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BANGLADESH-MYANMAR TIES Strengthening connectivity is of strategic imperative


Dec 14, 2008
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BANGLADESH-MYANMAR TIES - Strengthening connectivity is of strategic imperative

Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) organised an international seminar on Enhancing Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations at BIISS auditorium, 21 May 2014. A delegation from Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS) participated in the seminar.
The Director General, BIISS in his opening address mentioned that although Bangladesh-Myanmar official relations started following Myanmar’s recognition to Bangladesh on 13 January 1972, both the countries have a long history of sharing political, cultural and economic destiny prior to their emergence as modern nation states. Of late after five decades of relative isolation, Myanmar has opened its door to outsiders, neighbours and development partners from 2011. As a result, huge potentials in trade and traffic through Myanmar between South Asia and Southeast Asia have developed along with the possibilities of multimodal communications by rail, road and sea between Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Sub-regional cooperation
Ambassador Munshi Faiz Ahmad, Chairman, BIISS, noted in his comments that despite ethnic and linguistic differences, Bangladesh and Myanmar had traditional commercial and cultural ties since long. The two countries have signed agreements on different issues including, boundary demarcation, general trade, air transportation, refugees’ repatriation, border trade and on prevention of trafficking of narcotics, etc. He added that the two countries are also developing cooperative relations under the framework of a number of regional/sub-regional organisations/ initiatives.
Bangladesh Foreign Secretary, Md Shahidul Haque, mentioned that the relationship between Bangladesh and Myanmar did not develop commensurate with the advantages of geographical proximity and complementary economic interests. Since 2011 prime ministerial visit in Myanmar, acceleration has been obtained in bilateral exchanges. Last year, Bangladesh and Myanmar completed Seventh Foreign Secretary Level Consultation where both parties showed greater flexibility and accommodation. There were increased and regular consultations at both national and local levels including officials involved in border security and border management. Both countries are engaged bilaterally and multilaterally in expanding connectivity, and in regional arrangements like BCIM and BIMSTEC.
In the course of discussion on papers detailing some current concerns and complexities in Bangladesh-Myanmar relations, the Director General of the UN desk of Bangladesh Foreign Office, Ms. Saida Tasnim explained how through days of isolation of Myanmar under Western admonition, Bangladesh always stood by Myanmar at the UN, and how Myanmar reciprocated by necessary cooperation in repatriation of Rohingya Refugees under UNHCR monitoring back to Rakhaine state from Bangladesh. She expressed hope that existing problem of ethnic conflicts in Myanmar would also be resolved by mutual accommodation, pragmatism and spirit of humanism between the two neighbours.

United approach
In his speech, the head of delegation of Myanmar ISIS, Ambassador U Wynn Lwin mentioned that Myanmar and Bangladesh are very good friends and Myanmar is one of the first ten countries to recognize Bangladesh. He noted that in previous years Bangladesh and Myanmar were able to settle many disputed bilateral issues including the demarcation of land boundary between the two countries. In previous years the two countries worked jointly on many regional and international forums including ASEAN. He added that Myanmar accepted the Maritime demarcation verdict in an amicable way, which indicates that the two neighbours are united.
There was consensus in the express opinion from the audience and the treatises presented in the seminar that close relations and “united” position of Bangladesh and Myanmar is indeed a strategic imperative in the fast growing economic activity and fast-changing geopolitical order and power equations around the Bay of Bengal.


