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Britain closer to EU exit after Jean-Claude Juncker vote

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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BBC News - Cameron's EU 'exit' comment over Juncker appointment makes front pages

David Cameron took Britain closer to the exit door of the European Union last night following a tumultuous EU summit at which his fellow leaders inflicted a crushing defeat on the prime minister by nominating Jean-Claude Juncker for one of the most powerful jobs in Brussels.

In what marked a rift in the UK's long and troubled relationship with the continent, Cameron was left isolated as 26 of 28 countries endorsed Juncker as head of the European commission for the next five years. "This is a bad day for Europe," said the prime minister as he voiced bitterness over the nomination of Juncker. "Of course I'm disappointed." He described the nominee disparagingly as "the career insider of Brussels" and criticised other EU national leaders who he said had "taken different views along the way".

Accusing the leaders of Germany, France, Italy and another 23 countries of making "a serious mistake" by abandoning an approach that could have brought consensus on an alternative to the former prime minister of Luxembourg, Cameron said: "We must accept the result … Jean-Claude Juncker is going to run the commission."

Cameron admitted that he now faced an uphill struggle to keep Britain in the EU if his mooted in/out referendum on membership goes ahead as scheduled in 2017. "Today's outcome is not the one I wanted and, frankly, it makes it harder and it makes the stakes higher," he said.

"This is going to be a long, tough fight. Frankly you have to be willing to lose a battle in order to win a war … Europe has taken one step backwards with its choice of commission president."

Pierre-François Lovens, a journalist with La Libre Belgique, tweeted a selfie of himself with Juncker in what appeared to be a bar where he was apparently awaiting the result of the vote. Lovens tweeted: "The man waits, serene, calm, smiling."

Juncker tweeted after the vote that he was delighted to have been nominated. "I am proud and honoured to have today received the backing of the European council." In a second post he tweeted: "I am now looking forward to working with MEPs to secure a majority in the European parliament ahead of the vote on 16 July."

On a momentous day in Brussels which shifted the balance of power in Europe, the decision to back Juncker also handed a big victory to the European Parliament over the way the EU is run.

No vote has ever been taken among national leaders on who should head the commission, a decision that until now has always been taken by consensus. But given Cameron's immovable opposition to Juncker, the issue was put to a qualified majority vote, with Cameron supported solely by Viktor Orbán, the pugnacious Hungarian prime minister.

Other allies who had previously voiced sympathy with the British line of argument – the Swedish and Dutch prime ministers – have peeled away to side with the majority over the past week, leaving Cameron unusually isolated.

But the big shift was that no other candidates but Juncker were considered for the powerful EU executive post because the European Parliament set the leaders by insisting on Juncker after his Christian Democrats grouping won last month's European elections.The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, a Christian democrat, was the key supporter of Juncker, despite Cameron's earlier confidence that Berlin shared his reservations about the 59-year-old, who ended a 19-year stretch as prime minister of Luxembourg last year.

Bowing to the European parliament's insistence on Juncker marked a seismic shift in the way the EU is run, with the national elected leaders ceding power to the parliament on the question for the first time. There were signs that the government chiefs realised they had blundered, but the momentum behind Juncker had become irreversible. While nominating him, they also decided to review the nomination process, suggesting they would try to claw back their prerogatives from the parliament.

Cameron made clear that he would stop short of embarking on the step that some eurosceptics and even some ministers have been urging him to take- campaigning for a No vote in his planned referendum unless the EU embarks on significant reform.Asked whether the appointment of Juncker made it more likely that he might campaign for a referendum no vote, the prime minister said: "My goal is exactly the same as it was before today, which is to act in Britain's national interest. I believe Britain's national interest lies in reforming the EU, holding a referendum about that reform in the EU and recommending that we stay in a reformed EU. Has that got harder to achieve? Yes. Is it still the right thing to do? Yes. Will I give it absolutely everything I have got to achieve it. Yes I will. "

"Clearly the job has got harder. I wouldn't deny that for one second."

Ukip's leader, Nigel Farage, said the appointment showed Cameron was a "loser". He tweeted: "David Cameron's response to Juncker's appointment shows that he is a loser who has learned nothing."

