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Can Nawaz or Zardari talk like this when asked about Obama,Blair and WoT ?


Sep 14, 2010
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Imran Khan Can Only Do This: Cast your vote for Imran Khan - YouTube

You decide !!!!

People like Tameem , Stealth and others don't want Pakistan to have a Prime minister like this? :disagree:

Don't stay neutral...VOTE for PTI this coming elections :pakistan:

Say whatever you want..establishment supporting him or not...he IS currently the best available option I can see . . . . . .
A Tiger cannot change its spots, at any given day a tiger is a tiger !! :pakistan:
Remember when Imran khan gave Dharna in peshawar and karachi against the NATO supplies and asked the govt to block them permanently? In one of his latest interview with hamid mir, he said, We should charge the NATO for premium for their supplies.... A tiger just changed its spot. he sold everyone who did dharna with him, he even sold himself to americans when he said he wants to charge a premium for their supplies.
You decide !!!!

People like Tameem , Stealth and others don't want Pakistan to have a Prime minister like this? :disagree:

Don't stay neutral...VOTE for PTI this coming elections :pakistan:

Say whatever you want..establishment supporting him or not...he IS currently the best available option I can see . . . . . .

Since how long your Gr8 Leader fooling…I mean up against WOT…ok no argument it might be since its inception in 2001 right? And today is 2012!! 11 Years of his opposition in which we still forced to make great sacrifices not only financially but on top of it humanly i.e. 35000 dead and still counting.

Out of these 11 years, 8 years he makes this opposition while at the same time adding and abating & actually electing in the first place a person who is the chief proponent of this WOT in Pakistan and believes this is our War..!!!! Musharraf!!!

BB and NS came back Pakistan in mid/late 2007..!! At that time Pakistan is in grip of great militancy by extremists and here your born again gr8 “Taliban Khan” propagating his self to mediate with them and the government somehow, This is a very weak stance at that point in time but sane people too opt to convince here that there is no better option available as majority of ordinary public standing with the extremists due to the after effects of Lal Masjid incident.

In all this background, the entry of BB and than NS (the real opposition i/o fake) was indeed a blessing for ordinary public and the “net” which our agencies put across thanks to Imran’s rearguarding of Musharraf’s government exposed fully.

They both but specially BB not only turnaround agencies game altogether but at the same time make TTP & other extremists for the first time in their history on the back foot. BB is leading from the front…I’m anti PPP throughout but that onslaught from BB on Taliban is worth watching and indeed our future generations owed to her greatly. This stance makes our establishment and specially Musharraf nervous and they simply fix her for this mutiny to their game plan for Pakistan under “NRO”.

Musharraf ousting of real politicians out of country and Imran’s Black role in absence of them with assisting all the agencies game plan in the background is the real irony of this WOT and our untold sacrifices.

So, don’t tell me what your gr8 leader could talk in all those 11 years, I put across what great leaders can do the moment they enter in the ring, but people like you can’t understands what I have just elaborated above.

Summom..Bukmon UmUon…fa-hum…La Yarjiooon…!!!
Since how long your Gr8 Leader fooling…I mean up against WOT…ok no argument it might be since its inception in 2001 right? And today is 2012!! 11 Years of his opposition in which we still forced to make great sacrifices not only financially but on top of it humanly i.e. 35000 dead and still counting.

Ok first your post was a bit hard to comprehend..you became too emotional I guess ...Anyways...Pakistan started his war on terror NOT in 2001 BUT in 2004 or somewhere around here. Imran Khan OPPOSED this war from the VERY DAY ! He NEVER changed his stance about it. Don't play this emotional card.We all feel pain about the human loss we have had till now..Even I despised IK at the time of SWAT operation ...WHOLE NATION was on one hand and IK was on other...but what did the time prove? In an "insurgency" ..you HAVE to talk to the 'enemy' and find a political solution...What you want? To keep fighting this for ever and your enemies keep taking advantage of the situation by arming your 'enemies' ?

Out of these 11 years, 8 years he makes this opposition while at the same time adding and abating & actually electing in the first place a person who is the chief proponent of this WOT in Pakistan and believes this is our War..!!!! Musharraf!!!

