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China has already won Asia's arms race with defence budget larger than the rest of Asia combined


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China has already won Asia's arms race with defence budget larger than the rest of Asia combined

William Bratton
February 14, 2021 05:00 JST

There has been much chatter over recent years about an Asian arms race triggered by China's surging military expenditure. This, it is argued, is reflected in increased defense budgets and new equipment programs announced by a number of Asian countries.

But one of the oddities of Asian geopolitics is that, if China's neighbors are fearful of its growing hard power capabilities, there is little evidence of urgency in their responses. As China's People's Liberation Army has become more advanced and capable, many neighboring militaries have stagnated. If there is a regional arms race, it has few participants and China has won it before the starting gun has even been fired.

China's regional military leadership is the result of its dramatic advances over the last three decades. The country's surging defense budget has allowed every aspect of the PLA to be transformed and modernized, with an impressive commitment to new technologies and equipment. These investments have allowed new doctrines based on regional force projection rather than China's territorial defense. This is particularly visible with the PLA Navy and its new aircraft carriers, destroyers, assault ships and submarines. But there have also been substantial increases in spending across all the PLA's branches, including the Air Force and Rocket Force.

In contrast to the PLA's advances, numerous militaries across Asia have been starved of funds and are facing relative obsolescence. True, regional defense budgets are expanding, but they frequently remain small by comparison with Gross Domestic Products and are often growing slower than underlying economies. Military spending has, in fact, shrunk over the last 10 years as a percentage of overall GDP across many of China's neighbors.

This trend is most pronounced in Southeast Asia, where the majority of countries have a seemingly entrenched reluctance to build credible defensive capabilities. Only Singapore, which by itself accounts for more than a quarter of the region's defense expenditure, appears committed to maintaining an advanced and comprehensively equipped military. By comparison, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines all spend approximately 1% of their GDPs on defense. Their militaries are chronically underfunded with aging and often inoperable equipment. And when Southeast Asian countries do buy new weapons, it is often on such a small scale as to be almost irrelevant.

Southeast Asia, however, is not alone. Taiwan consistently reduced its defense spending as a percentage of its GDP between 1999 and 2019, from more than 3% to less than 2%, despite the growing threat from across the Taiwan Strait. And although it has increased its defense budget in 2020 and 2021, in part to acquire new equipment from the U.S., it remains unclear whether this will be sufficient relative to the threats faced or to offset the earlier underinvestment.

Japan has also refrained from significantly increasing its defense spending as a share of the total GDP. It may have Asia's third-largest defense budget, after China and India, but despite increased allocations since 2013, the country still spends just 1% of its GDP on its military. This proportion is far less than in Singapore, South Korea or Australia. As a result, Japan's military is less capable than appropriate given its size, regional status and risks the country faces.

There are three possible explanations for this military neglect.

The first is that many Asian governments simply do not view defense spending as important when compared with other domestic priorities. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, for example, all face rapidly increasing health care costs as their populations age. Similarly, many Southeast Asian nations frequently identify more pressing considerations when government budgets are under pressure.

The second is that Asian countries may have already decided that any response would be futile given the shift of the region's balance of power toward China. The superpower's military spending is already larger than the rest of Asia combined. It spends four and five times as much as India and Japan, respectively, and more than six times the total military expenditures of the Southeast Asian countries. Differences in this order of magnitude may be impossible to address, even with greater spending commitments.

The third possible explanation is that much of the region remains reliant on the U.S. for military cover. But this is a strategy with risks. Not only is there a degree of uncertainty about the U.S.'s long-term commitment to its regional partners, but the days of American military superiority over China are nearing their end. Asian countries seeking external support to offset their military deficiencies may find themselves vulnerable if the U.S., or any other non-Asian power, decides that the costs and risks of such partnerships are simply too high.

If China's neighbors view its military advances as a long-term problem, then they need to take action now. They have to spend far more on defense and should establish collective regional security structures to bolster their individual efforts. Failure to do so will send a clear signal that they see little urgency in addressing the region's changing geopolitical dynamics. And if they cannot find a sense of urgency in responding to China's growing might, then why should the rest of the world? If Asian countries willingly accept China's military supremacy, then so may the world's more distant powers.

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A dollar spend on Chinese military is much efficient by ratio of 1:5 compare to countries like US and India..

US- greedy contractor who will charge an arm or leg for development of new weapon. Paid per personnel is much higher compare to China military

India- buys critical platform from overseas who will not hesitate to charge an arm or leg to reap in huge profit.

China- 90% of Chinese military is self made. All contractor are state owned. Most of the make weapon for prestige and recognition. Profit is secondary. Money spend are much higher value.
When reporting the defence budget, foreign media choose to use sheer total number on China and percentage of GDP on China's neighbors, misleadingly giving an imprssion that China spends unproportionate amount of her GDP on defence.

Military expenditure (% of GDP)
China : 1.88%
US : 3.4%
Russia: 3.9%
India: 2.4%
Some of the biggest defence spenders are actually all in Asia, India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea..

ASEAN Military Budget (1960-2020)
Indonesia Military Budget



Singapore Military budget


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Thailand Defense Spending



Malaysia defense spending


China has already won Asia's arms race with defence budget larger than the rest of Asia combined

William Bratton
February 14, 2021 05:00 JST

There has been much chatter over recent years about an Asian arms race triggered by China's surging military expenditure. This, it is argued, is reflected in increased defense budgets and new equipment programs announced by a number of Asian countries.

