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Bangladesh has potential to be Bengal Tiger & major economic player: Mozena


May 10, 2010
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Bangladesh has potential to be Bengal Tiger
It’ll be a major economic player: Mozena

Bangladesh has potential to be Bengal Tiger

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Dan W Mozena
DHAKA, MAY 21: Underscoring his vision to see Bangladesh as a “Golden Bangladesh and the Bengal Tiger” in the region US Ambassador Dan W Mozena on Monday reassured the US government’s total support in materialising this visualization. He, however, also hoped that the government would take immediate steps to remove impediments like political instability, corruption, poor infrastructure, energy shortage, and improve of law and order.
“I really believe that within my lifetime Bangladesh can be the Bengal tiger by emerging as a major economic player in the world,” the ambassador said while interacting with senior journalists of The Independent during his visit to the offices of the daily.

In this connection he also emphasized the need for enhancing regional connectivity, political stability through a consensus among the major political parties, resolving labour related issues, and tapping the huge energy resources.

Terming Bangladesh as a “huge country”, he said that by exploiting the true potentials of the country Bangladesh can take a leadership role in global RMG, home textiles, pharmaceuticals, and the IT sector.
In this process a large number of employment opportunities could be generated which would help the country to lift the 40 per cent of its poor out of poverty, he noted.

“Bangladesh is a huge country, the 7th largest in the world, but many Bangladeshis do not see it that way. Bangladesh can play a major role in world economy and the US government and I will do everything in this regard,” Ambassador Mozena added.

Welcoming the US Ambassador, Editor of The Independent Mahbubul Alam said that the US had the largest investment in the country.

“I hope that more US investment will come to Bangladesh and the government would take proper steps to remove the bottlenecks to facilitate the investments,” the Editor said.
Describing Bangladesh-US relationship as excellent, the US Ambassador said, “US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton came to Bangladesh because this country matters to America. She came to cement the relationship between the two countries.”

“We have a strong partnership. We have a partnership that is bigger than the individuals involved. The signing of the partnership dialogue is proof of my assertion that US-Bangladesh relationship is excellent,” he explained.

“By signing the partnership dialogue we have put on paper our commitment to have an annual senior-level meeting to ***** our relationship from a strategic perspective and give our relationship strategic direction,” he added.

Replying to a question, Mozena said that there were many areas where both countries could work to take the relationship further ahead to the mutual benefit of the peoples of the two countries.
In this regard, he mentioned that the US could assist intra-regional connectivity and trade involving countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, India and China.

Referring to the killing of labour organiser Aminul Islam, Mozena said, “There is a perception that Bangladesh wants to slowly back off from its international labour obligations.”

The American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest federation of workers’ unions in the US, have filed a petition with the US government to remove Bangladesh’s access to Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) as Bangladesh does not follow international labour standards, he said.

Without mentioning any names, he said that some buyers of Bangladeshi RMG products had raised issues concerning the labour situation in Bangladesh.

In this context, the US envoy said that the issue of the proposed Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum Agreement had been going on for four years and it was yet to be signed.
“We need to conclude the agreement soon. There is a single issue to be addressed and we hope to find a way to resolve that issue,” he said.

“I hope we will sign it,” he added.
About the political situation, the US Ambassador called upon all the major political parties to reach a consensus to find a mechanism to conduct free, fair, credible and participatory elections.

“This country ought to be, should be and must be a democracy. Non-democratic governance in this country has not been a happy affair. To be a democracy there needs to be free, fair and credible elections. Therefore, you have to reach a mutual agreement how to conduct free, fair, credible and participatory elections,” he said.

“I am sure there will be an agreement. But, I don’t know when—I say it should be soon,” he added.
The envoy further said that hartals, instability and uncertainty would drive away potential investors from investing in Bangladesh.

About Bangladesh’s relationship with its neighbours, Mozena said that Bangladesh’s improving relationship with Myanmar, China, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan was “so very good” for regional stability and trade.

“It’s win-win for all,” he added.

About the extradition of a killer of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from the US, Mozena said, “My government will see what we can do.”

Describing the present energy situation “disappointing”, the US ambassador underlined that Bangladesh had failed to tap the potential of its coal resources.

“Bangladesh imports low quality-high sulphur coal from abroad legally and illegally but it did not take any decision on its own coal deposits which are unbelievable,” Mozena said.

“The country should take the opportunity to explore its offshore blocks by starting exploration work in the Bay of Bengal with ConocoPhillips,” Mozena said.

He called upon the government to expedite the block awarding process to ConocoPhillips soon, adding that “the country does not have even one or two days more to remain idle on the energy issue as it hits every sphere of life and economy,” the US ambassador said.

“I don’t understand why the offshore exploration work is delayed as Bangladesh needs a huge amount energy to make the country a middle income nation,” he said.

He said, “I am proud of the role that Chevron is playing in helping to strengthen the economy of this great nation; in helping to unleash the next Asian tiger, the Bengal Tiger.”

