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Bhutto - Imperial, Jealous

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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Benazir vulnerable and imperial, Zardari warm-hearted fool: Abida​

* Aitzaz’s wife says BB does not approve Aitzaz

LAHORE: Former member of the National Assembly (MNA) Syeda Abida Hussain has said that former premier Benazir Bhutto is “an imperial and vulnerable person” whereas Bhutto’s husband, Asif Ali Zardari, is a “a warm-hearted fool”, according to an article published in the New York Times.

Bhutto, 54, returned to Pakistan to present herself as the answer to the nation’s troubles: a tribune of democracy in a state that has been under military rule for eight years, and the leader of the country’s largest opposition party, the Pakistan People’s Party, founded by her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, one of Pakistan’s most flamboyant and democratically inclined prime ministers.

The article says a graduate of Harvard and Oxford, she brings the backing of Washington and London, where she impresses with her political lineage, her considerable charm and her persona as a female Muslim leader. She also faces deep questions about her personal probity in public office, which have resulted in corruption cases against her in Switzerland, Spain and Britain, as well as in Pakistan. “She believes she is the chosen one, that she is the daughter of Bhutto and everything else is secondary,” :crazy: the article quotes Faisal Naqvi, a corporate lawyer in Lahore who knows Bhutto, as saying. While Bhutto has managed to maintain much of her freedom of movement this week, her biggest rival in the party, Aitzaz Ahsan, was jailed on the first night of the emergency rule, according to the article.

Ahsan is a Cambridge University-educated lawyer who served in her father’s cabinet, and then hers, and he defended Bhutto in a series of corruption cases in the early 1990s.

But in an illustration of Bhutto’s attitude to competition, he was quickly frozen out by Bhutto after he was introduced around Washington last year as a possible counterbalance to General Musharraf, senior members of the party said.
Ahsan’s wife, Bushra Ahsan, said Bhutto failed to congratulate her husband when he won the case to reinstate former chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

Aitzaz: When Ahsan was elected as Supreme Court Bar Association president, again he heard nothing from Bhutto, Bushra said, adding, “she has not shown any approval of my husband.” Bhutto’s marriage to Asif Ali Zardari was arranged by her mother, a fact that Bhutto has often said was easily explained, even for a modern, highly educated Pakistani woman. Former member of the National Assembly (MNA) Syeda Abida Hussain described Zardari as “a warm-hearted fool,” who lacked Bhutto’s education. He is known for his love of polo and other perquisites of the good life like fine clothes, expensive restaurants, homes in Dubai and London, and an apartment in New York. He was minister of investment in Bhutto’s second government. And it was from that perch that he made many of the deals that have haunted the couple in the courts, said National Accountability Bureau former prosecutor general Farooq Adam Khan.

Indeed, one of Bhutto’s main objectives in seeking to return to power is to restore the reputation of her husband, who was jailed for eight years in Pakistan, said Abdullah Riar, a former senator. “She told me, ‘Time will prove he is the Nelson Mandela of Pakistan,’” :rofl:Riar said. daily times monitor
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Power hungry, delusional and completely incompetent, as seen from her performance the last two times around. At least A Ahsan has principles.
She has quite a few corruption cases in the military & defence procurement. I wouldn't mention..
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