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Biden Signs Order Releasing FBI Documents on Saudi-9/11 Ties

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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joe biden signs paper on desk

03 September 2021​

President Joe Biden has signed an executive order directing the FBI to release long-awaited classified documents regarding Saudi Arabia’s connection to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, a source close to the Biden administration told Newsmax on Friday.

Biden’s decision to move on the executive order this week comes after 9/11 victims’ families on Thursday asked an inspector general in the Department of Justice to investigate their claims.

The families allege that the FBI lied about or destroyed evidence tying Saudi Arabian officials to the team of al-Qaida hijackers.

In the letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, the families allege that "circumstances make it likely that one or more FBI officials committed willful misconduct with intent to destroy or secrete evidence to avoid its disclosure."

The FBI declined to comment about the letter, which had nearly 3,500 signatures, including family members of 9/11 victims, first responders, and survivors of the attacks.

For the past 20 years, a group of 9/11 victims’ families have fought a tireless but fruitless battle for additional U.S. government information about the terrorist attacks two decades ago that killed almost 3,000 people and wounded countless others.

The families have been trying to uncover secret law enforcement and intelligence reports that could reveal whether Saudi Arabian officials provided financial assistance or other aid to any of the 19 al-Qaida hijackers, 15 of whom were from Saudi Arabia.

Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the attacks, was also a Saudi national.

The most recent request sought evidence that included phone records and a videotape of a party in California that two of the hijackers attended more than a year before the attacks.

"Given the importance of the missing evidence at issue to the 9/11 investigation, as well as the repeated mishandling by the FBI of that evidence, an innocent explanation is not believable," the letter states.

The signatories asked Horowitz to look into FBI statements made in response to a subpoena from the families that the agency "lost or is simply no longer able to find key evidence about the individuals who provided substantial support inside the U.S. to the 9/11 hijackers."

For years, Saudi Arabia has denied playing any role in the attacks.

The bipartisan 9/11 Commission final report found no evidence that Saudi Arabia directly funded al-Qaida but did not determine whether individual Saudi officials may have had a hand in helping the Islamist terrorists.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not reply to Newsmax’s request for comment at time of publication.
Separately, the FBI conducted Operation Encore, which probed links between the hijackers and Saudi Arabia.
The FBI reportedly found no evidence of direct links. But a former FBI agent, Stephen Moore, claimed in a 2017 sworn statement that he believed Saudi officials had provided support to at least two of the hijackers.

Biden’s decision to order the release of the information comes amid immense mounting pressure from the victims’ families who sued Saudi Arabia.

In 2016, Congress passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, a law that waived sovereign immunity for Saudi Arabia, opening the door for 9/11 families, insurance companies, and others to sue the oil-rich kingdom in U.S. federal court.

Several of those suits remain in process and the release of additional FBI documents could support their claims.
Some of those families demanded Biden skip attending any 20-year memorial events surrounding the attacks unless he declassified the documents.

Last month, the Justice Department said in a court filing that it had decided to review earlier claims of privilege it had made about why it could not release some information requested by families.

"My administration is committed to ensuring the maximum degree of transparency under the law," Biden said in an Aug. 9 statement about the DOJ’s decision.

Brett Eagleson, son of 9/11 victim Bruce Eagleson, called Biden's executive order a "critical step forward for the 9/11 community and the American people" who deserve a full accounting of the events surrounding the attacks.

"President Biden is asking us to trust that the administration will bring justice to the 9/11 community, and we certainly hope this is a genuine step forward," he said. "We will closely watch this process to ensure the Justice Department and FBI follow through, act in good faith, and help our families uncover the truth in our pursuit of justice against the Saudi government."



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Now after a shameful retreat from Afghanistan, who do we bully wile make a ton of Money? an Idea how about link KSA with the 911
They most probably redacted or remove load of stuff from the document.
They most probably redacted or remove load of stuff from the document.

Why I feel this is just the stepping stone to sooner or later loss out the Middle East and/or punish it more.

Even sides this news something just don’t feel right to be honest.
Why I feel this is just the stepping stone to sooner or later loss out the Middle East and/or punish it more.
Oh, It’s coming. Habibis are going to feel the shaft soon. Once majority of western economic activities are less reliant on oil. Than Uncle Sam will crack his whip. Laws are being enacted to stop the production of gasoline powered vehicles. Western countries are rapidly moving away from Hydrocarbon. Companies like BP and Shell are investing into Alternative fuels like Geothermal and are expecting to end their hydrocarbons investments by 2030.
Now after a shameful retreat from Afghanistan, who do we bully wile make a ton of Money? an Idea how about link KSA with the 911
Saudi Arabia agreed to the publishing of these FBI classified documents 15 years ago..

Biden wants to cover up its failure and scandal in Afghanistan..

