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CASA-1000 power project: Pakistan may import up to 4,000MW, says Aziz


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The prime minister’s foreign affairs adviser Sartaj Aziz said on Sunday that power import through the Casa-1000 electricity transmission project can reach up to 4,000MW.

Aziz’s remarks came a day after Pakistan and Afghanistan signed the agreement on electricity transit fees, in a major step towards energy trading between Central and South Asia.

When completed, Casa-1000 will enable the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan to sell their excess hydropower to fill supply gaps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Initially, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan will export 1,300MW. Pakistan will get 1,000MW of power while Afghanistan will receive the remaining 300MW.

“It is a good agreement for energy connectivity of South Asia and Central Asia. It is a big project and it is just the beginning. And when connectivity is done then the power import through this line can reach up to 4000MW,” Aziz told The Express Tribune.

He said Pakistan at present faced a shortfall of 5,000MW to 6,000MW and the 1,000MW would meet only 20% of its requirements. “It is not enough at present but the project is very good as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are installing new plants and Russia also wants to join the project ultimately,” Aziz said.

He called Casa-100 “a good beginning” for the proposed trade agreement among Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. “When the cooperation begins, it will also pave the way for the trade agreement.”

Casa-1000 will build more than 1,200 kilometres of electricity transmission lines and associated substations to transmit excess summer hydropower energy from existing power generation stations in Tajikistan and the Krgyz Republic to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

To oversee the complex, four-country process, an inter-governmental council has been established to supervise the design and implementation of the project, the finance ministry says.

Asked if the agreed price is in line with Pakistan’s proposal, Aziz said the price is reasonable as Afghanistan had earlier asked for 2.5 cents per KW but after a lot of discussions the price has been brought down to 1.25 cents per KW.

TAPI gas pipeline

Speaking about the current status of the multi-billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (Tapi) gas pipeline project, he said negotiations are to resume on the project, as had been discussed on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe.

“Turkmenistan is now inviting project leaders for a survey as to who will be prime financiers to arrange money. Feasibility and other required documents have already been prepared. A tender will be floated after finances are arranged. Then the work can start.”

CASA-1000 power project: Pakistan may import up to 4,000MW, says Aziz – The Express Tribune
Bit surprised there is no interest in this topic. This event has real term economic and more importantly geo strategic significance for Pakistan. Close to center of one of the important energy hub and cleanly cutting eastern neighbor, made it to be tremendous feat for Pakistan strategic capital. And if US and Iran normalization materialize, economic corridor and energy hub has real potential to take off. Pakistan just needs to keep watchful eye on sinister plan originates from east and execute on economic and strategic plans.
Any update on unit price? I remember it was 5.1 cent couple of months ago.
The unit price seems ridiculously low, even our hydel projects wouldn't cost so low. What am i missing?
That unit price mentioned in artical is be transit fee for afghanistan i think..
This will be amazing for economy of Pakistan.
Nope, actual unit price is 5.1+1.25 which is still very cheap.
its not cheap, because it will imported power, govt has denied grantees for domestic projects in hydro as it was costing 6rs but is ready to accept around 7rs imported power. This will be a big headache with already widening fiscal deficit which has gone record high this year
Well , the pill we are swallowing is the initial cost of construction the $$$$ spent could have been spent on

a) Solar power plans in Baluchistan 100% Pakistani Owned
b) Solar power plants in each provinces
c) Same money could have been spent on Power plants based off coal

The unit price would increase as inflation goes up as it normally does that is why its being sold initially as cheap

There is no guarentee that Afghan route people will not hook up illegal hooks to cables

Appears a short term solution 4000 MW is a good number however sad that alot of money will be going out of country annually

When comparitively we charge nothing on cargo that goes to Afghanistan from Pakistani ports
Well , the pill we are swallowing is the initial cost of construction the $$$$ spent could have been spent on

a) Solar power plans in Baluchistan 100% Pakistani Owned
b) Solar power plants in each provinces
c) Same money could have been spent on Power plants based off coal

The unit price would increase as inflation goes up as it normally does that is why its being sold initially as cheap

There is no guarentee that Afghan route people will not hook up illegal hooks to cables

Appears a short term solution 4000 MW is a good number however sad that alot of money will be going out of country annually

When comparitively we charge nothing on cargo that goes to Afghanistan from Pakistani ports

Solar is way to expensive, may be for small personal use it is feasible, but for commercial, long term, nuclear and hyderal are the ways forward. Coal is short term, and faster way to implement also cheaper.


Importing power is bad idea, and will make it dependent upon other country and will loss lots of foreign exchange in return
No there is no such law other wise we would import our goods from China - India route for free
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