Pakistan didn't send forces in Waziristan until 2004 or so ...IK opposed it from the DAY ONE ! So again you fail. Mushi was a mistake and IK accepted it. He thought the Mushi would be good for Pakistan but when found out the reality---he left..whats the big deal here?
BB and NS came back Pakistan in mid/late 2007..!! At that time Pakistan is in grip of great militancy by extremists and here your born again gr8 “Taliban Khan” propagating his self to mediate with them and the government somehow, This is a very weak stance at that point in time but sane people too opt to convince here that there is no better option available as majority of ordinary public standing with the extremists due to the after effects of Lal Masjid incident.

Ok what is your point here? Sorry couldn't understand. Imran offered to mediate b/w Taliban and Government at a time when ordinary people were sympathetic towards talis because of Lal masjid? This is what I understood..what is your critic here?

In all this background, the entry of BB and than NS (the real opposition i/o fake) was indeed a blessing for ordinary public and the “net” which our agencies put across thanks to Imran’s rearguarding of Musharraf’s government exposed fully.

BB's loss was INDEED a great loss for Pakistan at the time...

They both but specially BB not only turnaround agencies game altogether but at the same time make TTP & other extremists for the first time in their history on the back foot. BB is leading from the front…I’m anti PPP throughout but that onslaught from BB on Taliban is worth watching and indeed our future generations owed to her greatly. This stance makes our establishment and specially Musharraf nervous and they simply fix her for this mutiny to their game plan for Pakistan under “NRO”.

I am being completely unable to understand your point here. So what does the "game" of agencies was and how it is related to BB condemning talis in public jalsas?

Musharraf ousting of real politicians out of country and Imran’s Black role in absence of them with assisting all the agencies game plan in the background is the real irony of this WOT and our untold sacrifices.

Mushi is gone. Enlighten me what is this "game of agencies" you are referring to?

Summom..Bukmon UmUon…fa-hum…La Yarjiooon…!!!

Dedicated to all the supporters of already tried (twice) PML (N) and status quo ...
Imran Khan is Oxford educated. Zardari is a jahil. Nawaz also doesn't think straight and can't speak English properly.

Imran Khan has all we were looking for in a leader. He is educated, charismatic, and can speak well with the international community. He reminds me of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Ok first your post was a bit hard to comprehend..you became too emotional I guess ...Anyways...Pakistan started his war on terror NOT in 2001 BUT in 2004 or somewhere around here. Imran Khan OPPOSED this war from the VERY DAY ! He NEVER changed his stance about it. Don't play this emotional card.We all feel pain about the human loss we have had till now..Even I despised IK at the time of SWAT operation ...WHOLE NATION was on one hand and IK was on other...but what did the time prove? In an "insurgency" ..you HAVE to talk to the 'enemy' and find a political solution...What you want? To keep fighting this for ever and your enemies keep taking advantage of the situation by arming your 'enemies' ?

Pakistan didn't send forces in Waziristan until 2004 or so ...IK opposed it from the DAY ONE ! So again you fail. Mushi was a mistake and IK accepted it. He thought the Mushi would be good for Pakistan but when found out the reality---he left..whats the big deal here?

Ok what is your point here? Sorry couldn't understand. Imran offered to mediate b/w Taliban and Government at a time when ordinary people were sympathetic towards talis because of Lal masjid? This is what I understood..what is your critic here?

BB's loss was INDEED a great loss for Pakistan at the time...

I am being completely unable to understand your point here. So what does the "game" of agencies was and how it is related to BB condemning talis in public jalsas?

Mushi is gone. Enlighten me what is this "game of agencies" you are referring to?

Dedicated to all the supporters of already tried (twice) PML (N) and status quo ...

I already Knows you didn't understands(its the usual sentence of every IK supporter here in PDF).....Leave it..!!
At present he is the best option, but I can see that he ai'nt goona win in the upcoming election. His candidate lost badly in Chairman PEC elections recently....
I already Knows you didn't understands(its the usual sentence of every IK supporter here in PDF).....Leave it..!!

Again don't play with words here. I replied to your post in great detail. Yeah there were "few" expressions from your side that I was unable to comprehend and hence asked you for the explanation. Kindly, can you tell me what was the "game" of agencies you are referring to in your posts? Also you mixed up..IK from day one opposed this war. Thats how a REAL leader acts..even when people are against you...you stand by your vision and then times prove your vision to be correct.

