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Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'


Feb 25, 2009
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Found this article posted by a forummer called "proudgrandson". The original source is BBC.

Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'

Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'
Syed Shoaib Hasan
BBC News, Islamabad


Groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba had to close down camps after the 2002 ban

Militant groups banned in Pakistan are expanding operations and recruitment in Pakistani-run Kashmir, according to a government report seen by the BBC.

The observations are from a detailed secret report submitted to the region's government on the groups' activities in the city of Muzaffarabad and elsewhere.

Pakistan banned the groups in 2002 after an attack on India's parliament brought the two states close to war.

There was no immediate comment on the revelations from Pakistan's government.

Pakistan's allies, including the US, have expressed fears regarding the groups' proliferation and their close links to al-Qaeda.

'Cover for militancy'

A copy of the report, which was submitted by regional police to Pakistan-administered Kashmir's cabinet on 25 March, was obtained by the BBC in Islamabad.

"These people are being protected here"
Raja Faisal Majeed lawyer living near suspected militant camps in Pakistani-run Kashmir.

It finds that three banned groups - Harkatul Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba - are active in Muzaffarabad.

Harkatul Mujahideen and Jaish-e-Mohammad are said to be planning to open madrassas, or Islamic schools, in the city where Lashkar-e-Taiba is already operating a madrassa.

"No officials are allowed to enter these premises to gather any sort of information," the report says.

"We fear these madrassas maybe a cover for furthering militant activities."

The report also elaborates how the militant groups are growing in size and number across Kashmir.

It especially mentions the Neelum district, where they are said to be at their most powerful.

The report says the militants are involved in the logging of trees, one of the most lucrative trades in the region.

They have also set up offices in the Kandal Shahi market in Neelum, where they have become a major law and order headache, the report says.

The report mentions an incident which led to the killing of some locals and a resulting stand-off with the militants.

"The situation was only resolved by the intervention of the local administrator and senior army officials," the report says.

It then goes on to say that the authorities should take up the matter with the intelligence agency responsible for the militants.

The report says officials from that agency should relocate the militants to some area near the border, otherwise clashes with locals could take place.

Deadly groups

The report comes as Pakistan's security forces are involved in a fully fledged operation against the Taliban.


The militants are said to be backed up by the jihadi organisations, especially the Jaish-e-Mohammad and the Harkatul Mujahideen.

Jaish-e-Mohammad has been involved in several assassination attempts on top Pakistani officials, including former President Pervez Musharraf.

Its members were also responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street journalist Daniel Pearl, and are said to have carried out the attack on the Indian parliament.

Harkatul Mujahideen is the Jaish's parent organisation and one of the largest militant groups in the world.

Lashkar-e-Taiba remains the prime suspect in the Mumbai attacks and is India's enemy number one.

Local people have confirmed to the BBC that there has been a great increase in militant activity in the regions mentioned.

"These people are being protected here," said Raja Faisal Majeed, a lawyer living in a village near where some of the militant groups have set up base.

"Sometimes they operate under the guise of a charity, sometimes as a school. We have protested against them to no avail."

Despite the fact that the groups mentioned are banned under Pakistan's terrorism act, the report does not advocate any action against them other than to keep an eye on their activities.

What are your views on this 'development'? Does the intelligence agency implied in the report mean the ISI? If that's the case, then doesn't it directly implicate that the ISI is involved in nefarious activities which India accuses it to be involved in (like supporting LeT)? Even the local Kashmiris find these supposed "freedom fighters" to be a nuisance/headache! So much for "moral support" of Kashmiri freedom movement.
Btw this is an internal official report submitted by the regional police to Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (or "Azad Kashmir" if you may) cabinet.
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Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'

by Syed Shoaib Hasan

Militant groups banned in Pakistan are expanding operations and recruitment in Pakistani-run Kashmir, according to a government report seen by the BBC.

The observations are from a detailed secret report submitted to the region's government on the groups' activities in the city of Muzaffarabad and elsewhere.

Pakistan banned the groups in 2002 after an attack on India's parliament brought the two states close to war.

There was no immediate comment on the revelations from Pakistan's government.

Pakistan's allies, including the US, have expressed fears regarding the groups' proliferation and their close links to al-Qaeda.

'Cover for militancy'

A copy of the report, which was submitted by regional police to Pakistan-administered Kashmir's cabinet on 25 March, was obtained by the BBC in Islamabad.

It finds that three banned groups - Harkatul Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba - are active in Muzaffarabad.