A leading Tory Eurosceptic said that the prime minister's defeat had shot to pieces his strategy of renegotiating Britain's membership terms with other EU leaders before a referendum. Daniel Hannan, a Tory MEP who wants to leave the EU, wrote on his Daily Telegraph blog: "The game is up … If David Cameron couldn't prevent the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European commission, no one will believe that he can deliver a more flexible EU, with more freedom of action for its member nations."

The prime minister will face Tory MPs when he makes a statement to parliament on Monday on the summit. But there are signs that hardline Tory Eurosceptics will hold their fire to help the prime minister deliver his referendum.

Ed Miliband, who will reply to the prime minister's Commons statement, tweeted: "On Europe, David Cameron has now become a toxic prime minister … He cannot stand up for Britain's national interest because when he supports something he drives our allies away."

On another of Cameron's key demands, the scrapping of the EU's commitment to "ever closer union" in the preamble to the Lisbon Treaty, the prime minister admitted this would be a tough fight. The summit declared the EU's adherence to ever closer union, though conceding that this could include varying levels and rates of integration, a statement of the status quo that Cameron sought to portray as a shift.

Merkel made it plain she had little intention of dropping the contested commitment to "ever closer union".

"There can be different speeds for member countries to adopt come to ever closer union," she said. "It was made clear, yet again, that the idea of an ever closer union as it is stated in the treaties does not mean that there is equal speed among member countries."

She signalled frustration with what she clearly saw as Britain's over-reaction to the Juncker issue.Merkel said she hoped Britain would not consider leaving the EU following the Juncker nomination. "I think, quite frankly, that one should look at it in a much more sober way," she said. "I have a great interest in Great Britain staying a member of the European Union. In this spirit I will continue to work."

Sounding at times emotional, the prime minister maintained that his European strategy remained on course, despite the thorough defeat. In remarks that appeared contemptuous of EU politicking, he repeatedly criticised the "cosy" consensus culture and complained about having to return for another summit in under three weeks. "Another day in paradise," he said.But Downing Street set great store by the summit's agreement to consider British concerns as it wrestles with its European destiny. The prime minister wants to embrace an idea proposed by the Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte which calls for a declaration that the EU should act where necessary and national governments should act wherever possible.

"We have broken new ground because for the first time all my 27 fellow heads of government have agreed explicitly that they need to address Britain's concerns about the EU," said Cameron.

The prime minister robustly defended his decision to pursue his opposition to Juncker in the most strident terms despite the certain knowledge that he confronted a sweeping majority against him.

"This is an important stand but it is far from being the last stand."

Britain closer to EU exit after Jean-Claude Juncker vote | World news | The Guardian
Britain and Cameron in EU danger zone, say experts
LONDON: David Cameron's failure to defeat naming Jean-Claude Juncker as the new European Commission president risks pushing Britain out of the EU unless he builds bridges to secure reforms before a 2017 referendum, experts say.

The British prime minister suffered a serious blow to his credibility by losing his fight against Juncker, a veteran EU insider, and Cameron admitted it made the job of keeping Britain in the European Union harder.

Many in Britain — where a long history of euroscepticism reached new heights with the victory of the anti-EU UK Independence Party in last month's European Parliament elections — currently support his stance against Juncker, who is seen as too much of a federalist.

Some 43 per cent of voters believe Cameron was right to try to block Juncker's appointment, against 13 per cent who said he was wrong in a Financial Times/Populus poll released this week.

And Cameron could still achieve the major EU reforms he wants, including repatriation of some powers, depending on how he reacts now, according to analysts.

“The Juncker episode is clearly a substantial defeat for David Cameron, and without remedy, increases the risk of Brexit (a British exit from the EU), “said Mats Persson, director of the London-based think-tank Open Europe.

“However, it is far from the end of the story for sweeping European reform. “British newspapers were unanimous on Saturday that Cameron's defeat had increased the risk of the country leaving the 28-nation bloc, with The Times warning on its front page, “Britain nears EU exit”.

But they were divided on whether Cameron or Brussels was to blame, with several saying he was right to stand in “splendid isolation” on a matter of principle.

