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China editorial slams 'lying' Sushma on Doklam standoff, threatens military escalation


Nov 26, 2016
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An editorial in China's daily Global Times slammed External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's remarks in Parliament on the Doklam stand-off, ruling out a simultaneous withdrawal of troops from the region.

Ananth Krishnan | Posted by Ankit Misra
Beijing, July 21, 2017 | UPDATED 13:36 IST
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Sushma Swaraj.
  • 1
    If India doesn't withdraw its troops, military action will be China's last resort.
  • 2
    Beijing has asked New Delhi "to abandon fantasy of Doklam area".
  • 3
    India had to intervene in Doklam to stop China from changing status quo: Sushma.
Keeping up the shrill rhetoric from Beijing, an editorial on Friday in the widely-read Chinese-language edition of the Communist Party-run Global Times slammed External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's remarks in Parliament on the Doklam stand-off, accusing the minister of "lying" and ruling out a simultaneous withdrawal in the disputed region describing it as India's "fantasy".

The editorial also threatened Delhi with military action. "China has already shown its tolerance and calmness to the largest extent", it said. "If New Delhi does not withdraw its troops, the last option for China is fighting against India and ending the conflict without diplomatic means."

External Affairs Minister Swaraj had pointed out that India "had to intervene at the trijunction point to stop China's unilateral attempt to change the status quo because this would impact our security" and said that India was "willing to talk but both sides should take back their armies to their original positions."

An editorial in China's Global Times slammed Sushma Swaraj's remarks on Doklam.

The widely-read Chinese edition of the Global Times rebutted her remarks, saying, "The lady foreign minister was lying to the parliamentarians in India, because firstly, India invaded the territory of China and it is a fact that New Delhi's adventures made the international community surprised that no country would support it. Secondly, India's military power is far behind China, and once things go to a military solution, there is no doubt India will lose."


The editorial suggested Swaraj's comments of a simultaneous withdrawal indicated a change in stand. "We noticed that the tone of the statement by India has been fractionally changed. They started to claim that Donglong (Doklam) is a trijunction and have presented the proposition of withdrawing the troops of both sides to feel out China's response. It reflects that New Delhi has begun to be diffident."

The Global Times Chinese editorial also warned of escalation at other points on the Line of Actual Control (LAC). "If India still holds on to their confrontational attitude, they should prepare for bearing the consequences of the escalation of the conflict". The logistics and maneuverability of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is far superior to that of India", it added. "Our troops may appear at any place on the other side of the border and the Sino-India border will become the arena for China to show its achievements on army training and reforming."

Ruling out a simultaneous withdrawal, it called on India to "abandon the long-term fantasy of the Donglang [Doklam] area". "China will never engage with what India calls 'double withdrawal'. Confrontation is in the territory of China, and India must unilaterally withdraw", the editorial added.

The newspaper claimed public opinion in China was supportive of strong action. "Not one inch of Chinese land can be lost, which is the desire of the Chinese people. The Chinese government will never allow China's public sentiment to be violated and the PLA will never disappoint the Chinese people."


"China cherishes peace. But peace cannot be achieved at the expense of China's lost territory, and 1.4 billion Chinese people will not accept that peace."

The editorial in the Chinese edition also said India was "ridiculous" to assume it had an advantage. "India's current number of soldiers may be higher, but they do not know the PLA's strong delivery capacity can change the number of forces within a day. China also has a long-range strike capability. China and India's military spending scale is four to one, and the GDP is five times larger than India's. Such a gap in strength will shape the actual outcome on the border."

It also said that India would not receive support from the United States or Japan in the event of a conflict, referring to the recent Malabar exercises. "Their support is virtual", it said. "If India imagines it has a strategic card in the Indian Ocean, then it is being naive. China has a lot of cards than can hurt India's soft underbelly."

Referring to 1962, the editorial said India had made "a wrong assessment" then of "China's determination to defend territory." "We hope this time New Delhi does not repeat the same mistake," it concluded.

More chinese whining, looks like the chinese think they would win a war by whining.
If hollow warnings are a parameter of power, then China won it hands down! :lol:

HOWEVER, we were always open to talk as a responsible nation, it was China who demanded withdrawal of Indian forces before any talk can take place. And now that China is talking without we withdrawing any troop from there; who just ate the humble pie and backed down from its stated position? Who blinked first?

Will the Chinese members come here and explain... please? :)

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