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Barack obama gets tough on outsourcing


Oct 20, 2009
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WASHINGTON: Amid talk of fading allure and promises not kept, an embattled President Obama, bruised by economic, political, and foreign policy crises in his first year in office, has pledged to stop US companies from taking jobs overseas and warned Americans about increasing competition from China and India.

In his first state of the union address on Wednesday delivered amid severe economic downturn and his own dwindling popularity, Obama addressed the issue of loss of jobs to foreign markets, saying to encourage
businesses to stay within the United States "it is time to finally slash the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas, and give those tax breaks to companies that create jobs right here in the USA."

As has now become the norm, the President invoked the growth of China and India to gee up the home constituency on the economic front, where a continuing slow-down and job loss has bedeviled his first year in office.

"Washington has been telling us to wait for decades, even as the problems have grown worse," he said, referring to the enervating political gridlock in the capital that he blames for stymieing some of his
initiatives. "Meanwhile, China is not waiting to revamp its economy. Germany is not waiting. India is not waiting. These nations -- they're not standing still."

"These nations aren't playing for second place. They're putting more emphasis on math and science. They're rebuilding their infrastructure. They're making serious investments in clean energybecause they want those jobs. Well, I do not accept second place for the United States of America," he added.

The US President also set a target of doubling US exports over the next five years, a goal that will inevitably bring pressure on countries such as India to open its markets, as he pledged "to continue to shape a Doha trade agreement."

"We have to seek new markets aggressively, just as our competitors are. If America sits on the sidelines while other nations sign trade deals, we will lose the chance to create jobs on our shores. But realizing those benefits also means enforcing those agreements so our trading partners play by the rules," he said.

In an address that was largely devoted to domestic issues, Obama also signaled to the international community that Washington intended to ease its way out of Iraq and Afghanistan while securing itself at home through better homeland security and preventing terrorists from getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction.

Only a few minutes and a bare 800 words of his 70-minute/7000-word address were devoted to foreign policy as the first African-American President in US history battled the perception that he has lost his way in Washington. In sharp contrast to the many Bush speeches, he mentioned the word terror or terrorists only twice in his speech; there were nearly 50 references to jobs and economy, a clear indication of where the Obama administration’s emphasis will be in the remaining three years of its term.

In an elaborate appraisal of the state of the US economy, President Obama explained how government’s bail-out of big banks was inevitable despite everyone, including himself, hating it (he compared it to a root
canal). But now that the "worst storm has passed" it was time for Democrats and Republican to "overcome the numbing weight of our politics" and address issues such as health care and initiatives for job creation and economic growth.

But it was his quick glossing over of the crises in Afghanistan and Iraq, including promise of a rapid withdrawal of US troops, that was most striking. "In Afghanistan, we're increasing our troops and training Afghan security forces so they can begin to take the lead in July of 2011, and our troops can begin to come home," he said. "We are responsibly leaving Iraq to its people. We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August."

"This war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home," he said to repeated applause at a joint session of law-makers where 9/11 is a distant memory and there is clearly no appetite for continued attrition abroad amid severe domestic crises.

Obama-speak: Hello, war on recession; Goodbye, war on terror - US - World - The Times of India
Obama's major election promise of changes to the U.S. Tax Code that, among other things, would remove tax deductions for companies that take jobs overseas, may have many supporters among US tax payers. But India, the country that has grabbed the biggest chunk of the US's IT outsourcing pie, is strongly reacting to that proposal, and is lobbying hard in the US to convince authorities that any such protectionist move would not only have serious connotations for India, but would also mean loss of opportunities for American giants.

International Push Back Against Obama's Outsourcing Reforms - International Beat
Jobs in US , 60% of all USA tax returns are processed in India so even US government outsource. :coffee: China can't compete in out sourcing of service sector with India because of Language problem, so India has a open field, example no help desk or Multinational companies call centers in China.
English speaking Chinese (next) generation is growing up in next ten year's to compete with India in service sector out sourcing from west.
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Obama's major election promise of changes to the U.S. Tax Code that, among other things, would remove tax deductions for companies that take jobs overseas, may have many supporters among US tax payers. But India, the country that has grabbed the biggest chunk of the US's IT outsourcing pie, is strongly reacting to that proposal, and is lobbying hard in the US to convince authorities that any such protectionist move would not only have serious connotations for India, but would also mean loss of opportunities for American giants.