“Bangladesh should move ahead to explore all potential areas of energy and power resources.

Thus it could help the RMG and other industries to do business in a proper manner,” he said.
He said the partnership between America and Bangladesh is strong, and that partnership is strongest and most important in the private sector. America is Bangladesh’s largest single export market with potential for great growth. And America is Bangladesh’s largest investor with Chevron the single largest investor in Bangladesh, the ambassador said.

Praising Chevron’s role in Bangladesh’s energy sector, Mozena said, the Muchai Compression Project has increased the gas supply to Bangladesh’s growing power generation, fertilizer, industrial and consumer sectors.

“The US government wants to see a very open and level playing field in Bangladesh to do energy business here and we’d love to see a very transparent bidding process,” Mozena said.
The US Ambassador was accompanied by Patricia A Hill, press and information officer, and Kelly McCarthy of the public affairs section of the embassy.

Meanwhile, the United States of America (USA) wants that an agreement is reached through meaningful dialogue between the ruling party and the main stream opposition to develop a mechanism to hold free, fair, credible and participatory election in Bangladesh. US ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena said this at a discussion organized by Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) at a city hotel on Monday.

The sooner the political parties reach the agreement, is better in the interest of democracy in Bangladesh, Dan Mozena said adding “We want to see a democratic, secured, transparent, peaceful and healthy Bangladesh.” Such a Bangladesh, he said, is good for South Asia and also for the USA.

In this context, he said that “home grown problems, should have home grown solutions.”
He said, “I hate hartal as it drives away investment.’ Describing Bangladesh as a model country for others, he said, so it has become a strategic partner of the US.

He said the official tour of US high-ups, including that of US secretary of State Hillary Clinton, proved that “something special is happening here.”

The discussion which was initiated by president of BIPSS Major general (retd) Muniruzzaman was attended by diplomats, civil society members and professionals.

Responding to a question, he said, “We don’t see Bangladesh through Indian prism.”

Describing Hillary Clinton’s visit to Dhaka as a grand success, he said it had been his dream since becoming his country’s ambassador to Bangladesh.

He used words of praises for Bangladesh for improving its relations with neighbours including India, China, Myanmar and Pakistan. He said in this context, the secretary of state appreciated Bangladesh’s efforts in curbing terrorism in cooperation with India. In this context, he described Bangladesh as a critical player of regional security.

He also briefly spoke on various areas of engagement between the defence forces of the two countries.

Speaking on increase of Bangladesh’s export to India, he said ‘India is an opportunity to Bangladesh as it is one of the world’s largest growing markets.” The geographical location of Bangladesh, he said, has made it important. He also spoke on the importance of deep sea port of Bangladesh.
It is really sad that a foreigner can see all the potential, pros and cons of Bangladesh but some corrupt politicians and some people with slave mentality can not see that. Before taking the corrupt politicians we need to take care of all this people with slave mentality and charge should be filed against them with treason and possibly should be hanged. Then when caretaker government will come ... then it should wipe out all the corrupted politicians from top to bottom of BNP and BAL to bring them to reality. N I expect BAL to hang all the top Jammat leader and banning Jammat. Rest will be fallen in line.

I think Bangladesh should evict the people if necessary by force to clear up the coal field to be mined. We need them desperately... we do not have the luxury to see what the locals want to do.
Yes Bangladesh has potential to be best cricket team in the world, the richest nation per capita in the world etc

The point is, everyone has potential, some has it more then other, but only 1-2% of people reach their potential always.
Yes Bangladesh has potential to be best cricket team in the world, the richest nation per capita in the world etc

The point is, everyone has potential, some has it more then other, but only 1-2% of people reach their potential always.

Dnt put your crap here. No country in south asia ... even south east asia has the potential to have the highest per capita gdp. This is reality. here the potential which has been talked is to achieve 8-10% gdp growth rate for the next couple of decades and if can be achieved which will make Bangladesh 6-11.5 trillion dollar economy. This is not day dream or something beyond reality.

The day dream of a suppa powa is only at the mind of the super poor Indians as they are out of touch of reality.

Regarding cricket yes Bangladesh has the potential to be the best cricket team... Bangladesh has just started to show that sign.
It is really sad that a foreigner can see all the potential, pros and cons of Bangladesh but some corrupt politicians and some people with slave mentality can not see that. Before taking the corrupt politicians we need to take care of all this people with slave mentality and charge should be filed against them with treason and possibly should be hanged. Then when caretaker government will come ... then it should wipe out all the corrupted politicians from top to bottom of BNP and BAL to bring them to reality. N I expect BAL to hang all the top Jammat leader and banning Jammat. Rest will be fallen in line.

I think Bangladesh should evict the people if necessary by force to clear up the coal field to be mined. We need them desperately... we do not have the luxury to see what the locals want to do.

This is a common refrain, I hear everywhere, India, UK, bangladesh (probably even burkina faso), our politicians are greedy, corrupt, inefficient and if we had better one, magically everything will be fine.