Persson suggested that a perceived increase in the risk of Britain leaving the EU could prompt fellow leaders to swing behind Cameron, who he added must now work harder to outline his vision of reforms in Europe.

Key to Cameron's future situation will be who gets what as the rest of a large-scale shake-up of top EU jobs is negotiated at another summit on July 16.

Britain could be handed a key portfolio or one of its allies could take an important role such as the presidency of the European Council, the EU's political arm, currently filled by Herman Van Rompuy.

Cameron said Friday the key test for him of a candidate's suitability for a job was: “Do you get the need for reform and change in this organisation? “Ironically, his ability to drive through change ahead of the 2017 referendum on Britain's EU membership will also hinge on his ability to build a relationship with Juncker, whom he has called “the career insider of Brussels”.

“As president of the European Commission during and after the UK's 2015 general election, Juncker's stance on the UK's relationship with the EU, the prospects and modalities of re-negotiating the terms of membership -- and a possible referendum campaign -- will be significant,” said Professor Richard Whitman, associate fellow, Europe, at the Chatham House think-tank in London.

Cameron insisted Friday he was fully committed to fighting for Britain to stay in a reformed EU, regardless of how hard that is.

Simon Hix of the London School of Economics said Cameron needed to deliver on two main points -- a reformed agenda for the single market and concessions on British opt-outs from certain parts of EU law.

“If he can deliver on those things, then eveyone will forget Juncker,” he added.

But eurosceptics are not convinced, saying the argument over Juncker's nomination indicates a lengthy fight ahead for Cameron to secure reform.

“The battle over Mr Juncker was but the first skirmish in a long negotiation of a new relationship for the UK with the rest of the EU,” veteran eurosceptic MP and former minister John Redwood wrote on his blog.

“If the rest of the EU continue to be so unsympathetic to UK requirements, more UK voters will draw their own conclusions about the desirability of our continued membership. “
So if now Scotland separates in September and chooses to stay in EU, that means UK will be at a bigger loss right?
Shows how corrupt it is when only 2 countries dont vote for someone who is a complete twat, £250,000 a year he is on now and a £50,000 pension for life, for doing **** all. The quicker we get out the better, a corrupt selection of mostly shit bankrupt countries sucking the life out of the few countries that are decent, the UK/Scandinavia need to distance itself from Europe, we are just to different. The further west you go much like the further east, you really do feel a difference between culture of mainland Europe.
Some very interesting developments surrounding the UK lately. Between this and the Scottish referendum, the UK could suddenly get a whole lot smaller and more isolated...
Some very interesting developments surrounding the UK lately. Between this and the Scottish referendum, the UK could suddenly get a whole lot smaller and more isolated...

You think the chances are high for Scotland to go for it?
Some very interesting developments surrounding the UK lately. Between this and the Scottish referendum, the UK could suddenly get a whole lot smaller and more isolated...
We have held referendum Scotland in past that was failed miserably.

Even though it is going to raise bigger attention this time but I still hope to see it failing once again.

Don't worry UK is going to maintain its power and even if it alienates itself from Europe, it will still enjoy all the rights and benefits of being in Europe just like Switzerland.
UK, as a traditional great power, a birth place of many great strategist, will always be smart. whoever will be the next super power, UK will finds its role to play.
We have held referendum Scotland in past that was failed miserably.

Even though it is going to raise bigger attention this time but I still hope to see it failing once again.

Don't worry UK is going to maintain its power and even if it alienates itself from Europe, it will still enjoy all the rights and benefits of being in Europe just like Switzerland.

I think that Germany and/or France would like to take over Londons position in banking.
It makes a lot more sense to have banks within the E.U.
If they leave, and want to come back later, can they keep the Pound?
I think that Germany and/or France would like to take over Londons position in banking.
It makes a lot more sense to have banks within the E.U.
If they leave, and want to come back later, can they keep the Pound?

Any major banking area in the west needs to be in a native English speaking country ideally, so I doubt that will change. Scotland aint going anywhere anyway.
UK has been straddling the fence since the beginning. They never adopted the EU Currency and have had reservations against full fledged support of EU.
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