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any medicine experts here? got my bodyfat scan few days ago


Nov 23, 2013
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In preparation to my upcoming competition in next week i went Frankfurt to make a full body scan. They placed me in a scanner and this is the result:



My body fat percentage is 5.3% which i consider very good. But how comes there is slightly more fat in right arm then left arm or is this meassurement failure?

Beside that its interesting to see how much mass my idividual parts have.

all in all i have just 5kg fat.

left arm is total mass 5447,8 g (210 g fat)

right arm is total mass 5543 (353.2g fat)

my entire torso is 35346, 5 g (1864.6g fat)

left leg is 15022,3 g ( 780,6g fat)

right leg is 15436,6 g ( 883,2g fat)

and my head is 4874,9 g (968.6g fat)
Not an expert or anything, so I'm just going by logic. No one is perfectly symmetrical; My left foot is slightly bigger than my right, and my left arm is slightly fatter than my right.

It's nothing to be worried about.

Having said that, talk to your family physician.
. . .
In preparation to my upcoming competition in next week i went Frankfurt to make a full body scan. They placed me in a scanner and this is the result:



My body fat percentage is 5.3% which i consider very good. But how comes there is slightly more fat in right arm then left arm or is this meassurement failure?

Beside that its interesting to see how much mass my idividual parts have.

all in all i have just 5kg fat.

left arm is total mass 5447,8 g (210 g fat)

right arm is total mass 5543 (353.2g fat)

my entire torso is 35346, 5 g (1864.6g fat)

left leg is 15022,3 g ( 780,6g fat)

right leg is 15436,6 g ( 883,2g fat)

and my head is 4874,9 g (968.6g fat)
Dont bother about, its in arms not in your belly! you can certainly throw a good punch with some extra fat. May be it indicates you are right handed and your body has efficiently allocated resource where most of the work is done.
If you are physically active and fit (run 100mtrs in 15s or do push ups ?) , should not worry about rest of the stuff.
Dont bother about, its in arms not in your belly! you can certainly throw a good punch with some extra fat. May be it indicates you are right handed and your body has efficiently allocated resource where most of the work is done.
If you are physically active and fit (run 100mtrs in 15s or do push ups ?) , should not worry about rest of the stuff.

well im very active and do each day 2h training with two days pause per week. I do bodybuilding and did this scan in preperation to my contest. I'm right handed. I just wasnt aware there is a small but noticeable difference.

Another thing that is funny / interesting for me is to see my bones. When you see the outlines of my body with the musculature around them its kinda crazy to see how frail the sceletton looks like.

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