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Ansar Burney says Indian set for gallows should have life sentence instead


Oct 18, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Minister for Human Rights, Ansar Burney Tuesday said President Pervez Musharraf should halt the execution of a convicted Indian terrorist and let him live out his days in jail.

India's government is seeking a reprieve for Sarabjit Singh, jailed in Pakistan in 1990 for alleged spying and involvement in bomb blasts. He is scheduled to be hanged on April 1.
Ansar Burney said he expected to receive an appeal for clemency from Singh's family this week. He said he would urge President Musharraf to convert Singh's sentence to life imprisonment.
Who is Ansar Burney where the hell did he come from,

All agencies be alert please catch hold off this useless individual please :)

Thank you!
Just go tto know some more things about him , i wonder after acquiring Sitara e imtiaz from Govt. Of Pakistan how in the name God has he been successfully been manipulated by anti state elements.

Agencies, please have a close check on him kindly. He wanted fame give him some real time fame. These human rights, judiciaries, media and militants are getting out of hands, need to establish checks on them asap.
:lol: yea right! :lol: mr. burney is going against islam, our religion demands murderers pay the ultimate price for their crimes, that is death.

over here in this country, death penalty is slowly being rid of as crime only increases. as soon as murderers are released from jail, they rape, loot, and then kill again. animals like these people should be sent to death.

Right now, think it best that musharraf send mr. burney to jail for running his mouth where it's not needed. these human rights activists only bark at developing nations, yet they don't do anything against the attrocities committed by the western nations. to say what he said, after a man released because of him revealed himself to be a spy is madness.
Actually the problem is we can’t leave him on humanitarian grounds. Because after release I am sure he and GOI will not be thankful to us rather they will consider it as their victory.

Secondly only the families of martyred people can forgive him.
actually hanging the guy would be better than letting him rot in prison for a lifetime. hanging would end his misery right there. a life sentence would mean he has to suffer for many more years, without any hopes of freedom.
I have read in the news paper today that he had killled many innocent pakistanis. I think he deserves the punishment of death. He should be hanged on gallows.. And Mr. Ansar Burney should pay attention in the release of chief justice, Dr Qadeer and the people who r in indian jails living in bad conditions
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