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Arresting Musharraf while talking to the Taliban will not solve Pakistan's problems


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
Arresting Musharraf while talking to the Taliban will not solve Pakistan's problems

Two police officers and five alleged Taliban militants have been charged over Mrs Bhutto's death, but none has yet been brought to trial.
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Well only fools think that it is not a witch hunt. Let them waste time. Nothing will come out of it. He is a soldier, he is not scared of his enemies. Thats why he came back to Pakistan.
This is utterly stupid and it indicates vindictive nature of our courts in general and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry in particular.

All current indictments against him such as killing BB, killing Akbar Bugti and killing Lal Masjids terrorist mullah Abdul Aziz is a joke and defies common sense. PA took action in Swat, suppose tomorrow sons of all the terrorists killed in Swat by Pak Army ask Courts indict Ashfaq Kiyani for murder?

Such nonsensical indictments should have been thrown out and should have never come to trial.

Musharraf is guilty of one thing only. He went against his oath and broke article 6 of Pakistan Constitution. He should be tried for this crime. However Court has no power to ask Federal gov’t to try him. Only Courts under Iftikhar Chaudhry are vindictive enough.
This is utterly stupid and it indicates vindictive nature of our courts in general and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry in particular.

All current indictments against him such as killing BB, killing Akbar Bugti and killing Lal Masjids terrorist mullah Abdul Aziz is a joke and defies common sense. PA took action in Swat, suppose tomorrow sons of all the terrorists killed in Swat by Pak Army ask Courts indict Ashfaq Kiyani for murder?

Such nonsensical indictments should have been thrown out and should have never come to trial.

Musharraf is guilty of one thing only. He went against his oath and broke article 6 of Pakistan Constitution. He should be tried for this crime. However Court has no power to ask Federal gov’t to try him. Only Courts under Iftikhar Chaudhry are vindictive enough.
yes he broke that dam, constitution only after when , our dear SC was attacked in 99?
& what is this dam constituion actully means, to impower the elites, for the sake of more power to them?
what this constition, has actully brought to the poor of pakistan?
can it, bring to the justice the killers of pakistanis called TTp?
if its just for the sake, to look good, then it should be broken everyday instead, for the betterment of the cirizens of pakistan?
BTW just to remind , CJ & SC both verifyed his actions in 99, even taking oath from him?
so its all is a just bad joke?
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