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Cameron attacks 'despicable' Iran over missile shipments as he pledges support for Israel


Feb 21, 2014
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David Cameron has condemned Iran's "despicable" attempt to ship missiles for use against Israel, as he pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the country in the face of terrorism.

Mr Cameron told Israel's Knesset he had no illusions about the hostile nature of the Iranian regime and said he would give no inch to "amateur politicians" in Britain who are calling for a boycott of Israeli goods.

He attacked the United Nations for "lecturing" Israel about human rights more than regimes such as North Korea and called for Britain to have the "strongest and deepest possible" relationship with the country.

In a speech peppered with colloquial Hebrew, Mr Cameron paid lengthy and warm tribute to the country's history, saying he had learnt he has a Jewish ancestor, but it is the issues of policy that will delight Israeli parliamentarians.

Advocates for the country in Britain were keen that Mr Cameron show he had not been "fooled" by Iran's participation in nuclear weapons talks, acknowledge Israel's security fears, condemn boycotts and acknowledge the country's identity as a Jewish state - all areas Mr Cameron touched on.

David Cameron attacks 'despicable' Iran over missile shipments as he pledges 'unbreakable' support for Israel - Telegraph
He nails it. Despicable regime.

I know about 62% of Iranians are decent people.
Iran should respond to that dog, by sending 10 times more weapons, and twice as advanced.
Palestinians must be armed to the teeth.
Careful son, you won't have any scientists left soon


how did u get that figure? :what:
I arbitrarily picked out of thin air, to be fair.

I think majority are decent but BIG percentage of shitty, wide-eyed fanatics.

All that chanting "death to...(which ever country they are annoyed with at that moment) draws hundreds of thousands.
When i say that it's JEW NATO

David Cameron= 2 JEW names

All leaders in France practically are JEWS
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