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Ashkenazi racism revealed by LA Clippers owner

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Ashkenazi racism revealed by LA Clippers owner


Owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team, Donald Sterling (File Photo)

By Brandon Martinez

The mainstream media is in a frenzy over anti-black comments made by the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team, Donald Sterling.

In a taped recording recently released by the tabloid TMZ, Sterling is heard arguing with his girlfriend (a 30-something model named V. Stiviano) and making what the media is calling racist remarks. He tells his girlfriend not to bring black people to his games and not to associate with blacks in public entirely, even though she happens to be part black herself.

Overall, Sterling exudes the mentality of a slave-owner. His girlfriend reminds him that most of the players on his team are African-Americans, which he responds to by saying, “I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them?”

It appears that Sterling views the NBA players he employs much like circus animals putting on a show.

The most damning part of the recording is when Sterling, who is Jewish, refers to Israeli racism against blacks to justify his own racism. “In Israel,” says Sterling, “blacks are just treated like dogs.”

“There’s white Jews and black Jews … do you understand?” Sterling asks. Stiviano replies: “And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”

“A hundred percent,” says Sterling.

The most interesting aspect of this incident is the way in which the Western media has covered it as opposed to the Israeli and Jewish press.

Israeli and Jewish-oriented American newspapers have made no bones about highlighting Sterling’s comments about blacks being mistreated in Israel. The Times of Israel ran the headline, “Clippers owner: Black Jews treated like dogs in Israel.” Articles in Haaretz, the Jewish Forward, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and other Zionist outlets carried similar headlines and stories focusing on Sterling’s Jewishness and his reference to the inferior social status of blacks in Israel.

However, mainstream media outside Israel and the Jewish community for the most part failed to note Sterling’s Jewish roots and in most instances kept out the part of the conversation where Sterling invokes Israeli racism. Many suspect Jewish editors and media execs are running damage control for Israel, hoping to hide the reality that Ashkenazi Jews in Israel discriminate not only against Arabs and Palestinians, but blacks too.

Philip Weiss, an American Jewish blogger, said that during his long career in journalism “Jews have made up the majority of the important positions in the publications I worked for, a majority of the writers I’ve known at these place, and the majority of the owners who have paid me.” Weiss even cited a few examples of Jewish media executives and editors using their power to influence coverage in favour of the tribe, such as the former New York Times chief editor Max Frankel, who admitted in his memoir that he was “deeply devoted to Israel” and shaped the paper’s Middle East commentaries “from a pro-Israel perspective.” “I was much more deeply devoted to Israel than I dared to assert,” Frankel confessed. Another example Weiss noted was when former NBC chief Jeff Zucker stopped broadcast reporter John Hockenberry from doing a story about the true motivations of the alleged 9/11 hijackers because one of their motivations was US support for the apartheid and bellicose Zionist state.

Is Sterling’s assertion about blacks in Israel true? Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, in a column for Haaretz titled “The ugly truth behind Donald Sterling's racist comments,” admitted, “Too often, white Jews do treat black Jews poorly. We do have a bit of a race problem in our communities.” Fink noted that “Ashkenazi bias against Sephardic Jews is common” and that Jews in Israel live in insular communities.

Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal wrote a book entitled Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, within which he exposed the Israeli government’s program to herd African asylum-seekers into what some would describe as concentration camps – a temporary solution for Israel’s desired policy of all-out expulsion. In 2012 the Netanyahu regime began deporting thousands of Africans back to their home countries.

In a video called “Israel’s New Racism,” Blumenthal and activist David Sheen document numerous violent race riots targeting blacks across Israel. Blacks are attacked and beaten by mobs of racist Jews who call them “infiltrators” – a term which Israeli government officials also use to describe African refugees. The race riots were kick-started when Israeli parliamentarian Miri Regev publicly declared African migrants “a cancer,” a sentiment that 52 per cent of Israelis actually agree with according to a poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) in 2012.

Israel’s Interior Minister, notorious Jewish supremacist Eli Yishai, said that Israel “belongs to the white man” and promised to make the lives of African refugees so unbearable that they’d leave the country on their own free will. In a presentation at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, David Sheen highlighted statistics showing that Israel takes in the least amount of refugees of any country in the world and is working to deport the ones that do manage to get in. So much for the myth of “Jewish charity.”

This sheds a whole new light on the disingenuous message of “tolerance” and “anti-racism” emanating from powerful Zionist lobby groups such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. The two-faced supremacists who run that group rally against organized white supremacy in the US (KKK, Aryan Nations, NSM, etc.) whilst defending Israel’s racist policies and practices at the same time.

The Jewish chauvinists of the ADL and similar groups are not opposed to genuine racism or supremacist ideologies on moral or humanitarian grounds – they merely view white racists as competitors and rivals on the supremacist battleground.

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