Nasim Mahmmud

Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) organised an international seminar on Enhancing Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations at BIISS auditorium, 21 May 2014. A delegation from Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS) participated in the seminar.
The Director General, BIISS in his opening address mentioned that although Bangladesh-Myanmar official relations started following Myanmar’s recognition to Bangladesh on 13 January 1972, both the countries have a long history of sharing political, cultural and economic destiny prior to their emergence as modern nation states. Of late after five decades of relative isolation, Myanmar has opened its door to outsiders, neighbours and development partners from 2011. As a result, huge potentials in trade and traffic through Myanmar between South Asia and Southeast Asia have developed along with the possibilities of multimodal communications by rail, road and sea between Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Sub-regional cooperation
Ambassador Munshi Faiz Ahmad, Chairman, BIISS, noted in his comments that despite ethnic and linguistic differences, Bangladesh and Myanmar had traditional commercial and cultural ties since long. The two countries have signed agreements on different issues including, boundary demarcation, general trade, air transportation, refugees’ repatriation, border trade and on prevention of trafficking of narcotics, etc. He added that the two countries are also developing cooperative relations under the framework of a number of regional/sub-regional organisations/ initiatives.
Bangladesh Foreign Secretary, Md Shahidul Haque, mentioned that the relationship between Bangladesh and Myanmar did not develop commensurate with the advantages of geographical proximity and complementary economic interests. Since 2011 prime ministerial visit in Myanmar, acceleration has been obtained in bilateral exchanges. Last year, Bangladesh and Myanmar completed Seventh Foreign Secretary Level Consultation where both parties showed greater flexibility and accommodation. There were increased and regular consultations at both national and local levels including officials involved in border security and border management. Both countries are engaged bilaterally and multilaterally in expanding connectivity, and in regional arrangements like BCIM and BIMSTEC.
In the course of discussion on papers detailing some current concerns and complexities in Bangladesh-Myanmar relations, the Director General of the UN desk of Bangladesh Foreign Office, Ms. Saida Tasnim explained how through days of isolation of Myanmar under Western admonition, Bangladesh always stood by Myanmar at the UN, and how Myanmar reciprocated by necessary cooperation in repatriation of Rohingya Refugees under UNHCR monitoring back to Rakhaine state from Bangladesh. She expressed hope that existing problem of ethnic conflicts in Myanmar would also be resolved by mutual accommodation, pragmatism and spirit of humanism between the two neighbours.

United approach
In his speech, the head of delegation of Myanmar ISIS, Ambassador U Wynn Lwin mentioned that Myanmar and Bangladesh are very good friends and Myanmar is one of the first ten countries to recognize Bangladesh. He noted that in previous years Bangladesh and Myanmar were able to settle many disputed bilateral issues including the demarcation of land boundary between the two countries. In previous years the two countries worked jointly on many regional and international forums including ASEAN. He added that Myanmar accepted the Maritime demarcation verdict in an amicable way, which indicates that the two neighbours are united.
There was consensus in the express opinion from the audience and the treatises presented in the seminar that close relations and “united” position of Bangladesh and Myanmar is indeed a strategic imperative in the fast growing economic activity and fast-changing geopolitical order and power equations around the Bay of Bengal.

How do u develop good ties with primitive monkeys? These are primitive mentality barbarians we r talking about.I believe the only viable solution to the rohingya issue with mayanmar is to accept and accomodate our rohingya muslims brothers and sisters in BD under a board multilateral arrangement overseen by china, ME/OIC countries and US. Inreturn for eaccepting rohingyas we can ask burma to allow uninterrupted access (road/rail) to china and also give BD companies speical previledges in Burmese market and resources. And for doing that we need visionary leadership and effective diplomacy but for now i guess that's too much to ask.
How do u develop good ties with primitive monkeys? These are primitive mentality barbarians we r talking about.I believe the only viable solution to the rohingya issue with mayanmar is to accept and accomodate our rohingya muslims brothers and sisters in BD under a board multilateral arrangement overseen by china, ME/OIC countries and US. Inreturn for eaccepting rohingyas we can ask burma to allow uninterrupted access (road/rail) to china and also give BD companies speical previledges in Burmese market and resources. And for doing that we need visionary leadership and effective diplomacy but for now i guess that's too much to ask.

Lets not call them names, all of us third world countries have our limitations.

I support the same proposal, but we have got to keep the US out of this, they want to keep conflicts alive in this region, so Myanmar gets closer to them rather than China.
Lets not call them names, all of us third world countries have our limitations.

I support the same proposal, but we have got to keep the US out of this, they want to keep conflicts alive in this region, so Myanmar gets closer to them rather than China.

