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Brazil seeks industry consultation for building new corvettes


Apr 28, 2011
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The Brazilian Navy has issued a 'consultation call' for building corvettes, a procedure open to Brazilian and foreign shipbuilders and companies organised into a consortium.

The vessel, shown here in a rendering, is required to be built in Brazil; potentially with navy's shipyard Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ) playing a key role. (Brazilian Navy)

The effort is meant to obtain four ships forming the Tamandaré class, according to the basic project developed by the navy.

Companies interested in learning more about the construction and acquisition process were invited to view from 10-11 April the initial documentation with preliminary programme information, so they can later draft commercial proposals.

The Tamandaré class is one of Brazilian Navy's top priorities.

Brazil's Ships Projects Center (CPN) has been working to establish the project, receiving assistance from Fincantieri's VARD.

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Yea, we need to do something like that too.
To an extent, that's what Pakistan's doing. With the PN Fleet Tanker, they picked a Turkish design, and then produced in KSEW. They domestically sourced what they could, and imported the rest (e.g. propulsion, high-grade steel, etc). It will basically be the same with the MILGEMs they're negotiating for from Turkey.
The Tamandare class is essentially a modification/improvement on the single-ship 2,350 tons full load Barrosa class, itself a follow-on to the five-ship 1,970 tons full load Inhauma-class. Barrosa and Inhauma ships, while fitted with MM40 Exocet, triple tubes for 324mm lightweight ASW torpedoes and a helicopter, rely on dual-purpose AAA for air-defence (UK's 4.5" / 114mm mk8 naval gun plus either 2x single 40mm/L70 Bofors or 1x single 40mm Bofors Trinity Mk 3.

Sea Ceptor has been selected for the Tamandare class. Brazil's became the third navy to choose Sea Ceptor following the selection of the system for the UK’s Royal Navy (RN) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN).

At least four of the new 2,480 ton standard corvettes are envisioned: V35 "Tamandaré" V36 "Jeronimo de Albuquerque," V37 "Moreira Cunha" and V38 " Mariz e Barros". Therma Scanter 4100 combat system with Osiris. Radar likely BAE Systems Artisan 3D or a derivative thereof, assembled locally by Bradar (ex Orbisat), a subsidiary of Embraer Defense and Security.

Principal characteristics:
  • Length : 103,4m
  • Max Beam: 12,8m
  • Draught: 4,21m
  • Displacement: 2.715 tons (full load?)
  • Max. Speed: 25 kn
  • Crew: 136
  • Propulsion: CODAD (4 diesels)
  • Operational Capabilities: ASuW, AAW/EW, ASW, MIO




To an extent, that's what Pakistan's doing. With the PN Fleet Tanker, they picked a Turkish design, and then produced in KSEW. They domestically sourced what they could, and imported the rest (e.g. propulsion, high-grade steel, etc). It will basically be the same with the MILGEMs they're negotiating for from Turkey.

I think it will be better PN goes for LF-2400 design which will provide more firepower then current F-22p and more provision for customization and upgrade. If Pakistan can get 6 of this light frigate then easily replace current type-21 frigate. Cost of this frigate wouldn't be a major problem if turkey can extend some credit.
The Tamandare class is essentially a modification/improvement on the single-ship 2,350 tons full load Barrosa class, itself a follow-on to the five-ship 1,970 tons full load Inhauma-class. Barrosa and Inhauma ships, while fitted with MM40 Exocet, triple tubes for 324mm lightweight ASW torpedoes and a helicopter, rely on dual-purpose AAA for air-defence (UK's 4.5" / 114mm mk8 naval gun plus either 2x single 40mm/L70 Bofors or 1x single 40mm Bofors Trinity Mk 3.

Sea Ceptor has been selected for the Tamandare class. Brazil's became the third navy to choose Sea Ceptor following the selection of the system for the UK’s Royal Navy (RN) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN).

At least four of the new 2,480 ton standard corvettes are envisioned: V35 "Tamandaré" V36 "Jeronimo de Albuquerque," V37 "Moreira Cunha" and V38 " Mariz e Barros". Therma Scanter 4100 combat system with Osiris. Radar likely BAE Systems Artisan 3D or a derivative thereof, assembled locally by Bradar (ex Orbisat), a subsidiary of Embraer Defense and Security.

Principal characteristics:
  • Length : 103,4m
  • Max Beam: 12,8m
  • Draught: 4,21m
  • Displacement: 2.715 tons (full load?)
  • Max. Speed: 25 kn
  • Crew: 136
  • Propulsion: CODAD (4 diesels)
  • Operational Capabilities: ASuW, AAW/EW, ASW, MIO




Hown many VLS?
Hown many VLS?
There appear to be 2 versions of the same base platform planned

Corvettes Tamandaré:
Displacement: approximately 2,700 tons (loaded)
Length: 103.4 meters
Width: 11.4 meters;
Draft: 5.7 meters;
Trim: capacity to accommodate 165 people, including crew, MEC's and DAE
Maximum speed: 28 knots
Autonomy : 4,000 nautical miles at 14 knots
Organic Helicopter: Aircraft up to 10 tons
Armament (Probable): 4-8 quadruple VLS for Sea Ceptor missiles, 4-8 surface-to-surface missiles (MM40 or ManSup), 76mm main cannon, 40mm double repair, 2 .50 machine guns, 2 triple torpedo launchers

NB: this is probably minimum 2x4=8 cells, quadpacked SAM = 32 missiles, possibly 2x8=16 cells=64 missiles
I'm inclined (also looking at the images above, and the arming practices in Brazilian navy) to say 2x4.

Displacement: approximately 2,000 tons (loaded)
Length: 103.4 meters
Width: 11.4 meters;
Draft: 4 meters;
Garrison: 125 people, between crew, MEC's and DAE
Maximum speed: 25 knots
Autonomy: 4,000 nautical miles at 12 knots
Organic Helicopter: Aircraft up to 10 tons
Armament (Probable): Main cannon 76 mm, 2 20 mm machine guns and 2 machine guns .50 cal

Brazil cancels aircraft carrier modernisation plans
Victor Barreira, Istanbul - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

15 February 2017

Brazil will abandon plans to modernise its São Paulo (A 12) aircraft carrier and the ship will be demobilised over the next three years, Brazilian Navy announced on 14 February.

The decision came after navy feasibility studies indicated that it would take about 10 years to upgrade the ship, and that the project faced technological and cost risks.

The Brazilian Navy's said acquiring a new aircraft carrier and naval aircraft will become the service's third priority, after its submarines and Tamandaré-class corvette programmes that are part of the service's strategic project 'Construção do Núcleo do Poder Naval' [Construction of the Nucleus of Naval Power]. The navy hopes to develop and locally build two aircraft carriers each displacing approximately 50,000 tonnes.

Where can they get a replacement carrier by 2020? China, India, Russia, locally?

Without a replacement, not only will Brazilian naval aviation loose a place to fly from, it also leave the Argentinian Super Etendards without a place to fly from.
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