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BEL-led team unveils new airborne weapon prototypes

Surya 1

Aug 6, 2016
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BEL-led team unveils new airborne weapon prototypes
Rahul Udoshi, Bangalore - Jane's Missiles & Rockets
13 March 2019

A prototype model of the Waghnak stand-off glide munition displayed during the 2019 Aero India show. Source: Rahul Udoshi
A collaborative Indian industry team led by Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) has unveiled an array of new air-launched precision-guided weapons and lightweight cruise missiles.

The team disclosed the development of a family of three prototype airborne weapon systems, respectively designated Waghnak, Khagantak, and Vel, all of which are envisioned as low-cost, state-of-the-art, penetration weapons for domestic and export customers. However, the weapons can be fitted with different payloads or seekers as per customer requirement.

The development is part of an effort led by BEL with industry partners, including Nagpur-based start-up JSR Dynamics, to develop universal advanced guided weapons that provide an improved air-to-surface attack capability for combat aircraft operating in contested airspace. BEL will supply all electronics and guidance subsystems, while the body and control systems are supplied by JSR Dynamics. The team claims that the weapons will have only 10% imported subsystems, but declined to disclose further details.

The Waghnak is a 450 kg-class precision stand-off glide munition, similar in appearance to the US-built AGM-154 Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW) but with a different design approach. The weapon has a streamlined lightweight carbon composite body with fold-out mid-body glide wings and five aft control surfaces to deliver a range of 154 km at a launch altitude of 12,000 m, with a maximum engagement speed of 272 m/s. BEL claims that the composite material helps reduce the Waghnak's radar cross section (RCS) signature and improves operational range.

BEL is offering a basic option of Waghnak featuring a multiband passive RF seeker (1-3, 3-6, 6-12 GHz) with an inertial navigation system (INS)/GPS with long-wave infrared (IR) sensor for terminal guidance, and a tandem warhead (primary: 225 kg penetration warhead; secondary: 45 kg shaped charge) for hard-surface attack. The munition can be configured with only an INS/GPS, semi-active laser (SAL), or medium-wave IR seeker as required.

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Bloody 154 km range for a glide bomb is a hell of a range. You can virtually take out many enemy bases, weapon depots and important military installation from sand off range. This is simply superb and cost-effective. I don't know how many countries have such high tech weapon? Not much revealed about light weight cruise missile but what I had read earlier, it will be a more sophisticated version of Something RAAD missile of Pakistan delivered at very low cost.
Honestly, BEL is such an underdog. It's one of the best managed public enterprise in India. We need to allocate more budget to BEL for R&D purposes. I can see all our A2A, A2G, Smart bombs, Rockets built by them in next 10-15 years.
BEL is one organization I admire since they deliver consistently what thry promise; and good quality product.. have used several acquired electronic products for dev and copying in our systems.
154KM is impressive for a Glide Bomb.
But the looks are so uninspiring. Whats that Red border looks like. Duct Tape? :bad:
Check out the Raptor. Aesthetics should also be focused.
Honestly, BEL is such an underdog. It's one of the best managed public enterprise in India. We need to allocate more budget to BEL for R&D purposes. I can see all our A2A, A2G, Smart bombs, Rockets built by them in next 10-15 years.

Initially, they would only produce what DRDO or Euro, etc. companies let them produce, but they like other gov companies are producing their own products, even producing irrespective of user requirements. A risk which none of them would bother with.
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