Why not? They act and have historically acted like the names i called them. I know u support BD moving closer to mayanmer but for that we can not give up on our moral conscoiunce. We can only have good ties with them on our terms, bending over backwards won't equate to good ties i.e we can not forgive nor forget what they have done to rohingyas. The issue should always remian in our consciounce while dealing with them so that we don't make mistakes. They are racially bigoted to the core just like hindutvas across the border and so we shouldn't make difference betw either of our neighboors. The only difference is that there is a possibility of having normal bilateral ties with mutualaly beneficial arrangements with mayanmar but that is not the case with India. That's my humble opinion.
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Why not? They act and have historically acted like the names i called them. I know u support BD moving closer to mayanmer but for that we can not give up on our moral conscoiunce. We can only have good ties with them on our terms, bending over backwards won't equate to good ties i.e we can not forgive nor forget what they have done to rohingyas. The issue should always remian in our consciounce while dealing with them so that we don't make mistakes. They are racially bigoted to the core just like hindutvas across the border and so we shouldn't make difference betw either of our neighboors. Theonly difference is that there is a possibility of having normal bilateral ties with mutualaly beneficial arrangements with mayanmar but that is not the case with India. That's my humble opinion.

I know and understand your feeling. But our national interest comes first, we should always use our brain rather than be driven by emotion.

They can do all the hating they want, but if we make a deal with them and take these Rohingya's together with other Muslim nations, under a negotiated settlement sponsored by China, OIC and ASEAN, then we no longer have any issue to fight. Note this Myanmar region is vital for China to create a stable highly developed economic and transportation zone, so they can get pipeline to Myanmar ports and also land-link to Bangladesh and ASEAN.

India and their agents of course want to destabilize the area and torpedo this possibility of Bangladesh getting closer to both Myanmar and China. So the idiot Hasina is now hurting Bangladesh interest following orders from South Block, creating war hysteria. The RSO hit team killing 4 Myanmar policemen has RAW signature written all over it.
I know and understand your feeling. But our national interest comes first, we should always use our brain rather than be driven by emotion.

They can do all the hating they want, but if we make a deal with them and take these Rohingya's together with other Muslim nations, under a negotiated settlement sponsored by China, OIC and ASEAN, then we no longer have any issue to fight. Note this Myanmar region is vital for China to create a stable highly developed economic and transportation zone, so they can get pipeline to Myanmar ports and also land-link to Bangladesh and ASEAN.

India and their agents of course want to destabilize the area and torpedo this possibility of Bangladesh getting closer to both Myanmar and China. So the idiot Hasina is now hurting Bangladesh interest following orders from South Block, creating war hysteria. The RSO hit team killing 4 Myanmar policemen has RAW signature written all over it.

Actually i doubt such a thing even happened. It was burmese source and highly questionable. May be the whole thing is staged by south block, u know the reporting and all. They have a strong PR wing. They always tried to give a militant/terrorist image to BD and justify (as per their twisted logic) keeping BAL in power by means and garnering western support requires a consistant presence of a bogey man AKA "islamic militants" in the region.
Actually i doubt such a thing even happened. It was burmese source and highly questionable. May be the whole thing is staged by south block, u know the reporting and all. They have a strong PR wing. They always tried to give a militant/terrorist image to BD and justify (as per their twisted logic) keeping BAL in power by means and garnering western support requires a consistant presence of a bogey man AKA "islamic militants" in the region.

4 Myanmar police did get killed, it is not false news. RAW controls Bangladesh but they do not control Myanmar, the news is coming out of Myanmar:
Four Police Killed in Attack on Burma-Bangladesh Border
4 Myanmar police did get killed, it is not false news. RAW controls Bangladesh but they do not control Myanmar, the news is coming out of Myanmar:
Four Police Killed in Attack on Burma-Bangladesh Border

Then may be south block arranged the killing. I highly doubt rohingya insurgents would go on killing burmese without any safe sheltre and confrimed backing. Rohingyas are not dumb to not understand who is actually in power in BD. SO yeah this whole thing has RAW written all over it.
What moral standards we have as a nation?its been almost 50 years,we still have puppet reign in this land.we look up to india.we open our boarder to them.we lose millions of dollars to please them.we let out agriculture base country become a dead beat zone for making water treaty with them.innocent people gets killed because our coward forefathers didn't had the balls to say no to indian bulling us.
Whatever Myanmar is or did ,right or wrong. They have guts to cling to their conviction. Hats voff to them.
The problem with them at hand is vnot something to take lightly. Do not take them for a fool.this could be the breaking point for us to become a member of ASEAN.
What moral standards we have as a nation?its been almost 50 years,we still have puppet reign in this land.we look up to india.we open our boarder to them.we lose millions of dollars to please them.we let out agriculture base country become a dead beat zone for making water treaty with them.innocent people gets killed because our coward forefathers didn't had the balls to say no to indian bulling us.
Whatever Myanmar is or did ,right or wrong. They have guts to cling to their conviction. Hats voff to them.
The problem with them at hand is vnot something to take lightly. Do not take them for a fool.this could be the breaking point for us to become a member of ASEAN.

