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C.I.A.-RAW Terrorism In India & Elsewhere



New Recruit

Oct 14, 2013
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United States
From my direct knowledge of RAW and the C.I.A. whose target I have been for over 31 years, I have been saying for years that almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by RAW which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. I have also written below about the C.I.A.’s control of India’s and Russia’s governments (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), including Russia's intelligence agencies. I wrote, when Yeltsin was president, that the bombing of apartment buildings in Moscow which killed hundreds was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies and chided the Russian government for imitating India's RAW. Beslan residents and former Russian intelligence officers with direct knowledge have been vehement that the Beslan massacre was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies, as many massacres in India have been carried out by RAW. I find that something similar to what I have been saying is being said by others (see I. and II. below in this blog) though their knowledge is not direct like mine.

The nuclear explosion in New Delhi, centered on RAW headquarters, will put an end to C.I.A.’s rule over India, of which terrorism is only a small part (see my blog 'What You Should Know About RAW'). It is no use chasing individual groups, controlled by the C.I.A. directly or through RAW and other intelligence agencies in the region, intercepting their communications, etc. The problem of C.I.A. rule will only be solved with the destruction of RAW and then only temporarily. Firangi rule over India is much larger than terrorism and requires the destruction not just of RAW headquarters (which, in principle, could be done by conventional means) but a lot of the rest of New Delhi as well, so that the main government complexes are destroyed and this requires a nuclear explosion. The politicians, the civil servants, the military brass, the media, etc. have to be destroyed simultaneously and left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Just as a critical mass of fissile material has to be brought together for a nuclear explosion to occur, a critical amount of destruction of traitors in these various categories has to occur to enable the opening of the floodgates of economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over and destruction of the United States that will solve the problem of firangi rule over India permanently.
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