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china interested in G4 plan


Jun 27, 2008
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American proposal to replace G7 with G4 rebuffed at Istanbul meet

ISTANBUL -- An informal American proposal to replace the Group of Seven with a "Group of Four" was rebuffed at a G7 conference that ended here Saturday.

"It was concluded that the G7 will continue in its present form," Japanese Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii and Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa said at a news conference following the meeting.

Before the meeting, the United States had sounded out G7 nations on a plan to convert the G7 into a G4, consisting of the United States, Japan, the European Union and China. However, the idea was fiercely resisted by the countries of Europe, and was not formally debated during the meeting, attended by finance ministers and central bank governors of the G7 countries.

Questions have arisen about the future role of the G7 in the wake of the G20 financial summit in late September, where it was decided that the meetings for addressing global financial and economic issues would become regular events, possibly shifting the center of gravity away from the G7.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said that, while the G7 is not yet dead, it is losing its relevance and is on the way to passing into history. However, he agreed that the G7 should continue as is for now.

Meanwhile, the IMF Committee met Sunday and adopted the G20's September declaration allowing emerging countries to increase their capital contributions to the IMF, among other resolutions.
No seat for Britain at Obama's top table of super economies

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:02 PM on 05th October 2009

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Britain faces being sidelined from a new elite club of economic powers being set up by Barack Obama.

The U.S. president wants to establish a top table of powerful countries called the Group of Four to take key economic decisions for the world - but Britain would not be invited to attend.

It would see this country's influence in the world diminish yet further.

And it would be a huge embarrassment for Gordon Brown, who has claimed his actions have helped bring countries out of recession following the financial crisis.

Plans are at an early stage, but it is believed the G4 would comprise the U.S., Japan, China and a representative of the Eurozone.

If the plans go ahead, it would mean the UK being excluded from economic summits for the first time since the mid-1970s, when the last Labour government was forced to go 'cap in hand' to the IMF.

Conservative MP Graham Brady, a member of the Treasury select committee, said: 'This is especially embarrassing for a Prime Minister who presided over Britain's economy since 1997 and used to pride himself on his economic mastery.'

Mr Darling attempted to fight off the proposals in Istanbul at the weekend, at a meeting of the IMF, the World Bank and the seven largest economies.

Playing down the significance of the G4 plans, he told the Mail on Sunday: 'This notion has been around for a fairly long time.

'You can not stop groups of countries talking to each other. Britain does this itself. But we don't put a "G" in front of it.'

A spokesman for the Treasury said: 'There are lots of different international groups and lots of ideas about forming such groups.

'The UK takes the lead in all the international groups and is a member of all the important ones.' He said the creation of the G4 was a 'massive if'.
G4 plan is the right move according to reality of the world's economy.

Too bad it would never be a reality.

Too bad its not up to Indians whether it will be a reality or not !

By the way, it was propose by US, India was no where mentioned.


P.S. Sour grape mentality stinks !!:smitten::pakistan::china:
I see no sign that China has interested. G2 G4 the US can feel free to play with those numbers
I see no sign that China has interested. G2 G4 the US can feel free to play with those numbers

G2 is more like a trick,of course china is not interest.G20 can never get any substantial agreement ,but every member of G4 have very close economic ties with each other
this will be a good move.

indians may feel sad, but the truth is their economy is only about 28% of ours, never a "power".
G2 or G4 are either like a trick,China needn't to be interesting in it
China should refrain from participating anything smaller than G20 on world stage, but concentrating on bilateral ties for the moment.

China is the 2nd largest trading partner of both the EU and the US; and is Japan's largest trading partner.

What China needs G4 or G7 or G6 for? Nothing!

By pushing G4 concept, the US is aiming at marginising both China and EU's influence.

Think about it: any vote within G4, China will be at 1:3 disadvantage, with the US clearly taking the lead!

But this will not be the case in G20, where China at least can secure nearly half of the power votes and have more room to maneuver.

In fact, on many global issues, China could gain upper hand vis-avis the US within G20, hence de facto leads the world.

Therefore, China should only use G20 forum for the time being !

The only thing China is interested in is G1. Today is still not the date, yet!
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China should refrain from participating anything smaller than G20 on world stage, but concentrating on bilateral ties for the moment.

China is the 2nd largest trading partner of both the EU and the US; and is Japan's largest trading partner.

What China needs G4 or G7 or G6 for? Nothing!

By pushing G4 concept, the US is aiming at marginising both China and EU's influence.

Think about it: any vote within G4, China will be at 1:3 disadvantage, with the US clearly taking the lead!

But this will not be the case in G20, where China at least can secure nearly half of the power votes and have more room to maneuver.

In fact, on many global issues, China could gain upper hand vis-avis the US within G20, hence de facto leads the world.

Therefore, China should only use G20 forum for the time being !

The only thing China is interested in is G1. Today is still not the date, yet!

definitely agree with your logic there!!
This is only wishful thinking of the United States, China is not interested in

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