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Breaking: President Trump talks with King Salman of Saudi Arabia

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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I suppose , Trump has no issue if his policy of war will create more refugee , since they can all camp some where in the safe zone , since no one can migrate to USA

From the so called "strategic discussion" seems like the next victim (economic/ social ) might be Iran or at least that seems to be the goal (Destabalize another country about 80 millon strength)

How briliant is this , yea you go and have a fued or regional confict with Iran , we will support you and oh by the way , if there are civilian families effected by war they won't come to USA , cuze we banned them. We don't want anyone to come from the war zone (which we obviously support) as part of our initiative to help promote regional growth

  • Seems like a bit of the Iraq vs Iran (Part 2 from 80's) , you go ahead start a regional war and waste away your resources. Reference Iran - Iraq war from 80's for futher read

However (refugees) they can live in some slums by the next war zone :o: SAFE ZONES

How about the people keep living in their own homes as they are right now ?


Saudia/Iran need to discuss things on table , and keep certain third parties out of mix

Otherwise both these nations will suffer fate as Iraq / Syria or Libya becasue end of day it is your own population which will be forced to migrate , Trump and his family will be living in luxury in their Trump towers
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