The issue is politicians come from the same society, you cant import UK politician to bd, and only way a country can evolve is by going through this process of learning. Next time try some better reason than default answer to all ills of society:
This is a common refrain, I hear everywhere, India, UK, bangladesh (probably even burkina faso), our politicians are greedy, corrupt, inefficient and if we had better one, magically everything will be fine.

The issue is politicians come from the same society, you cant import UK politician to bd, and only way a country can evolve is by going through this process of learning. Next time try some better reason than default answer to all ills of society:

General people also to be blamed. They also have corrupt mentality.. starting from evading tax, breaking law, bribing to get its job done or to do it at lower rate then usual etc. Time after time we have selected the same people and it's party people run its same kind of propaganda... one with anti-pakistan another with anti-india propaganda.

On top of it we have some people with slave mentality who still think they are more Pakistani then Pakistan themselves even when Pakistan has not embraced the biharis let alone these Jammati bengalis.

All the new generations are sick of these trends. Hanging Jammati leaders, banning it and filing treason case against the people with slave mentality will be a good beginning.

If care taker government comes it will have to take care of all the top to bottom corrupt politicians of BNP-BAL. Possibly this ishigh time to implement the minus 2 theory as both Hassina and Khaleda did not contribute anything positive to the society.

Hassina and BAL is fully aware of it thats why they are not ready to accept caretaker government. Regarding BNP they also knows that they will face some heat from the caretaker government like BAL did last time but there is a great possibility for them to win the election. But anything can happen.
General people also to be blamed. They also have corrupt mentality.. starting from evading tax, breaking law, bribing to get its job done or to do it at lower rate then usual etc. Time after time we have selected the same people and it's party people run its same kind of propaganda... one with anti-pakistan another with anti-india propaganda.

On top of it we have some people with slave mentality who still think they are more Pakistani then Pakistan themselves even when Pakistan has not embraced the biharis let alone these Jammati bengalis.

All the new generations are sick of these trends. Hanging Jammati leaders, banning it and filing treason case against the people with slave mentality will be a good beginning.

If care taker government comes it will have to take care of all the top to bottom corrupt politicians of BNP-BAL. Possibly this ishigh time to implement the minus 2 theory as both Hassina and Khaleda did not contribute anything positive to the society.

Hassina and BAL is fully aware of it thats why they are not ready to accept caretaker government. Regarding BNP they also knows that they will face some heat from the caretaker government like BAL did last time but there is a great possibility for them to win the election. But anything can happen.
I am not talking about specific situation in bangladesh but am sure you know a common citizen in bangladesh is probably guilty of doing similar mistakes, although at small scale(which you already accepted). Your politicians are reflection of your own society.
Also, we seem to overestimate the power of govt in bangladesh society. Bangladesh is not a socialist/communist country, and most change (social/political/economic) will come from bottom up (from people).
I think we should rename "Bengal tigers" as "Indian Tigers" as the BD people often confuse that this term is meant for them.
FYI the populations estimated of tigers found in Indian subcontinent is 1,520–1,909 in India, 124–229 in Nepal, 67–81 in Bhutan and merely 440 in Bangladesh.
I think we should rename "Bengal tigers" as "Indian Tigers" as the BD people often confuse that this term is meant for them.
FYI the populations estimated of tigers found in Indian subcontinent is 1,520–1,909 in India, 124–229 in Nepal, 67–81 in Bhutan and merely 440 in Bangladesh.

He refereed royal bengal tiger which is unique and unlike many other tigers in India.

India better can be termed as cat... dnt insult tigers by saying it or comparing it with India.
He refereed royal bengal tiger which is unique and unlike many other tigers in India.

India better can be termed as cat... dnt insult tigers by saying it or comparing it with India.

Well Einstein ... then what category the Indian tigers come in ? And you must be aware that there is also a Bengal in India ?
Dnt put your crap here. No country in south asia ... even south east asia has the potential to have the highest per capita gdp. This is reality. here the potential which has been talked is to achieve 8-10% gdp growth rate for the next couple of decades and if can be achieved which will make Bangladesh 6-11.5 trillion dollar economy. This is not day dream or something beyond reality.

The day dream of a suppa powa is only at the mind of the super poor Indians as they are out of touch of reality.

Regarding cricket yes Bangladesh has the potential to be the best cricket team... Bangladesh has just started to show that sign.

Don't Know about Others but Bombay will reach the Developed World within 7 Years to $40,000 Per Capita Income.
Don't Know about Others but Bombay will reach the Developed World within 7 Years to $40,000 Per Capita Income.

For your info by then per capita gdp of USA will reach 100k dollar and for your info countries like Qatar already have more then 100k per capita gdp. N many country will reach 100K per capita mark by 2050.

But 100k by then still will not be highest. N dnt compare bombay only compare whole country.
By that logic you should name the tiger chinese tiger, since chna has more than 3000 of these in captive for ancient medicines....hell! they even have farms for bengal tigers:lol:
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