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China Is Spying on RIMPAC


May 29, 2014
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United States
China has sent an electronic surveillance ship to spy on the Rim of the Pacific maritime exercise, the U.S. Navy has announced.

On Friday, USNI News reported that a Dongdiao-class auxiliary general intelligence (AGI) ship arrived in waters right near the exercise just days before it began. According to USNI News, which quoted unnamed sources, that the ship is “designed to gather electronic and communication data from surrounding vessels and aircraft.”

The U.S. Pacific Command refused to confirm the exact type of ship that China had sent, or speculate about its purpose. However, Capt. Darryn James, a spokesman for U.S. Pacific Fleet, told USNI News on Friday: “The U.S. Pacific Fleet has been monitoring a Chinese navy surveillance ship operating in the vicinity of Hawaii outside U.S. territorial seas…. We expect this ship will remain outside of U.S. territorial seas and not operate in a manner that disrupts the ongoing Rim of the Pacific maritime exercise.”

As The Diplomat has previously reported, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is participating in RIMPAC, the world’s largest naval exercise, for the first time this year. According to news reports, China has the second largest fleet at the exercise after the U.S. (and not counting, the uninvited AGI). According to Bloomberg Businessweek, it is comprised of the missile destroyer Haikou, the missile frigate Yueyang, the supply vessel Qiandaohu, the Peace Ark hospital ship, two helicopters and a dive unit, along with 1,100 personnel.

China sent a similar AGI ship to spy on RIMPAC last time it was held in 2012. It wasn’t an official participant in the exercise that time around.

On Saturday, Capt. James– the U.S. Pacific Fleet spokesperson– sought to downplay the presence of the ship. “It has not entered the territorial seas of the U.S. and it is in accordance with international law regarding freedom of navigation,” Capt. James said in a statement released to the Wall Street Journal. He explained that the ship was in Hawaii’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The U.S. maintains that freedom of navigation for all international ships extend to countries’ EEZs, and it has long maintained ships inside China’s EEZ.

While noting that China had not informed the U.S. that the ship would be deployed there beforehand, Capt. James said, “We are not surprised that it’s here…. We’ve taken all precautions necessary to protect our critical information.”

China’s Ministry of Defense also told the Wall Street Journal that the PLA’s ships respect international law. “China respects the rights enjoyed by all relevant coastal states under international law, and hopes that relevant countries respect the rights enjoyed by Chinese ships according to the law.” Beijing has long opposed U.S. Navy operations within its own EEZ.

China Is Spying on RIMPAC | The Diplomat
Why is there a concern over China being there, when the site for RIMPAC says The People's Republic of China is part of the 22 nations involved in this exercise?
Normally I wouldn't mind since the US operates electronic surveillance ships near China, but considering that China was offered a friendly invitation to their first RIMPAC exercise, I consider this move to be in particularly poor taste. I hope our naval leadership gives significant thought for this being the first and last time that China gets to participate in RIMPAC.
Normally I wouldn't mind since the US operates electronic surveillance ships near China, but considering that China was offered a friendly invitation to their first RIMPAC exercise, I consider this move to be in particularly poor taste. I hope our naval leadership gives significant thought for this being the first and last time that China gets to participate in RIMPAC.
Don't read too much into it, the US is doing just as much intel gathering as China is. Why do you think the US even extended the invitation to China? It certainly wasn't because the US wants China to be it's best friend.
Normally I wouldn't mind since the US operates electronic surveillance ships near China, but considering that China was offered a friendly invitation to their first RIMPAC exercise, I consider this move to be in particularly poor taste. I hope our naval leadership gives significant thought for this being the first and last time that China gets to participate in RIMPAC.
Response "What is the differce between using an AGI and equipping a vessel already a part of the maritime exercise with the same equipment? Two years ago an AGI was there and they were invited to the exercise this year."

"If the US does it to China; why is China not allowed to do it to the US?"
Response "What is the differce between using an AGI and equipping a vessel already a part of the maritime exercise with the same equipment? Two years ago an AGI was there and they were invited to the exercise this year."