Just today Mullah Omar confirmed that US and Talibans are negotiating now .... Suppose Pakistan had negotiated with these extremists in 2004 and taken out the others (real hardcore criminals) in surgical strikes...things would've been WAY more better for us....Instead mushi sent bulks of troops in the Waziristan (Area that NEVER welcomed any outside military and have ALWAYS remained loyal to the state of Pakistan from the core) ..
Again don't play with words here. I replied to your post in great detail. Yeah there were "few" expressions from your side that I was unable to comprehend and hence asked you for the explanation. Kindly, can you tell me what was the "game" of agencies you are referring to in your posts? Also you mixed up..IK from day one opposed this war. Thats how a REAL leader acts..even when people are against you...you stand by your vision and then times prove your vision to be correct.

Brother…Simply no one can question US and our Establishment WOT when the whole world aligned besides US fearfully….its only possible when you are part of same force behind the scenes.

In this unfortunate country even a strong opposition could not be born out unless you have the support of establishment i.e. agencies…!! They have permanent moles in media (every kind of) and in politicians as well. Through media they spread rumors and important stories break outs and through their dedicated politicians they informed these stories backhand to pursue and lead in the backgrounds.

Governments are used to forward their policies and backed oppositions are used to follow up any falls out against these policies in ordinary public domains or cash the eventual bad governance failures. So, in every setup they have their own government as well as opposition (Future Government). This is thier historic Game Plan..!!

Both BB and NS are Baghis of these set ups and plans they themselves played against each other back in 90’s..So they are out.

What Imran Played in all those years is indeed an opposition somewhat but as per the plan hatched by the same establishment which pursuing US WOT, his opposition is played only to an extent for public consumptions not to that extent which eventually threatens Musharraf’s regime altogether anytime, Bcs he is an opposition under cover..!! Which will be in placed the moment Musharraf’s days numbered somedays in future or any other contingency planning...!!
Brother…Simply no one can question US and our Establishment WOT when the whole world aligned besides US fearfully….its only possible when you are part of same force behind the scenes.

In this unfortunate country even a strong opposition could not be born out unless you have the support of establishment i.e. agencies…!! They have permanent moles in media (every kind of) and in politicians as well. Through media they spread rumors and important stories break outs and through their dedicated politicians they informed these stories backhand to pursue and lead in the backgrounds.

Governments are used to forward their policies and backed oppositions are used to follow up any falls out against these policies in ordinary public domains or cash the eventual bad governance failures. So, in every setup they have their own government as well as opposition (Future Government). This is thier historic Game Plan..!!

Both BB and NS are Baghis of these set ups and plans they themselves played against each other back in 90’s..So they are out.

What Imran Played in all those years is indeed an opposition somewhat but as per the plan hatched by the same establishment which pursuing US WOT, his opposition is played only to an extent for public consumptions not to that extent which eventually threatens Musharraf’s regime altogether anytime, Bcs he is an opposition under cover..!! Which will be in placed the moment Musharraf’s days numbered somedays in future or any other contingency planning...!!

Ok well even if lets assume that what you are saying is right and Imran Khan is being supported by establishment. . . . . . .

Now does establishment want Pakistan to be prosperous? Pakistan Army , whatever you say , is deeply patriotic. Their problem is that they think "Mjhay zada pata hai , in politicians ko kya pata..awein hi mulk kharab karain gay " ....Pakistani military consider herself as the guardian of this nation...of this ideological nation...they see politicians as "incompetent" ....Now this approach is obviously wrong on the part of military...

Now on to 2012 :

Pakistan is facing worst troubles. Government (PPP) is a disaster..Establishment is looking for a guy that is honest, popular , clean and Charismatic ...They found Imran Khan ...A team of technocrats is planning vigorously...Plan is set ...Imran Khan will come to power , would go after corruption...whole country would work towards economic growth...war on terror is coming to an end and with Imran Khan as a "mask" , ISI would pull out of Afghan war so that after the with-drawl of US...Pakistan does not face a backlash.

So lets even say that establishment is supporting IK ...yet it comes out that he IS the best guy for Pakistan ...

