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americans dirty little secret

fan cleaner


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Aug 10, 2012
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A female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire

"It was eight years before I was able to say the word that describes what happened to me," says Maricella Guzman. "I hadn't even been in the Navy a month. I was so young. I tried to report it. But instead of being taken seriously, I was forced to do push-ups."

"I can't sleep without drugs," says Kate Weber. "But even then, I often wake up in the middle of the night, crying, my mind racing. And I lie there awake in the dark, reliving the rape, looking for a second chance for it to end with a different outcome, but he always wins."

Whether or not the case goes to trial, it is still set to blow the lid on what has come to be regarded as the American military's dirty little secret. Last year 3,158 sexual crimes were reported within the US military. Of those cases, only 529 reached a court room, and only 104 convictions were made, according to a 2010 report from SAPRO (sexual assault prevention and response office, a division of the department of defence). But these figures are only a fraction of the reality. Sexual assaults are notoriously under-reported. The same report estimated that there were a further 19,000 unreported cases of sexual assault last year.

"For years, I thought I was the only person this had happened to, but it's an epidemic," says Weber, 36, who recounts being raped 16 years ago in Germany, and describes herself as a "high-functioning" sufferer of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result.
Military rape: Kate Weber

She is now married and lives in San Francisco with her four children, but even after years of therapy, still cannot sleep at night. "Rape is so widespread in the American military, it's sick."

Rape in the US military: America's dirty little secret | Society | The Guardian

It is so well known that sex offenders go unpunished and victims penalised for reporting incidents, that most say nothing. Michelle Jones describes how she was still lying on the floor of her room in the barracks, her ripped shorts by her ankles, when her rapist stood over her and said, "I'll tell everyone you're a dyke and you'll get booted out if you report this."
Military rape: Michelle Jones

She was two-thirds of her way through her service. "I didn't want to lose my job," says Jones, 39, who is now an IT consultant living in San Jose, California, and gay. Under the (now-repealed) US Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, openly gay people were barred from the military. Jones wasn't even sure she was gay at the time. But it wasn't worth the risk of reporting. "If I had spoken out, I would have been the one investigated," she says. "And it wouldn't have done any good anyway. I could tell you about 15 other women I know who had tried to report a rape and got nowhere."

There are too many stories of military rape for the Pentagon to ignore. "This is now a command priority," says a spokesman for the department of defence. "We clearly still have more work to do." But the sheer statistics beg the question: why is rape in the American military so common in the first place? "We looked at the systems for reporting rape within the military of Israel, Australia, Britain and some Scandinavian countries, and found that, unlike the US, other countries take a rape investigation outside the purview of the military," explains Greg Jacob, policy director at the Service Women's Action Network. "In Britain, for example, the investigation is handed over to the civilian police.

this is why american politicans and obama doesnt sends his daughters into american military........
"american dream"
Tringale is one of few men to speak about what happened to him. He was 18 years old and in his first few weeks of training, he says, when he woke up in his bunk in the middle of the night thinking that it was raining. Someone was urinating on him.
Military rape: Rick Tringale

"As I came to consciousness, I realised that I was being held down with a blanket and then I was beaten." Tringale, 43, says his life changed for ever following a brutal gang rape, that led to him going AWOL from the army, and subsequently becoming homeless.

"Next thing I remember is being dragged down the hallway. There was a lot of blood, a lot of pain, I was crying and I remember trying to run away, but I was dragged to the latrine, and hit a whole lot more. I remember the white tiles splattered with blood and seeing familiar faces and they were all hitting me. More guys were crowding into the bathroom too, and they're yelling, 'Kill him, kill him, kill him.' "

"land of opportunities"

Suicide and homelessness are common outcomes for sufferers of MST (military sexual trauma). Forty per cent of homeless women veterans have reported experiences of sexual assault in the military, according to the Service Women's Action Network. "Other common effects of MST are feelings of isolation, sleeping problems, hyper-vigilance, depression, and substance abuse," explains Dr Amy Street, a clinical psychologist at the VA Hospital in Boston who works with victims (VA hospitals are run by the veterans affairs department). "Victims talk about feeling numb, being cut off from emotions, unable to function. The best treatments are therapies, which require sufferers to talk about their attacks. This is very uncomfortable for them, but they are effective."
How many soldiers do we have in Iraq? That one is a done deal...we are in the process of finishing Afghanistan now. And it doesn't mean much...a US soldier is more likely to die in a car crash back home than at the hands of inept opponents.

this is not my article...the research is done by guardian newspaper...and all the people are mentioned who were raped with names...you can verify it....they are not hiding...find them and give them justice..

