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Anaconda USV development progresses


Apr 28, 2011
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The Test Bench System will undergo a series of field tests replicating operational environments. Source: Swiftships
Switfships has cemented the second phase in the development of the Anaconda Special Operations Craft Riverine (SOCR) unmanned surface vessel (USV) following a research and development agreement with Virginia-based sister company, ICS Nett.

Swiftships representatives described to IHS Jane's how the agreement would focus on developing "complete autonomy" of the USV with a Test Bench System expected to undergo tests and evaluation in simulated operational environments.

The decision to continue with a second phase of the programme follows Swiftships' partnership with the University of Louisiana, first announced in 2014, which concentrated on the creation of a remotely piloted vessel (Anaconda 1.0) with additional integration of a trajectory-tracking controller for utility in obstacle-free environments. This first phase was successfully completed in 2015, the representatives explained.

The agreement with ICS Nett will see the pair pursuing the design, development and manufacture of the Anaconda 2.0 SOCR which aims to "…transform the [craft] into a completely autonomous watercraft equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that is faster and has more complex manoeuvrability than its predecessor".

ICS Nett will provide technological solutions and services to the programme with tasks including the upgrade of existing remote control capabilities of the Anaconda to include geo-stationary satellite based control allowing for extended wireless control; as well as updated algorithms, control mechanisms and sensor interfaces, Swiftships declared.

"The current Anaconda [1.0] model lacks closed loop data from the boat that is needed to adjust control actions; to combat this, additional sensor interface will be equipped to transmit relevant boat data back to the operator console as necessary. Once the sensory interface is in place, ICS will augment the AI with procedures that will allow it to follow terrain and waypoint markers, be capable of collision avoidance without direct input, and to perform tactical manoeuvres and loiter in an area for long periods of time, all without human intervention," a Swiftships company statement explained.

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