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Anna Hazare - Hunger strike at Ralegan Siddha from 10th December

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Jan 7, 2013
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Hunger strike at Ralegan Siddha from 10th December...

Date- 28 Nov. 201-3

Honorable, Shri Manmohan Slnghji,
Prime Minister,
Government of lndia.

Subject- Hunger strike at Shri sant Yadav Baba temple, Ralegan Siddha from 10th December 2013 to protest against your failure to pass the Janlokpal Bill.

Dear Sir,
I had observed a hunger strike at Ramleela Maidan from lsthAugust for 13 days for the Janlokpal. People of lndia and many lndian residing abroad had come on the road in supportof this movement. You wrote me a letteron 23'dAugust 2011to call back the hunger strike. For your kind information I have attached a copy of that letter.
Similarly, you sent late Cabinet Vilasrao Deshmukh with a letter on27 August 2011 to end the hunger strike. You had agreed to bring citizens charter, to bring lower level officers under the purview of Lokpal and to have Lokayukta in every state. With complete faith in you that you will fulfill your promises you made your letter I had ended my strike.
After two year, now I feel that you have betrayed me as well as the people of lndia.
I have been making efforts to bring Janlokpal Bill for the last for last two years
continuously. On every effort, you have been giving false assurance but your government never passed the bill. Along with Janlokpal, you had given me written assurance over three more issues, but you could not take any decision on any one of them in the last two years.
Today I feelthat you made false promises to betray me and people of lndia, as you just wanted to silence me and the people who participated in the Janlokpal movement. I always considered you a noble man and had a very good image. Many times I have publicly said that Prime Minister is a good man, but I never imagined that for the sake of power you will ever speak lie. lf I had known that you are betraying the people of lndia, I would have never ended my hunger strike of Ramleela Maidan. On 27 August 2017, you had given me written assurance over three issues. The parliament had given its consent over these three points but for the last two years your government has not fulfilled any of those assurances.
Now, I assume that you won't remember, what you had written in letter dated 23'd August 2011 & 27 August 2O1.L. You must have forgotten them; therefore I am sending copies of your letters so that you can recall it. After reading them you will definitely feel that you have made a mistake. The lust for power is such that it makes one unconscious. You had also written in the letter that Smt. Sonia Gandhiji had written to you on 24thJanuary 2013, that government is committed to bringJanlokpal Bill.
From your office, I received many letters written by Shri. NarayanaSamy. Every time he praised you and gave me assurances on your behalf. I am also attaching a copy of one such letter dated 03/0912073.
I am worried about the future of lndia lf your government has such people who bluntly lie. Our country will never prosper if it is ruled by people who lie. "satyamev Jayate" (Truth alone Triumphs) is our country's slogan. Our country will prosper only on the path of "Truth".
However the person may be higher in power, but if he is dishonest, would need sleeping pills even in any air-condition bungalowto sleep. You must be aware of this but I ask myself; why are you committing such a mistake? ln my life I have implemented schemes of over crore of rupees but never compromised my honesty. I haven't kept any bankbalance anywhere, nor spoke any lie nor I have held any power but I am experiencing bliss worth crore of rupees in serving the country men. lt is because I never allowed even small stain of lie to touch my life.
I am surprised to see how come so many liars have come together in your government who level false allegations against me also.
They first lied while constituting Joint Committee, then they lied in the Joint Committees meeting, then they lied about bringing Anna's Janlokpal and all the letters of Shri. Narayansamy lacked truth.
Janlokpal Bill was passed unanimously in a single day; standing committee too passed it, the Rajya Sabha's select committees for investigation has also submitted its report on23l!U2012. Onlythe discussion in Rajya Sabha is needed but a fullyear has passed, but no discussion was taken place. lt only shows that the intention of the government is not clear. lt's doubtful.
On your behalf it was stated in the letter that the Bill would be tabled in the budget session, but the bill wasn't brought. Then it was said that the Bill will be tabled in Monsoon session, but in Monsoon session too, the Bill was not put up. Now the winter session is due.
The Bill is held in Rajya Sabha for last one year without any discussion. There is no any specific reason for the delay. Time is being lost because of lack of commitment towards the Janlokpal Bill. Your party has largest member of MPs group of 71 numbers in Rajya Sabha, but due to fraudulent policythe bill is not getting passed. You successfully passed the Food security Bill, l-and Acquisition Bill, Pension Bill, Jailed candidates contesting elections and Election of the President, in spite of opposition from many political parties. But your government could not bring the Janlokpal Bill. What is the reason? People are fed up with growing corruption day by day, every person is worried about rising prices.
You are committing an injustice towards people of lndia by not bringing the Janlokpal Bill. Therefore I am going on a hunger strike prior one day of the beginning of the winter session at Ramleela Maidan, which was written in my earlier letter. But as I have gone through an operation, the doctor's have advised me not to travel due to ill health. Therefore I have decided to start my protest hunger strike at my village, Ralegan Siddhi Shri Sant Yadavbaba Temple.
There is no personal gain to Anna in bringing the Janlokpal Bill. I am just trying so that corruption could be contained and common people will be benefited. This is my life's mission. Secondly, it is the duty and responsibility of the government to bring Janlokpal Bill. It is a necessity.
ln my life, I have always followed the principle of non-violence, never committed any violence. But in this letter, I have made verbal violence. I know it, but for this government is responsible. On one side life has become difficult for the poor people due to corruption and on the other side the Janlokpal Bill is stuck in Rajya Sabha without any reason. This is government's mistake. I have made verbal violence in circumstances and any such verbalviolence which is for benefit of society, is not a sin.

Your;s Faithfully,

K. B. alias Anna Hazare

Lets Make this Happen !!!
No one is bothered . its elections, plus if he wanted to do something he should have held it in Delhi.
No one is bothered . its elections, plus if he wanted to do something he should have held it in Delhi.
exactly, this is just to keep the sheep alive. That aam admy crap is loosing audience too. They are just going to vanish out of thin air.
exactly, this is just to keep the sheep alive. That aam admy crap is loosing audience too. They are just going to vanish out of thin air.

The aap will be the biggest upset er of the Delhi elections. Splitting the vote they will ensure Delhi wont have a stable govt . lets see how they do on a post poll alliance.:)
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