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Amid spying saga, India unveils cyber security policy


Jun 24, 2012
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NEW DELHI: The government on Tuesday unveiled the National Cyber Security Policy, aimed at protecting the public and private infrastructure from cyber attacks.

The policy also intends to safeguard "information, such as personal information (of webs users), financial and banking information and sovereign data". This is particularly relevant in the wake of US National Security Agency (NSA) leaks that suggested the US government agencies are spying on Indian users, who have no legal or technical safeguards against it.

Ironically, the policy was released on the day when foreign minister Salman Khurshid defended the surveillance of Indian web users by US agencies saying there was no snooping and only "cyber scrutiny".

The new cyber policy could also pave way for India acquiring a better mechanism to deal with threats from countries like the US and China, which in the recent years have bolstered their offensive and defensive cyber capabilities.

"This policy is a framework document and it gives you a broad outline of our vision. The real task or the challenge is the operationalisation of this policy," minister of communications and IT Kapil Sibal said while releasing the document in Delhi.

He said, "Critical infrastructure such as air defence system, power infrastructure, nuclear plants, telecommunications system have to be protected otherwise it may create economic instability."

The policy states it aims to "provide confidence and reasonable assurance to all stakeholders in the country (government, business, industry and general public) and global community, about the safety, resiliency and security of cyber space." It said the country needs to "adopt a suitable posturing that can signal our resolve to make determined efforts to effectively monitor, deter and deal with cyber crime and cyber attacks."

But the policy document is low on details on how government plans to achieve its objectives. It notes that Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) will be the nodal agency for all cyber security emergencies and would function round the clock. It also talks about operating sectoral CERTs and a National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre.

Other measures discussed in the policy include training five lakh cyber security professionals in the next five years, focus on the use of open source software for government services and proper validation of IT products and services used by government departments.

The last measure is particularly significant in the wake of the NSA leaks that reportedly reveals the US government works with the technology companies to spy on foreigners. In the leaked material unnamed NSA official claimed that without the help from technology companies, the ability of NSA to monitor and spy on foreigners would be greatly reduced.

Link - Amid spying saga, India unveils cyber security policy - The Times of India
Hope this policy works out in today's global scenario.We need more action not more acts.
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