As I mentioned in another thread too :

Dont forget the positive energy IK carries. His coming to power will energize Pakistan , Inshallah. Many Pakistanis would come back to Pakistan with their money to establish businesses here..many student studying in foreign Universities would come back...Pakistan would grow economically (which is the most important factor for EVERYONE (even establishment) ... A ray of "hope" would re-vitalize the 'stagnant' Pakistani society....This is a critical factor that gives IK a huge advantage.Imran Khan can give confidence to this nation at this situation of low-morale...NO other leader can ! People just have faith in Imran Khan....

So again ..why should we vote for Nawaz Shareef , who is just another rich guy that won't even produce any 'disturbance' in the stagnant pool of Pakistani society,let alone energizing and giving a ray of hope to people like me and million of others..specially youth?

By all accounts ...the BEST choice comes out to be Imran Khan ...don't you think so?
Ok well even if lets assume that what you are saying is right and Imran Khan is being supported by establishment. . . . . . .

Now does establishment want Pakistan to be prosperous? Pakistan Army , whatever you say , is deeply patriotic. Their problem is that they think "Mjhay zada pata hai , in politicians ko kya pata..awein hi mulk kharab karain gay " ....Pakistani military consider herself as the guardian of this nation...of this ideological nation...they see politicians as "incompetent" ....Now this approach is obviously wrong on the part of military...

Now on to 2012 :

Pakistan is facing worst troubles. Government (PPP) is a disaster..Establishment is looking for a guy that is honest, popular , clean and Charismatic ...They found Imran Khan ...A team of technocrats is planning vigorously...Plan is set ...Imran Khan will come to power , would go after corruption...whole country would work towards economic growth...war on terror is coming to an end and with Imran Khan as a "mask" , ISI would pull out of Afghan war so that after the with-drawl of US...Pakistan does not face a backlash.

So lets even say that establishment is supporting IK ...yet it comes out that he IS the best guy for Pakistan ...

As I mentioned in another thread too :

Dont forget the positive energy IK carries. His coming to power will energize Pakistan , Inshallah. Many Pakistanis would come back to Pakistan with their money to establish businesses here..many student studying in foreign Universities would come back...Pakistan would grow economically (which is the most important factor for EVERYONE (even establishment) ... A ray of "hope" would re-vitalize the 'stagnant' Pakistani society....This is a critical factor that gives IK a huge advantage.Imran Khan can give confidence to this nation at this situation of low-morale...NO other leader can ! People just have faith in Imran Khan....

So again ..why should we vote for Nawaz Shareef , who is just another rich guy that won't even produce any 'disturbance' in the stagnant pool of Pakistani society,let alone energizing and giving a ray of hope to people like me and million of others..specially youth?

By all accounts ...the BEST choice comes out to be Imran Khan ...don't you think so?

The Problem with these honest, popular, clean and charismatic leaders are that they are born stubborn and arrogant too i.e. Bhuttos, NS and now IK too are in the same category., which will place IK eventually at same spot after 2-3 years where NS finds himself right now. Bcz REMEMBER, Establishment’s support is not a blank chq forever for him, The moment he gots PMship, the next his oppositions finding lead stories from the same bunch of guyz which are providing him earlier.

Furthermore, he is walking exactly on the same lines every other leader follows since ZAB and committing the same mistakes every leader did in his prime time while leading to highest spot. Not only that his followers are too are equally blind on the same lines others followers were at their moment of “Narvan”.

Still, I will support youth to Vote in elections no matter who he is…at least they are not sleeping as usual….though maturity will not comes in a day as well.

I will do my part of job (at my capacity with thanksless feedback) forever.!! Just be Patient..and don’t try to oust/stop this last frontier here in PDF!! After all constructive criticism is also the part of real democracy which is needed as well.!!
Imran Khan has done lots of things for Pakistan which other can't do. Nobody is better than Imran Khan in current scenario.
He is the real HOPE for Pakistan. Hundreds of Pakistani's comes from Abroad and spends their hard earn money for Imran khan.This shows how they love IK. Even He was not in parliament, He is always in front line whether It is earthquake disaster, Flood disaster or any or any relief activity. IK is Million times better than the dictator and corrupted leaders NS, BZ who are Land Snatchers, Jageedars, Liers, who have illegal warehouses of sugar mills and other stuffs.
peacefull just remember what would happen if this hope fails us completely then the times will move back towards the scnerio when BB was murdered. same rape same destruction and same frustration he may be hope but he is also a time bomb i hope i am making my self clear

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