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As only western leader Chancellor Merkel meets Putin and shakes his hand


Nov 23, 2013
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Chancellor Merkel had a one hour meeting with president Putin today and discussed the Ukrainian conflict with him behind closed doors. The one hour long meeting is the only meeting between a G7 leader and Putin. While Obama, Cameroon and Hollande denied Putin even to shake hands, Merkel approached him and did shake his hand. You could see that president Putin did not feel that well during the meeting.

It is said that Putin has highest respect for germany. He speaks fluent german and so far is the only foreign head of state who did hold a speech in german in the german Reichstag.

Both his daughters speak fluent german and it is known that he see it as his biggest goal to achieve a german - russian friendship and alliance. He was very near to achieve this goal as chancellor Schröder ruled germany.

With Merkel it is different. Most insiders say that the relationship between Putin and Merkel is difficult. Yet Putin pays her the highest respect. During the current crisis Putin often phoned with chancellor Merkel.

She is very pragmatic, intellectual and calculating and has a sense for power that Putin does not see in other leaders.

When Putin hold his crimean speech he lashed out towards USA, UK and so on. But he did not bring accussations against germany. He told germany should understand and he believes that germany does understand his moves.

Infact he sees Merkel not only as leader of germany but as leader of all of europe. Hollande of France is weak and merely a clown while Cameroon in the UK is also weak. Why bother with them when in the end it is Merkel who decides?

While Cameroon, Obama and Hollande chosed not to shake Putins hand and denied any major talks, Merkel did not back off.



Haha, Merkel has an expression on her face like "will I get my hand back?" Putin looks like he swallowed a balloon in the last picture (while fumbling with his hands and avoiding eye contact). :lol:
Haha, Merkel has an expression on her face like "will I get my hand back?" Putin looks like he swallowed a balloon in the last picture (while fumbling with his hands and avoiding eye contact). :lol:

I know what you mean. The bodylanguage tells alot. I think it is impressive how superior chancellor Merkel appears. In the last picture you see Merkel very much leading the meeting while Putin appears like a school boy called into the schools principals office.
Haha, Merkel has an expression on her face like "will I get my hand back?" Putin looks like he swallowed a balloon in the last picture (while fumbling with his hands and avoiding eye contact). :lol:

Everyone is intimated by Putin. I don't blame them. Putin is the most popular leader in the peace loving world.

I know what you mean. The bodylanguage tells alot. I think it is impressive how superior chancellor Merkel appears. In the last picture you see Merkel very much leading the meeting while Putin appears like a school boy called into the schools principals office.

Merkel looks intimidated by Vlad. Merkel can't even lead her country let alone lead a meeting with the greatest leader in the world today.
Everyone is intimated by Putin. I don't blame them. Putin is the most popular leader in the peace loving world.

Merkel looks intimidated by Vlad. Merkel can't even lead her country let alone lead a meeting with the greatest leader in the world today.

lol you are clearly trolling...so Merkel, who leads the most sucessfull economy worldwide, who basicly rules europe should be intimidated from a guy who rules over a 3rd world country? Merkels entire posture shows superiority while Putin looks like a dwarf.

But why do i even care, you are not chinese and just joined i may, you are the same guy that called himself american, then made a new account and again and again.
Chancellor Merkel had a one hour meeting with president Putin today and discussed the Ukrainian conflict with him behind closed doors. The one hour long meeting is the only meeting between a G7 leader and Putin. While Obama, Cameroon and Hollande denied Putin even to shake hands, Merkel approached him and did shake his hand. You could see that president Putin did not feel that well during the meeting.

It is said that Putin has highest respect for germany. He speaks fluent german and so far is the only foreign head of state who did hold a speech in german in the german Reichstag.

Both his daughters speak fluent german and it is known that he see it as his biggest goal to achieve a german - russian friendship and alliance. He was very near to achieve this goal as chancellor Schröder ruled germany.

With Merkel it is different. Most insiders say that the relationship between Putin and Merkel is difficult. Yet Putin pays her the highest respect. During the current crisis Putin often phoned with chancellor Merkel.

She is very pragmatic, intellectual and calculating and has a sense for power that Putin does not see in other leaders.

When Putin hold his crimean speech he lashed out towards USA, UK and so on. But he did not bring accussations against germany. He told germany should understand and he believes that germany does understand his moves.

Infact he sees Merkel not only as leader of germany but as leader of all of europe. Hollande of France is weak and merely a clown while Cameroon in the UK is also weak. Why bother with them when in the end it is Merkel who decides?

While Cameroon, Obama and Hollande chosed not to shake Putins hand and denied any major talks, Merkel did not back off.




Look at his facial reaction in this picture...like a husband caught cheating by his wife. lol
Chancellor Merkel had a one hour meeting with president Putin today and discussed the Ukrainian conflict with him behind closed doors. The one hour long meeting is the only meeting between a G7 leader and Putin. While Obama, Cameroon and Hollande denied Putin even to shake hands, Merkel approached him and did shake his hand. You could see that president Putin did not feel that well during the meeting.

It is said that Putin has highest respect for germany. He speaks fluent german and so far is the only foreign head of state who did hold a speech in german in the german Reichstag.

Both his daughters speak fluent german and it is known that he see it as his biggest goal to achieve a german - russian friendship and alliance. He was very near to achieve this goal as chancellor Schröder ruled germany.

With Merkel it is different. Most insiders say that the relationship between Putin and Merkel is difficult. Yet Putin pays her the highest respect. During the current crisis Putin often phoned with chancellor Merkel.

She is very pragmatic, intellectual and calculating and has a sense for power that Putin does not see in other leaders.

When Putin hold his crimean speech he lashed out towards USA, UK and so on. But he did not bring accussations against germany. He told germany should understand and he believes that germany does understand his moves.

Infact he sees Merkel not only as leader of germany but as leader of all of europe. Hollande of France is weak and merely a clown while Cameroon in the UK is also weak. Why bother with them when in the end it is Merkel who decides?

While Cameroon, Obama and Hollande chosed not to shake Putins hand and denied any major talks, Merkel did not back off.




not true, holland and putin shacked hands and had a dinner just for putin

lol you are clearly trolling...so Merkel, who leads the most sucessfull economy worldwide, who basicly rules europe should be intimidated from a guy who rules over a 3rd world country? Merkels entire posture shows superiority while Putin looks like a dwarf.

But why do i even care, you are not chinese and just joined i may, you are the same guy that called himself american, then made a new account and again and again.

most successful economy?
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