSA may "query" or identify the source of the metadata it has stored and read the communications it has collected. The NSA reports that it conducts queries of metadata only when it has a "reasonable, articulable" suspicion that a number is linked to a foreign threat that has been identified as such by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Section 703 of the Patriot Act, as amended in 2008, limits looking at the contents of a communication to situations where the court has found probable cause to believe that information about a foreign threat will be revealed.

Although one could ask for more oversight, this isn't a bad set of legal safeguards. If they were followed, the European naysayers about the NSA's exploits would not be so hot under the collar.

Many countries besides the United States collect and analyze electronic communications for national security purposes. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that France and Spain helped our surveillance efforts by handing over phone records they collected on their citizens. Illustrated by the ease with which this spying took place, these countries impose fewer limitations on their surveillance activities than we do.

The real question is whether we follow those limitations. Although the NSA may not conduct queries or examine content unless it or a court determines that "national security" is at stake, national security is apparently at stake quite often, if the recent reports about monitoring hundreds of thousands of foreigners' calls as well as the calls of foreign leaders are true.

American journalist Glenn Greenwald, the principal conduit for Snowden's revelations, even claims that the NSA is as interested in economic intelligence as it is in exposing terrorist plots. He offers as evidence documents showing that the U.S. has spied on conferences about negotiating economic agreements and on oil companies and ministries that oversee mines and energy resources.

This may be the real reason European leaders are so incensed. Surveillance of terrorists is fine and probably can help them quite a bit. But surveillance of politicians and capitalists crosses boundaries that they might think should not be crossed, at least unless and until their intelligence agencies can do it as well as and as often as the U.S. can.

In the meantime, Congress should get serious about making sure the NSA abides by the laws it has enacted.
Actually this spying affair is starting to worry me as i work as a computering man.

When i think that all my work can be stolen by the americans, i think it just sucks
Yankees are terrorists. I thought they were worse than the Nazis, but now the only comparable to the Yankees are terrorists.

The behaviour of their regime is similar to the behaviour of a terrorist network.
Actually this spying affair is starting to worry me as i work as a computering man.

When i think that all my work can be stolen by the americans, i think it just sucks

Hey we are doing the best we can. Can't compete with the Russians.
I might stop coming to this site or any **** sites. Man, I feel I'm being peeped, so creepy.
In a survey conducted by the tagesschau (Germany's most influential and reputed news show), over 96 % of Germans think that Merkel should thank Snowden. That means an overwhelming majority of Germans are angry at the USA. In fact, most Germans don't see the US as a friend or partner anymore, but rather as an enemy.

It's about time we kick the GIs out of Germany and close all US spying facilities on our soil!
In a survey conducted by the tagesschau (Germany's most influential and reputed news show), over 96 % of Germans think that Merkel should thank Snowden. That means an overwhelming majority of Germans are angry at the USA. In fact, most Germans don't see the US as a friend or partner anymore, but rather as an enemy.

It's about time we kick the GIs out of Germany and close all US spying facilities on our soil!

I'll support you on this from the US. WWII is over. Its time to end the US occupation of Germany and Japan. Bring home the troops. America need to take to take care of itself rather than waste all the money guarding other countries.
US government declared hacking an act of war, then wonders off to hack its allies :lol:
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