If we look at the media, Biden, between the attacks of the American media because of his humiliating withdrawal in Afghanistan, and the anger of his soldiers from officers to privates, and between the attacks of Trump, the man who wants to change the compass for another purpose, Biden thinks that this executive order may improve his degraded reputation and might acertain his shaking authority.. even if it is for a just a limited time enough for the American people to get over this debacle in Afghanistan..
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9/11 should be the responsibility of the U.S. government and wall street.
Those people are really terrorists, and many of the people they hurt are innocent.
But they are also wretches exploited and humiliated by the imperialist United States. They roared angrily at the desperate world at the cost of their own lives.
Now the terrorists have paid the price for their sins. But what about those who exploit and humiliate them? They are the culprits. Did they pay the price?



Why should we believe the USA narrative, when USA did the Mohammad Mossadegh removal?
What exactly Biden wants to gain from this?
He wants US out of middle east. They cannot afford to stay and pay the high price of war. Both of Israel and KSA are shaking to their roots after the miseries that they have imposed on people of middle east. One makes seditions the other opens the way for invasion on Muslim countries through making fake stories like 9/11.
The Kingdom welcomes the lifting of confidentiality on the documents of the events of September 11th


The Saudi Embassy in Washington welcomed the declassification of documents related to the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001

And the Saudi embassy said, in a statement posted on its official account on the social networking site «Twitter», that since that horrific day 20 years ago, the Saudi leadership has consistently called for the release of all materials related to the US investigation into the attacks.
joe biden signs paper on desk

03 September 2021​

President Joe Biden has signed an executive order directing the FBI to release long-awaited classified documents regarding Saudi Arabia’s connection to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, a source close to the Biden administration told Newsmax on Friday.

Biden’s decision to move on the executive order this week comes after 9/11 victims’ families on Thursday asked an inspector general in the Department of Justice to investigate their claims.

The families allege that the FBI lied about or destroyed evidence tying Saudi Arabian officials to the team of al-Qaida hijackers.

In the letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, the families allege that "circumstances make it likely that one or more FBI officials committed willful misconduct with intent to destroy or secrete evidence to avoid its disclosure."

The FBI declined to comment about the letter, which had nearly 3,500 signatures, including family members of 9/11 victims, first responders, and survivors of the attacks.

For the past 20 years, a group of 9/11 victims’ families have fought a tireless but fruitless battle for additional U.S. government information about the terrorist attacks two decades ago that killed almost 3,000 people and wounded countless others.

The families have been trying to uncover secret law enforcement and intelligence reports that could reveal whether Saudi Arabian officials provided financial assistance or other aid to any of the 19 al-Qaida hijackers, 15 of whom were from Saudi Arabia.

Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the attacks, was also a Saudi national.

The most recent request sought evidence that included phone records and a videotape of a party in California that two of the hijackers attended more than a year before the attacks.

"Given the importance of the missing evidence at issue to the 9/11 investigation, as well as the repeated mishandling by the FBI of that evidence, an innocent explanation is not believable," the letter states.

The signatories asked Horowitz to look into FBI statements made in response to a subpoena from the families that the agency "lost or is simply no longer able to find key evidence about the individuals who provided substantial support inside the U.S. to the 9/11 hijackers."

For years, Saudi Arabia has denied playing any role in the attacks.

The bipartisan 9/11 Commission final report found no evidence that Saudi Arabia directly funded al-Qaida but did not determine whether individual Saudi officials may have had a hand in helping the Islamist terrorists.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not reply to Newsmax’s request for comment at time of publication.
Separately, the FBI conducted Operation Encore, which probed links between the hijackers and Saudi Arabia.
The FBI reportedly found no evidence of direct links. But a former FBI agent, Stephen Moore, claimed in a 2017 sworn statement that he believed Saudi officials had provided support to at least two of the hijackers.

Biden’s decision to order the release of the information comes amid immense mounting pressure from the victims’ families who sued Saudi Arabia.

In 2016, Congress passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, a law that waived sovereign immunity for Saudi Arabia, opening the door for 9/11 families, insurance companies, and others to sue the oil-rich kingdom in U.S. federal court.

Several of those suits remain in process and the release of additional FBI documents could support their claims.
Some of those families demanded Biden skip attending any 20-year memorial events surrounding the attacks unless he declassified the documents.

Last month, the Justice Department said in a court filing that it had decided to review earlier claims of privilege it had made about why it could not release some information requested by families.

"My administration is committed to ensuring the maximum degree of transparency under the law," Biden said in an Aug. 9 statement about the DOJ’s decision.

Brett Eagleson, son of 9/11 victim Bruce Eagleson, called Biden's executive order a "critical step forward for the 9/11 community and the American people" who deserve a full accounting of the events surrounding the attacks.

"President Biden is asking us to trust that the administration will bring justice to the 9/11 community, and we certainly hope this is a genuine step forward," he said. "We will closely watch this process to ensure the Justice Department and FBI follow through, act in good faith, and help our families uncover the truth in our pursuit of justice against the Saudi government."



The Saudi's have hundreds of Billions of dollars invested in USA. What are they going to do if Saudi's want to pull out from risk of confiscation.
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