But one of the oddities of Asian geopolitics is that, if China's neighbors are fearful of its growing hard power capabilities, there is little evidence of urgency in their responses. As China's People's Liberation Army has become more advanced and capable, many neighboring militaries have stagnated. If there is a regional arms race, it has few participants and China has won it before the starting gun has even been fired.

China's regional military leadership is the result of its dramatic advances over the last three decades. The country's surging defense budget has allowed every aspect of the PLA to be transformed and modernized, with an impressive commitment to new technologies and equipment. These investments have allowed new doctrines based on regional force projection rather than China's territorial defense. This is particularly visible with the PLA Navy and its new aircraft carriers, destroyers, assault ships and submarines. But there have also been substantial increases in spending across all the PLA's branches, including the Air Force and Rocket Force.

In contrast to the PLA's advances, numerous militaries across Asia have been starved of funds and are facing relative obsolescence. True, regional defense budgets are expanding, but they frequently remain small by comparison with Gross Domestic Products and are often growing slower than underlying economies. Military spending has, in fact, shrunk over the last 10 years as a percentage of overall GDP across many of China's neighbors.

This trend is most pronounced in Southeast Asia, where the majority of countries have a seemingly entrenched reluctance to build credible defensive capabilities. Only Singapore, which by itself accounts for more than a quarter of the region's defense expenditure, appears committed to maintaining an advanced and comprehensively equipped military. By comparison, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines all spend approximately 1% of their GDPs on defense. Their militaries are chronically underfunded with aging and often inoperable equipment. And when Southeast Asian countries do buy new weapons, it is often on such a small scale as to be almost irrelevant.

Southeast Asia, however, is not alone. Taiwan consistently reduced its defense spending as a percentage of its GDP between 1999 and 2019, from more than 3% to less than 2%, despite the growing threat from across the Taiwan Strait. And although it has increased its defense budget in 2020 and 2021, in part to acquire new equipment from the U.S., it remains unclear whether this will be sufficient relative to the threats faced or to offset the earlier underinvestment.

Japan has also refrained from significantly increasing its defense spending as a share of the total GDP. It may have Asia's third-largest defense budget, after China and India, but despite increased allocations since 2013, the country still spends just 1% of its GDP on its military. This proportion is far less than in Singapore, South Korea or Australia. As a result, Japan's military is less capable than appropriate given its size, regional status and risks the country faces.

There are three possible explanations for this military neglect.

The first is that many Asian governments simply do not view defense spending as important when compared with other domestic priorities. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, for example, all face rapidly increasing health care costs as their populations age. Similarly, many Southeast Asian nations frequently identify more pressing considerations when government budgets are under pressure.

The second is that Asian countries may have already decided that any response would be futile given the shift of the region's balance of power toward China. The superpower's military spending is already larger than the rest of Asia combined. It spends four and five times as much as India and Japan, respectively, and more than six times the total military expenditures of the Southeast Asian countries. Differences in this order of magnitude may be impossible to address, even with greater spending commitments.

The third possible explanation is that much of the region remains reliant on the U.S. for military cover. But this is a strategy with risks. Not only is there a degree of uncertainty about the U.S.'s long-term commitment to its regional partners, but the days of American military superiority over China are nearing their end. Asian countries seeking external support to offset their military deficiencies may find themselves vulnerable if the U.S., or any other non-Asian power, decides that the costs and risks of such partnerships are simply too high.

If China's neighbors view its military advances as a long-term problem, then they need to take action now. They have to spend far more on defense and should establish collective regional security structures to bolster their individual efforts. Failure to do so will send a clear signal that they see little urgency in addressing the region's changing geopolitical dynamics. And if they cannot find a sense of urgency in responding to China's growing might, then why should the rest of the world? If Asian countries willingly accept China's military supremacy, then so may the world's more distant powers.

It's not just the arms spending but the fact that China can now 100% indigenously design and manufacture advanced weapons systems, technologies and sciences comparable to Western and Russian standards. China is the ONLY non-white nation that has this capability.

WELL DONE CHINA!!!!!!!!.............:china::china::china::china::china::china::china::china::china:
Some of the biggest defence spenders are actually all in Asia, India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea..

But NONE of them can indigenously design and manufacture advanced weapons systems.
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Some of the biggest defence spenders are actually all in Asia, India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea..

The article is intended to Japan and ASEAN countries (low based on GDP percentage). Singapore and Vietnam are the exception on this matter.
It is not a massive budget that wins you an arms race but intellectual property.

To give you more definitions there are about 1000 genius born in each 10 years around the globe and in every continent. The person who gets handed the favorable hand to play with is the person these geniuses enter their possession.


Lets just assume China has aprox 20-25 of these and Japan has 100 of these then Japan wins the arms race hands down if it utilities them correctly and with the right mindset even if they have 10-15 times less defense budget
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The third possible explanation is that much of the region remains reliant on the U.S. for military cover. But this is a strategy with risks. Not only is there a degree of uncertainty about the U.S.'s long-term commitment to its regional partners, but the days of American military superiority over China are nearing their end. Asian countries seeking external support to offset their military deficiencies may find themselves vulnerable if the U.S., or any other non-Asian power, decides that the costs and risks of such partnerships are simply too high.

This is an important point. The US is slowly disengaging from the world, or at the very least will not have the same footprint it had before. It has too much going on at home now to worry about far flung areas, and with a observant population, you wouldn't be able to sell them 'intervention' anymore.
QUAD really is just overplayed.
The budget is a forgone conclusion, the nearest country is India in terms of budget, but that's a very far near, and they simply don't have the economy to even play catch up.
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