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Astrologers look to the stars to help Indian businesses


May 31, 2010
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Astrologers look to the stars to help Indian businesses
By Rahul Tandon BBC News, Delhi

India's astrologers are increasingly advising on more than just auspicious wedding dates

It is another busy day for Abhishek Dhawan in Delhi. His phone has not stopped ringing and he has a series of business meetings.

Many of his business clients want to know when is the best time to release their products.

Abhishek has been studying a number of factors and charts to try to help them. But he is not a marketing guru or an economist - he is an astrologer and he uses the position of the stars and the planets as a guide to help businesses maximise their profits.

Traditionally, astrologers have helped set wedding dates or check if the stars of potential brides and grooms match up.

"Many businesses in India consult astrologers before launching a product ”

Abhishek Dhawan Astrologer
It is a multimillion-dollar industry that is part of everyday life in the world's largest democracy.

But now they offer a whole series of different services as well.

Go online and you will find astrologers telling you which shares to buy, while others will help you predict which way the rupee is going to move or the price of gold.

Not everyone is a believer though.

SEBI, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the organisation that regulates the country's stock market, has warned investors "not to be guided by astrological predictions on share prices and market movements".

'Auspicious date'
But many here are ignoring that advice.

And that is good news for the likes of Abhishek Dhawan. His company, ask.ganesha.com, has seen the number of business clients double in the past year.

Many other online astrology companies have recorded similar growth.

He tells me: "Many businesses in India consult astrologers before launching a product as they need to know an auspicious date."

He pauses for a moment and then smiles as he says: "If the forces of nature are with you, you will have a better life - if they are against you then it will be a struggle."

When I ask Abhishek what his success rate is, he answers immediately. "Eighty per cent - this is like a science and when we make mistakes it is because people do not provide us with the correct information."


Many Indian firms will consult an astrologer before launching a product
So how widespread is the use of astrology in the financial sector?

Good luck - or not?
Ramjit Ray runs a corporate communications company in Calcutta and helps some of India's largest companies market their products.

"For me astrology is not a factor - I would rather look at other factors like the market scenario”

Raj Business student
"Many companies will consult an astrologer before they name a brand," he says.

"They will want to know how many letters it should have and whether the name is going to bring them luck or not.

"Even when we are doing a large event, sometimes we will have to consult an astrologer before deciding where we place a stage."

Ramjit, who is in his early 40s, is an example of the new successful young Indian businessman. So what does he make of the use of astrology in the modern world of Indian business?

"It is an important part of our lives," he tells me unhesitatingly.

"And it is based on a logic which is related to the way that we live our lives through our religion."

'No scientific basis to it'
Not far from Ramjit's office, a group of business students is having a cup of tea.

Astrology is not part of their course, and when I ask them if they would ever use astrology for their business decisions they look at me as if I were mad.


Abhishek Dhawan says his astrology is 'like a science'

"For me, astrology is not a factor. I would rather look at other factors like the market scenario," says Raj, one of the students.

Before I can ask him another question, his friend Alok stops sipping his tea and adds: "No way would I ever consult an astrologer - it has no scientific base to it at all."

As I walk away I can hear some of his friends murmuring: "Ridiculous, who would ever consult an astrologer on serious financial matters?"

But there is the question of whether these students' views really do reflect a changing attitude towards astrology.

Business analyst Mudar Patherya is sceptical that a new generation of Indian business leaders will turn their backs on this ancient tradition.

"Yes, there are some who think that it is all mumbo-jumbo," he says.

"But there are many others who believe that there is a science to astrology and that if you plan what you do according to the stars or the planets, your investment or product will be profitable."


Astrology may be unscientific to many, but others are keen to seek guidance from the stars

That is good news for astrologers like Abhishek Dhawan. Every day he gets new requests.

His latest one is what colour a company should use to brand its new product - do the stars recommend blue for success?

He is getting ready to turn his phone off for the day and go home. Before he does - maybe I should get some financial advice.

Now, what time was I born...?​
I guess that is why the Indian business outlook is so great :D

*Looks at current data*

what a bunch of superstitious hooey.

Feng Shui is baloney as well, the general idea is: "Well, better safe than sorry".

Of course, it does benefit someone at least: The bank accounts of those so-called Feng Shui experts, but no one else. :P

And don't get me started on Chinese Astrology, balancing the "5 elements" and all that.
Many of there predictions of Great astrologers are found to be correct by the way.
whatever other people say....but these astro's are correct many a times....my friends father is a great astro...and people come to him all the way from dubai and different places........though personally i'm not in these kind of stuff or relied on them...but those who believe are not all mad!!.....this is our culture....and we need not to b ashamed of that :)
btw almost all marriage dates are fixed after consulting astro's........
Feng Shui is baloney as well, the general idea is: "Well, better safe than sorry".

Of course, it does benefit someone at least: The bank accounts of those so-called Feng Shui experts, but no one else. :P

And don't get me started on Chinese Astrology, balancing the "5 elements" and all that.

I do not know enough about Chinese astrology to comment, but Indian astrology is fairly scientific and pretty accurate.

It is foolish to keep a closed mind about something you know nothing about. How Logical is that ?
I do not know enough about Chinese astrology to comment, but Indian astrology is fairly scientific and pretty accurate.

It is foolish to keep a closed mind about something you know nothing about. How Logical is that ?

I have no idea about Indian Astrology, but I'd like to see how it is "fairly scientific and accurate"?

Science is about empirical evidence, that provides consistent results from repeatable testing.

Say you drop an object (given you are somewhere around sea level), it will accelerate downwards at about 9.8 m/s2 , and you can test that yourself a hundred times over, or a thousand times over. That is why gravity is a scientific principle, there is empirical and repeatably testable evidence for it.

