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China just confiscated a dozen Terrex arm'd vehicles! on rout to Taiwan

Update : Looks like these are Singapore army armoured personnel carriers being sent back to Singapore from Taiwan . Singapore has stationed a detachment of army in Taiwan for training purpose.

Due to shortage of training grounds, Singapore has sent their armed forces to US, Australia, Taiwan etc for training.
Update : Looks like these are Singapore army armoured personnel carriers being sent back to Singapore from Taiwan . Singapore has stationed a detachment of army in Taiwan for training purpose.

Due to shortage of training grounds, Singapore has sent their armed forces to US, Australia, Taiwan etc for training.
Do you think Taiwan would make such a stupid mistake?

Its an attempt to smuggled weapons to pro independent forces by Taiwan.
The invasion of Hong Kong has started.
Do you think Taiwan would make such a stupid mistake?

Its an attempt to smuggled weapons to pro independent forces by Taiwan.
The invasion of Hong Kong has started.

These Terrex apc belonged to Singapore Army, they were used by Singapore's Starlight detachment 星光部队stationed on leased training ground in Taiwan.






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Do you think China will just (1) confiscate; (2) impose some fine (SIN loves fine) or (3) forgive and release these early Santa gift parcels? :-)

Any news update?
Do you think China will just (1) confiscate; (2) impose some fine (SIN loves fine) or (3) forgive and release these early Santa gift parcels? :-)

Any news update?

Our Hong Kong Police force is already very well equipped, we have no use for such defence equipment, so we'll probably just melt it down into slag.

Next time they should get a permit.
China communist leaders ideology and thinking is leading into an IMPERIALIST POWER. The Silk Road enunciated by Chinese leaders is similar to British EAST INDIA COMPANY: first go for a trading post, get involved in placing a Ruler of State friendly to one's country and little by little annex it by political or economic means : eventually becomes China's client state.
China communist leaders ideology and thinking is leading into an IMPERIALIST POWER. The Silk Road enunciated by Chinese leaders is similar to British EAST INDIA COMPANY: first go for a trading post, get involved in placing a Ruler of State friendly to one's country and little by little annex it by political or economic means : eventually becomes China's client state.
whats wrong with that?

even the mod here has stated b4 that China's core characteristic is that of an imperialistic power0 of which i agree with.

The question is how these imperialistic aims are achieved and at many times- done so positively.
Hopefully the government of Lee Hsien Loong will learn its hard lesson, and be aware that China is not a paper dragon! The much Anglo-inclined Merlion State (esp. its banana-look ruling elites) may feel like a shiny star all the ways among the S.E.A. neighborhood yet it's merely a "red dot" within the largest continent... knowing well oneself is the first right step in behaving and acting properly and safely!


Hong Kong seizure of armoured vehicles has taught us a lesson, Singapore’s defence chief says

Ng Eng Hen also says without elaborating that the Singapore city state has changed its practices to protect its assets

By Shirley Zhao - SCMP, 2016-12-31


The Singapore military had learned a lesson from the seizure of its armoured vehicles by the Hong Kong authorities and had changed its practices to protect its assets, the country’s defence minister said on Friday in a Facebook post.

In the post, titled 2016 – A Look Back, Ng Eng Hen described the episode as “a low point in 2016 from the defence perspective”.

“The [Singapore armed forces] will learn from this episode and has already changed its practices to better protect our assets,” Ng said, without revealing details.

“But all of us are of course upset that the Terrexes, our property, have not been returned to Singapore.”

Watch: What’s going on with the Singaporean military vehicles seized in Hong Kong?

(Watch the flash video at the SCMP site)

Ng said the Singapore government had been working “at all levels” to bring the vehicles back “quietly and out of the limelight where it is more effective”.

Ng added that he would disclose more details during the next parliamentary sitting.

The nine armoured vehicles, which are being kept at the customs cargo examination facility in Tuen Mun, were found by Hong Kong customs on November 23 in 12 containers which were on their way to Singapore from the Taiwanese port of Kaohsiung without the required permits.


The vehicles, which were not “specifically” declared in the cargo manifest, had been used in a military exercise in Taiwan. It was Hong Kong’s biggest seizure of “strategic commodities” in two decades.

Ng called on the military not to lose focus or “allow this one issue to dominate all else”. He also urged fellow Singaporeans not to lose confidence in the country’s sovereignty.

“We are a sovereign and independent country, and we will chart our own future,” he said.

Ng reaffirmed that the country’s relations with others such as the United States, China and India remained strong and healthy.

“We may not see eye to eye on every issue, but that is the norm of bilateral relations between any two independent and sovereign nations,” he said.

“More importantly, with these countries, both sides value the mutual benefits that arise from strong bilateral ties and want to enhance these ties, not make them worse.”

Singapore was rebuked by Beijing for maintaining military ties with Taiwan, which Beijing considers a breakaway province.

In response to the city state’s demand for an explanation, Beijing reiterated on December 7 its call for Singapore to respect the one-China policy and abide by Hong Kong law.

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