This vessel was not invited to RIMPAC.
Don't read too much into it, the US is doing just as much intel gathering as China is. Why do you think the US even extended the invitation to China? It certainly wasn't because the US wants China to be it's best friend.
I'm well aware of that, but this invitation was a gesture of good faith. If this is how the Chinese are going to behave, I see no reason to invite them to future RIMPACs.
Why is it such a big deal ? Again, 2 years ago an AGI was spotted. It is acknowledged the US does the same to China.
Wasn't China complaining about not being invited a couple years ago? An now they finally receive a friendly invitation, and they still send an uninvited surveillance vessel. I don't see how that is acceptable behavior from the Chinese. They seem to be a country that will shake your hand, and then reach into your pocket with the other.
What if another vessel that was invited was using this equipment? Would this make a difference? I am sure the other naval vessels coming have surveillance equipment. So why is China being fingered for something that is A. In their Oceans as well as the United States. B. Was there two years ago. C. Was intercepted and being monitored by a vessel that does the same thing.

Wasn't China complaining about not being invited a couple years ago? An now they finally receive a friendly invitation, and they still send an uninvited surveillance vessel. I don't see how that is acceptable behavior from the Chinese. They seem to be a country that will shake your hand, and then reach into your pocket with the other.
Last time I checked China already holds a good bit of the United States debt. I think the United States is in their pockets right now. So I don't get where you are coming from? It is a known fact that both countries use spy vessels. A spy vessel caught the spy vessel. So again, the point you are making is???
I'm well aware of that, but this invitation was a gesture of good faith. If this is how the Chinese are going to behave, I see no reason to invite them to future RIMPACs.
Which is why the decision isn't up to you. This gesture was not of good will at all, this is to measure other navy's strengths and weaknesses.

It's basically an understood thing that there would be spying going on here, do for one second think the US isn't doing the same.
It absolutely was a gesture of goodwill. We're not required to invite Chinese ships to our exercises. If the Chinese are going to spy, they can do so as uninvited guests. We're going to have to agree to disagree.
Normally I wouldn't mind since the US operates electronic surveillance ships near China, but considering that China was offered a friendly invitation to their first RIMPAC exercise, I consider this move to be in particularly poor taste. I hope our naval leadership gives significant thought for this being the first and last time that China gets to participate in RIMPAC.

:lol::lol::lol: With U.S there is no such thing call gesture of good faith especially that we're labeled by American as strategical competitor, between China-US only interest count there is no friendship nor morality, we Chineses have learn that from Americans.

And dont flattered yourself, Chinese participation was nothing but a jok, we only allowed to take the back seat while U.S with their allies such Japan, Korea, Autralia toke the front seat for real training, we're not treated as main guest but 2nd or 3th class citizen on this show, we still shamelessly participated because we want learn how to organize and coordinate the massive fleets...so in the future if we ever want to organize a similar show, we will know to do it...at that time we will return Americans the same favor.;)
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And dont flattered yourself, Chinese participation was nothing but a jok, we only allowed to take the back seat while U.S with their allies such Japan, Korea, Autralia toke the front seat for real training, we're not treated as main guest but 2nd or 3th class citizen on this show, we still shamelessly participated because we want learn how to organize and coordinate the massive fleets...so in the future if we ever want to organize a similar show, we will know to do it...at that time we will return Americans the same favor.;)
Now YOU do not flatter yourself. :lol:

What the hell does the PLAN have to offer US in terms of experience and learning new tactics ? Zilch-O.
Normally I wouldn't mind since the US operates electronic surveillance ships near China, but considering that China was offered a friendly invitation to their first RIMPAC exercise, I consider this move to be in particularly poor taste. I hope our naval leadership gives significant thought for this being the first and last time that China gets to participate in RIMPAC.

You obviously can only comprehend 1 side of every story. The one that's brought to your computer screen.

Now YOU do not flatter yourself. :lol:

What the hell does the PLAN have to offer US in terms of experience and learning new tactics ? Zilch-O.

And the US? How to bomb rag heads with no means of defending themselves, you don't need to learn how to call in an air strike or a drone strike on a remote village on the suspected intel of a few rag heads hiding there.
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