I try to keep an open mind, so I will listen to your argument as to how Indian Astrology is "fairly scientific and accurate". Let's hear it.
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I have no idea about Indian Astrology, but I'd like to see how it is "fairly scientific and accurate"?

Science is about empirical evidence, that provides consistent results from repeatable testing.

Say you drop an object (given you are somewhere around sea level), it will decelerate downwards at about 9.8 m/s2 , and you can test that yourself a hundred times over, or a thousand times over. That is why gravity is a scientific principle, there is empirical and repeatably testable evidence for it.

I try to keep an open mind, so I will listen to your argument as to how Indian Astrology is "fairly scientific and accurate". Let's hear it.

I don't believe in such rubbish either.

When I started working with ethnic Chinese people from Singapore, Malaysia and China, I was really really surprised to find out so many of them believe in different superstitious things so strongly. I only thought Indians did it, but I feel now Indians - atleast educated office goers do it less than Chinese.

I know this chinese lady who would only hire someone if they had the right year of birth! Serious!
I don't believe in such rubbish either.

When I started working with ethnic Chinese people from Singapore, Malaysia and China, I was really really surprised to find out so many of them believe in different superstitious things so strongly. I only thought Indians did it, but I feel now Indians - atleast educated office goers do it less than Chinese.

I know this chinese lady who would only hire someone if they had the right year of birth! Serious!

Yep, I know some people who believe that kind of stuff as well. It's still quite common in Hong Kong, even if people are not exactly superstitious, many will still do it because "It doesn't hurt, and it might help".

Luckily, that is usually the extent of it.

Though there are some who take it too far, like that Chinese lady you mentioned.
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Yep, I know some people who believe that kind of stuff as well. It's still quite common in Hong Kong, even if people are not exactly superstitious, many will still do it because "It doesn't hurt, and it might help".

Luckily, that is usually the extent of it.

Well, I see people are here with the 'some things they said happened to be true in my life you guys' brigade.

They may use Mathematics to find the alignment of stars, that's the scientific part about it.

The fact that certain star movements, planetary motions and constellations have an effect on the action-reaction correlation of our lives, mostly driven by our thought and actions is baloney anyway.

It removes a lot of culpability from our actions and you can blame fate on it.

Leave me out of this fatalistic bandwagon.

*In before people accuse me of being a western sell-out and Anti-Hindu*
I have no idea about Indian Astrology, but I'd like to see how it is "fairly scientific and accurate"?

Science is about empirical evidence, that provides consistent results from repeatable testing.

Say you drop an object (given you are somewhere around sea level), it will accelerate downwards at about 9.8 m/s2 , and you can test that yourself a hundred times over, or a thousand times over. That is why gravity is a scientific principle, there is empirical and repeatably testable evidence for it.

I try to keep an open mind, so I will listen to your argument as to how Indian Astrology is "fairly scientific and accurate". Let's hear it.

I can say with a fair degree of accuracy that you will continue to post in this thread or with a greater degree of accuracy that you will continue to post in this forum.

By stating so I have predicted a future and have become an astrologer.

People who play chess predict the move the opponent will make. Is that not predicting the future ?

If you drop an object in the north pole and the same object in the equator you will find the acceleration different. Does it mean that your narrow definition of gravity has been decimated hence gravity cannot be measured with any scientific accuracy and reliability and repetability ?

The world accuracy itself is not reliable, it is only the nearest approximation. The most convenient "cut off" measurement, the most convenient 'measure' limited by the ability of the measuring instrument.

Our "truth" is defined by our narrow interpretation and limited ability to perceive 'reality'.

To take this discussing forward you need to define the word 'astrology' better and then I can provide the scientific basis for it.

I don't believe in such rubbish either.

When I started working with ethnic Chinese people from Singapore, Malaysia and China, I was really really surprised to find out so many of them believe in different superstitious things so strongly. I only thought Indians did it, but I feel now Indians - atleast educated office goers do it less than Chinese.

I know this chinese lady who would only hire someone if they had the right year of birth! Serious!

LOL. Astrology was very much practiced in ancient china and Mao's cultural cleansing has not fully managed to destroy your culture and history. I was given to understand that in ancient china, one of the prerequisites for claiming kingship was the knowledge of astrology. In 2513 C.E. Cheuni was elected king in this manner. Maybe you can look it up and let us know. :angel:
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LOL. Astrology was very much practiced in ancient china and Mao's cultural cleansing has not fully managed to destroy your culture and history. I was given to understand that in ancient china, one of the prerequisites for claiming kingship was the knowledge of astrology. In 2513 C. Cheuni was elected king in this manner. Maybe you can look it up and let us know. :angel:

I know astrology (and other rituals for good luck) was a big deal in China, I was only expressing my surprise when I found out it was so prevalent in professional office going chinese people from various countries even today.

Please do not read more into my comments than whats written. I only use snide remarks and sarcasm when talking about Pakistan :P
I can say with a fair degree of accuracy that you will continue to post in this thread or with a greater degree of accuracy that you will continue to post in this forum.

That's hardly "predicting the future" with any degree of accuracy.

That's like me saying, "Tomorrow someone will sneeze". It needs to be much more specific rather than just a general statement.

If Indian businesses can use Astrology to predict the future... then why has Indian economic growth dropped to 4%?

Why aren't all Indian Astrologers billionaires, if they can see the future then why haven't they used that knowledge to invest in the stock market?

I would love it if someone could predict the future with any degree of accuracy, but there doesn't seem to be anyone who can do that in a testable and verifiable manner. And if they could, they would be billionaires already.

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