International Push Back Against Obama's Outsourcing Reforms - International Beat

You cannot possibly blame India for looking after her future its every nations job to secure her future and create jobs at home.

Americans wanted to out source Manufacturing jobs to 3rd world countries as average American wants to make 30 bucks a hour but do not wanna pay $300 dollars for dvd player the build themselves
and would rather buy dvd player build oversea which cost 30 dollars.

Pakistans problem is simple our politicians are all uneducated and they do not wanna create an educated class as educated people question things on the other hand Indians have invested in education heavily and refused to open there markets for free which in Pakistan case everybody is welcome regardless we get any thing out of it or not i no most here will call me all sorts of names but i call it as i see it.
Out Sourcing lobby is too strong in US , Obama will fail.

I work in the US and have heard the same speech from 2000 onwards, every time there is a crisis or elections in the US.. He wont even try hard enough.. The US giants stand to loose too much by this
Outsourcing = death of capatalism

When all jobs will go to India , who will pay the big mortgages , or taxes to US gov it won't me Manmohan Singh thats for sure.

These corporations moved 20,000-40,000 jobs per compay overseas blindly and now their country is facing these issues.

It could be a big melt down in India if US suddenly decides to Ban India ... they have history of .....you know ... for their alleged allies

I never thought "Outsourcing" would destroy the basic fabrics of American system.....we see compaies hiring in India while in US americans are being given Pink slip

I hear a angry shout from every day american when ask them about their feeling towards India and outsourcing they don't like it one bit

Even in movies like Transformers they made fun of Indian call centers too which I thought was kinda racist but just goes to show , how angry the general people are in US sooner or later the LAW will get passed - that is only a matter of time
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Outsourcing = death of capatalism

When all jobs will go to India , who will pay the big mortgages , or taxes to US gov it won't me Manmohan Singh thats for sure.

These corporations moved 20,000-40,000 jobs per compay overseas blindly and now their country is facing these issues.

It could be a big melt down in India if US suddenly decides to Ban India ... they have history of .....you know ... for their alleged allies

I never thought "Outsourcing" would destroy the basic fabrics of American system.....we see compaies hiring in India while in US americans are being given Pink slip

I hear a angry shout from every day american when ask them about their feeling towards India and outsourcing they don't like it one bit

Even in movies like Transformers they made fun of Indian call centers too which I thought was kinda racist but just goes to show , how angry the general people are in US sooner or later the LAW will get passed - that is only a matter of time

Dude.. I live here in the US.. Its all a political gimmik. Also, outsourcing in the US is not just services outsourcing but also manufacturing outsourcing to China.

What talks the most in any capitalist economy is money and thats what offshoring saves for the big US multinationals. And in times of recession, when the revenues go down, guess what these companies need to reduce to stay in business. Its Operating costs. Thats where India and China come in.

Do you know that at the peak of recession in 2008-2009, India's BPO sector actually grew by 9%. This when all other industries were actually shrinking. Agreed that the growth was lower compared to previous years, but in 2010 when the companies are coming out of recession, the pipeline of orders is so strong that it has never been in last 5-6 years.

On your melt down theory, look at the facts

1. Outsourcing industry and ancilliaries contributes to less than 1% of INdia's GDP. Close to $12 billion
2. Only 60% of India's outsourcing depends on USA

So in your hypothetical case of USA tomorrow deciding to totally stop outsourcing (and in the process kill the profitability of a large number of US companies due to increase in operating costs), India's GDP in 2010 year will grow by 7.3 % instead of 7.9%. It will result in a large number of people loosing jobs and impact on sentiment but thats about it.. Anyway the scenario is also extremely improbable..

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