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China Is Rerouting U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas to Europe at a Big Profit

How come the Chinese never bid on Pakistani LNG rfp? They seem like they could use some of it.

Possibly because of payment concerns. This portends future trouble in procuring Petroleum products. Petroleum is a very liquid market. If there are no bids, it likely means market is discounting liquidity.

yup the CPC has "lock down" smart....pun intended :lol:
Just make sure the "power of siberia" doesn't blow up when you need it most.
Also, Putin's days are numbered, the leadership that follows will have to make peace with Ukraine and NATO or live in a perpetual state of high military readiness at great cost until Russia unravels. There are no good choices for Russia anymore it's either become a vassal to China and hope China pays for Russia's military posture against the west and Ukraine in perpetuity or align with the west. Either way China loses, you either get a NATO friendly Russia or a permanent beggar draining your resources. Before you say China will trade energy for military financing, I don't think China is foolish enough to depend on Russia for its energy. Xi must be really angry with Putin for showing the world Russia is toothless bear.
All delusional talk.
How come the Chinese never bid on Pakistani LNG rfp? They seem like they could use some of it.
Because Pakistan has better options, such as Iran, Russia and Qatar. They are natural gas exporters and are cheaper. Therefore, China did not participate in the bidding.
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you can see all the related threads you created by simply scrolling to the bottom of this page under "similar threads".
Its fresh new from your belove WSJ yesterday. You should write to them and ask them nicely to stop reporting the month old stuff again and again,
Its fresh new from your belove WSJ yesterday. You should write to them and ask them nicely to stop reporting the month old stuff again and again,

do you get the difference between main stream media and a discussion forum?
A discussion forum is meant to discuss a specific topic such as the war in Ukraine.
If people created a thread every time a grenade exploded in Ukraine this forum will become a circus. @beijingwalker first reported Chinese sale of US LPG cargo to Europe in May 2022, as a courtesy to fellow members he should have updated the original thread with the latest news on the same topic. Comprende? Or did my rationale go whoosh over your high IQ brain?
yup the CPC has "lock down" smart....pun intended :lol:
Just make sure the "power of siberia" doesn't blow up when you need it most.
Also, Putin's days are numbered, the leadership that follows will have to make peace with Ukraine and NATO or live in a perpetual state of high military readiness at great cost until Russia unravels. There are no good choices for Russia anymore it's either become a vassal to China and hope China pays for Russia's military posture against the west and Ukraine in perpetuity or align with the west. Either way China loses, you either get a NATO friendly Russia or a permanent beggar draining your resources. Before you say China will trade energy for military financing, I don't think China is foolish enough to depend on Russia for its energy. Xi must be really angry with Putin for showing the world Russia is toothless bear.
Well you think its smart to let 1mil + 60k(since first Chinese lockdown) die is a good idea? There is a cost benefit analysis done on our part. To me the policy is good but implementation must be improved. Everyday 500 Americans are dying, but hey the majority still lives, its okay since democracy means the majority matters right? Lol

As long as CIA doesn't sabotage another pipeline, I think we are good and diversified. You must be stupid to think we are angry at Russia. We are angry at waht the West is doing to Russia, you are pushing them go a corner and ffs, making and endangering humanity. They will go nuclear.... If you keep on pushing them, the whole NATO alliance against Russia who don't even have a complete GPS and only 3 spysats working. China btw has the world's most extensive spy sat system, yes even more extensive than the US and the world's most accurate GPS system. I really hope we assist them with info sharing.
Well you think its smart to let 1mil + 60k(since first Chinese lockdown) die is a good idea? There is a cost benefit analysis done on our part. To me the policy is good but implementation must be improved. Everyday 500 Americans are dying, but hey the majority still lives, its okay since democracy means the majority matters right? Lol

As long as CIA doesn't sabotage another pipeline, I think we are good and diversified. You must be stupid to think we are angry at Russia. We are angry at waht the West is doing to Russia, you are pushing them go a corner and ffs, making and endangering humanity. They will go nuclear.... If you keep on pushing them, the whole NATO alliance against Russia who don't even have a complete GPS and only 3 spysats working. China btw has the world's most extensive spy sat system, yes even more extensive than the US and the world's most accurate GPS system. I really hope we assist them with info sharing.

I was speaking to a Russian friend who once worked with Gazprom in their executive leadership. He believes based on conversations with his former colleagues that the sabotage on Nordstream 1& 2 was the work of Ukraine special forces. China's GPS and spy sat isn't going to win the war for the Russians, short of China sending PLA troops into Ukraine nothing is going change the outcome for Russia not even tactical nukes.

As for the lockdown, it was logical when COVID first became a pandemic. At the time there were no vaccines and no proven treatment. The scenario is very different today, we know much more about the disease we have effective vaccines and we are able to identify the people most vulnerable to the disease. Were the CPC so inclined they could easily identify and isolate only the most vulnerable citizens. Regardless, the butcher's bill must be paid until China achieves herd immunity lock downs in perpetuity only worsens the eventual toll.
I was speaking to a Russian friend who once worked with Gazprom in their executive leadership. He believes based on conversations with his former colleagues that the sabotage on Nordstream 1& 2 was the work of Ukraine special forces. China's GPS and spy sat isn't going to win the war for the Russians, short of China sending PLA troops into Ukraine nothing is going change the outcome for Russia not even tactical nukes.

As for the lockdown, it was logical when COVID first became a pandemic. At the time there were no vaccines and no proven treatment. The scenario is very different today, we know much more about the disease we have effective vaccines and we are able to identify the people most vulnerable to the disease. Were the CPC so inclined they could easily identify and isolate only the most vulnerable citizens. Regardless, the butcher's bill must be paid until China achieves herd immunity lock downs in perpetuity only worsens the eventual toll.
I will not argue about the logic for the lockdown now, but only 2% of China had a 2. 5 months lockdown. We managed to control death to 5k while US had 60k deaths since our first lockdown. Anyway do you even know how China is controlling the virus? It's testing and testing and it works, our economy is still growing albeit slower than usual. The treatments are not as miraculous as you think, Pfizer vaccine caused cancer in one of my uncle, just to let you know, Mrna vaccine was suppressed in China due to this, we had the same technology matey. Mrna changes to DNA in the liver, you will see the after effects in a few years. Alrewady US has millions of people having long covid till now. Anyway I better stop talking about Covid and derail.

As for Russia, if they were using our systems, they could have an upper hand since our systems are inherently more advanced than 1980s US spysats.
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