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ban use of epoch times articles.

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Feb 26, 2010
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Epoch Times is a Falun Gong owned, CIA directed mouthpiece.

90% of the articles from Epoch Times is based on China bashing with fake news, and thus will simply be flamebait.
Come on dude..if you dont like then don't read it...Anyway..is this newspaper is a famous newspaper in China?
Come on dude..if you dont like then don't read it...Anyway..is this newspaper is a famous newspaper in China?

It is a US newspaper(in Chinese) owned by FalunGong and sponsered by some US organization. Its sole purpose is to bash China. I don't have a problem of China bashing. But this newspaper is at least 90% lies. It is referred by oversea Chinese as "big whorehouse" since the Chinese pronouciation is the same.

In Seattle area, you can find them for free in Chinese grocery stores like Ranch 99 and Asian Food Center in Bellevue.
Come on dude..if you dont like then don't read it...Anyway..is this newspaper is a famous newspaper in China?

in Germany, it is illegal to be a supporter of fascism. the reason is, it would cause immense controversy.

i do not mind China bashing from CNN, BBC, etc, which they do ALOT of.

i do mind the bashing of ANY country based on fake news, and people should too.

just as Mein Kampf is not allowed at a discussion about Jews
man we have 500 indian sites channels and newspapers bash propaganda and troll on pakistan daily still we are healthy and fat then them just enjoy .:lol:
But in pakistan we see people taking to streets and spewing venom against India, US and Israel and warning of jihad and nukes!! Atleast media propaganda is better than brainwashed mullahs .
But in pakistan we see people taking to streets and spewing venom against India, US and Israel and warning of jihad and nukes!! Atleast media propaganda is better than brainwashed mullahs .

how much did it cost for your trip to pakistan? :rofl: looks like you are a victim of indian propogamda :lol:
how much did it cost for your trip to pakistan? :rofl: looks like you are a victim of indian propogamda :lol:

first learn to spell . second one does not need to travel when one has news channels including Al Jazeera , CNN, BBC and not to mention 84 news channels in India ,
HAs anyone Quoted Epoch times?
although a better Falun Gong supporting channel Name New TanG Dynast Tv network( NTDTV ) is nice.
But in pakistan we see people taking to streets and spewing venom against India, US and Israel and warning of jihad and nukes!! Atleast media propaganda is better than brainwashed mullahs .
NDTV would have been showing this, there are certainly groups with anti India agenda, but its not like an anti Pakistan Culture, which Indian Media nurtures.
I like to post Epoch Times articles on occasion. There are times when the only news about certain PRC repression comes from the Epoch Times. When someone publishes a truth you don't like it isn't bashing. Even if they publish 100 painful truths about you every day, it isn't bashing. Instead of banning Epoch Times, I suggest the PRC learn to sincerely support human rights, especially the right to practice a peaceful religion of your choice.
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Chinese Protesters Shout ‘Down with the Chinese Communist Party!’

By Tang Ming
Epoch Times Staff Created: February 3, 2012 Last Updated: February 5, 2012

Two villagers were injured in a knife attack by transportation officials trying to collect fees. The incident triggered a mass protest on Jan. 29, 2012 in Qiaotou, Jiangxi Province, with people shouting, “Down with the CCP!” and "Burn the five star red flag!"

Chinese protesters in Jiangxi Province, enraged over a knife attack by government staff that injured two villagers, yelled “Down with the Chinese Communist Party” (CCP) and other anti-regime slogans.

The location of the protest has historical and symbolic significance as it is the site of a former Red Army base and was the starting point of the Red Army’s ‘Long March’ more than 80 years ago.

Nearly a thousand people participated in the protest on the afternoon of Jan. 29, outside the local police station in the township of Qiaotou in China’s northern Jiangxi Province.

Mr. Li, a local resident, told The Epoch Times, employees of the Yudu County transportation supervision department attacked two villagers with knives. The local communist party chief and other government heads came to the protest site, and delivered propaganda speeches to try calming down the demonstrators, but it had the opposite effect.

“People were really disgusted with the officials’ all-talk-no-action approach. They were very emotionally charged and shouting back at the officials. It was very chaotic,” Li said.

One of the protesters told The Epoch Times: “People shouted ‘The CCP is killing people’, ‘Down with the CCP’, ‘Burn the five star red flag’, and more. Some people also tried to hurl bricks at two of the attackers who were hiding in a conference room. Police and officials couldn’t do anything except just watch,” he said.

History Revisited

A democracy activist, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times that this protest and other recent demonstrations have special historical significance.

He said 85 years ago, the CCP established its first rural Soviet regime in the County of Lufeng in Guangdong Province, which is the site of recent mass rebellion by Wukan villagers, who drove out the local CCP village government.

“Yudu County was the starting point of the Red Army’s so called ‘Long March’ more than 80 years ago, and today the Qiaotou villagers shouted ‘down with the CCP!’ It looks like the CCP regime can’t last too much longer,” he said.

The Qiaotou incident started in the morning of Jan. 29, around 9 am, when four transportation coordinators, government officials from the local long-distance bus station, came to collect transportation management fees and got into an argument with transport contractors. During the dispute, the coordinators allegedly slashed two contractors with knives.

Chinese Protesters Shout

Why should such news be banned here? What in the above typical Epoch Times article is not accurate?
Chinese posts from some BS blogs and then cry if some body uses Epoch times.. Funny Chaps :D
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