We didn't chase the terrorists who killed 7 Pakistani soldiers 2 days ago... in short I am not convinced. US bombed salala to run after perceived terrorists, India sent war planes after Mumbai which indians themselves did, Iran starts shelling us the moment there is some cross border tension. China constantly demands us to go after Uigher militants.Turkey goes after Kurdish rebels in Iraq and Syria.
In short each country is advocating its interests aggressively and going after militants may they be from or operating from anywhere. We don't. TTP bases should be bombed in Afghanistan-based on proper intelligence so we don't bomb civilians. The biggest victim of us looking within and pre occupied with an interior situation a situation of terrorism locally we have stopped looking at our interests worldwide.
Who are you kidding. Talibs ran away during Swat Operation Black Thunderstorm by cutting their beards. They were bombed to the stone age.