Harkatul Mujahideen and Jaish-e-Mohammad are said to be planning to open madrassas, or Islamic schools, in the city where Lashkar-e-Taiba is already operating a madrassa.

"No officials are allowed to enter these premises to gather any sort of information," the report says.

"We fear these madrassas maybe a cover for furthering militant activities."

The report also elaborates how the militant groups are growing in size and number across Kashmir.

It especially mentions the Neelum district, where they are said to be at their most powerful.

The report says the militants are involved in the logging of trees, one of the most lucrative trades in the region.

They have also set up offices in the Kandal Shahi market in Neelum, where they have become a major law and order headache, the report says.

The report mentions an incident which led to the killing of some locals and a resulting stand-off with the militants.

"The situation was only resolved by the intervention of the local administrator and senior army officials," the report says.

It then goes on to say that the authorities should take up the matter with the intelligence agency responsible for the militants.

The report says officials from that agency should relocate the militants to some area near the border, otherwise clashes with locals could take place.
Deadly groups

The report comes as Pakistan's security forces are involved in a fully fledged operation against the Taliban

The militants are said to be backed up by the jihadi organisations, especially the Jaish-e-Mohammad and the Harkatul Mujahideen.

Jaish-e-Mohammad has been involved in several assassination attempts on top Pakistani officials, including former President Pervez Musharraf.

Its members were also responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street journalist Daniel Pearl, and are said to have carried out the attack on the Indian parliament.

Harkatul Mujahideen is the Jaish's parent organisation and one of the largest militant groups in the world.

Lashkar-e-Taiba remains the prime suspect in the Mumbai attacks and is India's enemy number one.

Local people have confirmed to the BBC that there has been a great increase in militant activity in the regions mentioned.

"These people are being protected here," said Raja Faisal Majeed, a lawyer living in a village near where some of the militant groups have set up base.

"Sometimes they operate under the guise of a charity, sometimes as a school. We have protested against them to no avail."

Despite the fact that the groups mentioned are banned under Pakistan's terrorism act, the report does not advocate any action against them other than to keep an eye on their activities.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'
Wasn't the GOP supposed to shut these guys down?

Interestingly, the freedom figters are also killing Kashmiris in Pakistan occupied kashmir. Do they really care for Kashmiris or just an excuse to work on the larger ideological agenda for South Asia?
This part of the world was very peaceful before 71. it was "Fatih71" and co. who started terrorism in this part of the world. They trained mukti bahni and exported terrorism in East Pakistan{now Bangladesh}. Training camps were established all along the border with East Pakistan. May be they were trying to take revenge of 1000 years of occupation but Pl. keep in mind that the border between India and East Pakistan was an International Border, which they were violating,and east Pakistan was not a disputed territory , still Fatihs were violating and were exporting terrorism . In case of Kashmir it is a disputed territory and the line between the two countries is not an International border ,If Kashmirs ,who live in Azad Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan get together and want to librate their home land and an example of Mr. Fatih and co. is also there ,,,, how can anybody stop them?
This part of the world was very peaceful before 71. it was "Fatih71" and co. who started terrorism in this part of the world. They trained mukti bahni and exported terrorism in East Pakistan{now Bangladesh}. Training camps were established all along the border with East Pakistan. May be they were trying to take revenge of 1000 years of occupation but Pl. keep in mind that the border between India and East Pakistan was an International Border, which they were violating,and east Pakistan was not a disputed territory , still Fatihs were violating and were exporting terrorism . In case of Kashmir it is a disputed territory and the line between the two countries is not an International border ,If Kashmirs ,who live in Azad Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan get together and want to librate their home land and an example of Mr. Fatih and co. is also there ,,,, how can anybody stop them?

grow up ..........then stop reading your "customised" national history and rean stuff from neutral sources......
Whats the big deal...? we waited and waited for you indians to make a move on kashmir and you did zilch.

Just think for one moment the indian army has been pulled out of kashmir and pakistan has does nothing in return but just puts extra demands before they will stop the freedom fighters.

You guys where screaming that if we stop the flow of fighters you would have talks on kashmir and instead you have started getting smarmy.........at least this time all pakistani will know that we tried to find a peacful settlement by accepting your core demands and you did nothing but make excuses.
Its a step by step process where we have been talikng steps and you guys want to backtrack.........this time you move the indian army out before we stop the flow of fighters.
We stoppped the fighters from crossing and you should have reduced number troops after that we would have shut down all the training camps and you would have pulled the whole indian army out kashmir and so on......step by step.
Qouted by haawk:
grow up ..........then stop reading your "customised" national history and rean stuff from neutral sources......

