- Guys when you see planes fly during airshows what do you glean from it? Can you assess their capabilities even partially? What aspects do you look at during maneuvers? Whats the yardstick?
Depends on how much experience you have in aviation and how direct. A pilot would have a different assessment than a non-pilot and that assessment would be more precise.
There are three types of airshows: High, Medium, and Flat.
If weather becomes an issue, there are normally three optional flying profiles available to get the show completed: High Show, Medium Show and Flat Show.
Clear weather with unlimited ceiling would result in a 'High Show'. This is where the performer have maximum flexibility.
If there are clouds and if they are not 'heavy', as in dense with moisture that will result in rain, the result would be a 'Medium Show' with limited vertical maneuvers.
Heavy cloud but no rain predicted will result in a 'Flat Show'. This is where there are practically no high speed/AOA and vertical maneuvers. This is the least exciting of display.
Another factor is that an airshow have limited airspace for maneuvers. That limited airspace came from the audience field. Obviously, a performer should not display too far left/right/height/depth from the audience. This is the real reason why an aircraft may not perform to its full capabilities, not because of a need to keep secrets.
So when all are considered, an airshow offers plenty of opportunities for an experienced eye to gauge the potential capabilities of an aircraft, especially the military types. Wingspans hints at take-off distance. Wing shapes hints at take-off speed. Engine noise and exhaust shock diamonds hints at potential power levels. A lifting body like an F-15/16 hints at higher levels of roll rate response. A large aircraft like an F-15 hints at potential distance.
There are much that be gleaned from airshows.