Spell it out clearly, let your voice known here, that we are against this hostility between Bangladesh and Myanmar, under Indian puppet rule. Hopefully Myanmar people and intelligence agents will get the message and figure out who both of our real enemy is, India, which is manufacturing hostility between two friendly nations using their puppet regime in power in Bangladesh.

Myanmar and Bangladesh gain everything from working together and loose much from meaningless hostile relations.
Why not? They act and have historically acted like the names i called them. I know u support BD moving closer to mayanmer but for that we can not give up on our moral conscoiunce. We can only have good ties with them on our terms, bending over backwards won't equate to good ties i.e we can not forgive nor forget what they have done to rohingyas. The issue should always remian in our consciounce while dealing with them so that we don't make mistakes. They are racially bigoted to the core just like hindutvas across the border and so we shouldn't make difference betw either of our neighboors. The only difference is that there is a possibility of having normal bilateral ties with mutualaly beneficial arrangements with mayanmar but that is not the case with India. That's my humble opinion.

I completely share your frustration and most of us here do. Here we need to look into bigger picture and think alternative. Direct confrontation is not the way we can change their behavior. We need to make them listen to us in different manner.

For that first thing is to increase level of engagement with Myanmar from strategic to policy making level. I dont think that link exists today. Starategic engagement 2 weeks back at BISS was to set up that link. india is creating these thresholds (conflicts) so that we can not overcome this conflict and establish that link. We need to cross indian set thresholds and move forward. Once we do that indian hegemony will cease to exist.

Once we do that there will be time to address accesses Myanmar committed and clean up.

I hope we could focus on our priority based on big picture rather than look into things based on india orchestrated conflict and threshold.
Look at the jamaati's and razakars, trying oh-so-hard to blame India for this :lol:

Hahahha.. It's not about hitting India. Look at these kids talk like BD becoming ASEAN, route from China to BD via Burma, Getting full access to Burmese market. Funny BD fellas dreaming on PDF.
Dude, be realistic. With Rohingiya issue unresolved, there will be no connectivity. Period.
Burmese are hell of primitive people. Just forget it for time being. If we could find a alternative through India's nroth east to directly connect to China would be best for all.

Is the place too rugged through Monipur to China?
To people of Bangladesh and Myanmar, whoever is reading this, please know that Bangladesh at this moment is run by Indian puppet. So everything in Bangladesh is being run under Indian instruction. India do not want good relation between Bangladesh and Myanmar, because that will be very helpful to China as China want to build road/rail link through Myanmar to Bangladesh directly over Myanmar-Bangladesh border. So at any cost Indian govt. wants to make sure that there is hostile relation between people and govt. of Bangladesh and Myanmar, and this link does not become reality, as it has future security and geo-strategic implication also for both Bangladesh and India.

So when around 40 RSO Islamist terrorists cross over to Myanmar from Bangladesh side and kill 4 Myanmar police force, we have to understand the context here. Where were this BGB when this happened and why they are still not being caught. Since there is no effort to catch these RSO Islamist terrorists, then we have to conclude they are perhaps RAW assets and doing their operation to advance India's geo-strategic interest and are being sheltered, protected or left alone by another RAW asset in Bangladesh, BGB.

We also have to remember that this BGB since its change over from BDR has been filled with RAW agents, Awami cadre's and people from minority community. During people's street movement in the past year, it has been extensively used as a repressive death squad, killing thousands of opposition activists. So the loyalty of this force is already in question and it can easily called a new RAW asset in Bangladesh replacing the former Mujib bahini or Rakkhi bahini. It is no surprise then that they are not doing anything to protect Bangladesh and its neighbor Myanmar interest, but rather advancing Indian interest.
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