The history from Indian resources? Thats what you mean? Will you please mention some neutral resources?

By the way, history has never been written by any neutral resources. There always has been inclination, to some extent, towards describing events and, to a large extent, towards interpreting the events. My opinion. No hard feeling, please.
Whats the big deal...? we waited and waited for you indians to make a move on kashmir and you did zilch.

Just think for one moment the indian army has been pulled out of kashmir and pakistan has does nothing in return but just puts extra demands before they will stop the freedom fighters.

You guys where screaming that if we stop the flow of fighters you would have talks on kashmir and instead you have started getting smarmy.........at least this time all pakistani will know that we tried to find a peacful settlement by accepting your core demands and you did nothing but make excuses.
Its a step by step process where we have been talikng steps and you guys want to backtrack.........this time you move the indian army out before we stop the flow of fighters.
We stoppped the fighters from crossing and you should have reduced number troops after that we would have shut down all the training camps and you would have pulled the whole indian army out kashmir and so on......step by step.

Still remember that RAJIV GANDHI in 1989 visit to PAKISTAN rebuffed a question regarding KASHMIR by saying it cannot be discussed.
When Freedom fighters started kicking them where it hurts , it was the INDIANS who came up by offering DIALOGUE on KASHMIR.
Still remember that RAJIV GANDHI in 1989 visit to PAKISTAN rebuffed a question regarding KASHMIR by saying it cannot be discussed.
When Freedom fighters started kicking them where it hurts , it was the INDIANS who came up by offering DIALOGUE on KASHMIR.

It is PAK who keep wanted to talk with India . India never shown Interest in talking PAK, it US which shaved Pak many times and prusser India to start talk with PAK and not to take any action,every anything happen all People from US and UK start Flying India asking to forgive one more time , time so that it can get some acceptacnce in International Country.

Remember how Pak Eager to talk with India , and Mush did handshake and shown its eagerness

India can take when ever it wants.... it only matter of time.
India and PAk divide on the Religion Basis. That Muslims Should live in Pak and Hindus in India.

1) If Pak Want Kashmir, then It should also be asking all Indian Muslim to be in Pak. I dont why Didnt PAk asking all Indian Muslim to come into PAK. What a hypocrisy
This part of the world was very peaceful before 71. it was "Fatih71" and co. who started terrorism in this part of the world. They trained mukti bahni and exported terrorism in East Pakistan{now Bangladesh}. Training camps were established all along the border with East Pakistan. May be they were trying to take revenge of 1000 years of occupation but Pl. keep in mind that the border between India and East Pakistan was an International Border, which they were violating,and east Pakistan was not a disputed territory , still Fatihs were violating and were exporting terrorism . In case of Kashmir it is a disputed territory and the line between the two countries is not an International border ,If Kashmirs ,who live in Azad Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan get together and want to librate their home land and an example of Mr. Fatih and co. is also there ,,,, how can anybody stop them?

Creating another TTP makes sense ? Well some people never learn.

SWAT revisited in 2 years from now.

grow up ..........then stop reading your "customised" national history and rean stuff from neutral sources ]
And by the way what those neutral sources are?
or Its only the Indians who have right to be "Fateh71"...... If you are fatih71 ..pl. give right somebody to be Fatih12 or 15 or 20....... after all it is your legacy :pakistan:
Wasn't the GOP supposed to shut these guys down?

Interestingly, the freedom figters are also killing Kashmiris in Pakistan occupied kashmir. Do they really care for Kashmiris or just an excuse to work on the larger ideological agenda for South Asia?

Sucide Bombings , Killing Your own Muslim Brothers and fighting against the state is like a chain reaction and those who triger it no matter where they run the fire will rech them also.:agree:
Kashmir was out of the scope but now its getting warmer. This is a Place where PA is really good at . I mean every sevice man has tenure there. Every Exam includes a strategy regarding Kashmir right from the begining when u get recruited.
In short if anybody really wana challange us it should go for Kashmir. In my books the PA is the strongest in Kashmir.
Pls try hard this time. It has been 62 years you r trying. We will make sure you keep on trying for another 62 years. Indian army is strongest in that

just for more 62 years only . This is somthing really fast .Just see wats hapenin to US in Iraq. It took almost ten years right and i dought you guys enjoy that kind of luxury with more than 100 groups runing around in your country and plus you have largest muslim population in the world a plus point which cant be ignored ;)
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