..unforunately american dream turned out be a nightmare for them

how can u possibly deny that 19000 of your service men werent raped in 2011 as the report says???
do u have any proof??
its just you habit of denying anything that dosent suits your agenda?
How many soldiers do we have in Iraq? That one is a done deal...we are in the process of finishing Afghanistan now. And it doesn't mean much...a US soldier is more likely to die in a car crash back home than at the hands of inept opponents

or than getting raped by another military men
Was in the Army for years...never a problem. Perhaps if it is becoming one...we could use the local solution of keeping goats near the barracks...
Was in the Army for years...never a problem. Perhaps if it is becoming one...we could use the local solution of keeping goats near the barracks...

you dont need goats....your establishment already considers yours soldiers as goats....this is very old trend in american army of raping fellow soldiers...dont try to fool us...ofcoruse when u sell sex in las vegas and train your children to do illegal sex in prom nights and on graduations and on pajama parties and hugh hefner is a celebrity and a role model in the land of opportunities and bill clinton commander in chief gets caught with his pants down....then obviously this will happen.....

selling sex and skin is the very essence of american society buildup....no morals....no rules...dont ask dont tell...do what ever you like.....sleep with a pig ...thats your problem unless u do it in closed doors its not the business of american police.

when u get your society in this stuff...then this stuff follows....then u go to foreign land....invade it by lying and commit sexual crimes there...abu gharib and gitmo and bagram airbase are example when whole world saw....what you do in the name of freedom.
you dont need goats....your establishment already considers yours soldiers as goats....this is very old trend in american army of raping fellow soldiers...dont try to fool us...ofcoruse when u sell sex in las vegas and train your children to do illegal sex in prom nights and on graduations and on pajama parties and hugh hefner is a celebrity and a role model in the land of opportunities and bill clinton commander in chief gets caught with his pants down....then obviously this will happen.....

selling sex and skin is the very essence of american society buildup....no morals....no rules...dont ask dont tell...do what ever you like.....sleep with a pig ...thats your problem unless u do it in closed doors its not the business of american police.

when u get your society in this stuff...then this stuff follows....then u go to foreign land....invade it by lying and commit sexual crimes there...abu gharib and gitmo and bagram airbase are example when whole world saw....what you do in the name of freedom.


Son---please don't talk about sins----at least in the u s the crimes can be confronted---and there is hope for justice---but in the land of our---don't forget---we are the most corrupt nation in the world---which means that we do all this and more---worse than any other nation.

Son---please don't talk about sins----at least in the u s the crimes can be confronted---and there is hope for justice---but in the land of our---don't forget---we are the most corrupt nation in the world---which means that we do all this and more---worse than any other nation.

sir the american establishemnt is not doing anything...read the article...........it says out of 17000 cases only 500 something made it to the court....

a raped captain said that he reported it and he was told to do pushup instead and no action was taken.....

these sins are crimes...rape is a crime in american constitution....its not like consent sex that is allowed and promoted under american consitution.

this juice guy.....he is just a troll..he trolling and probably laughing at this time cause his buddies and coursemates who were more educated than him got raped ........read about the plight of those who were raped.....they cant even sleep in the land of opportunites....

by brining goats in he just asked for a chittar parade...which i gave immediately...then he ran away and now he is thanking u just to save face.
Fan cleaner,

You are okay---see---the americans play the game---they play the game of getting under your skin---they just want you to react.

You see---the americans also love their goats and sheep and chicken and cows and all kinds of farm animals.

1. You have not heard of any cowboy jokes---what do you call a cowboy walking on the streets of wyoming with a sheep on his shoulders---a pi-mp.

2. Why do cowboys have women---because sheep can't do dishes----

3. Two wyoming sheep herders are flying the herd to a new farm. Suddenly, the
engine fails and
the plane begins to fall quickly to the ground.
SH1: Quick! Grab a parachute and jump!

SH2: What about the sheep ?!?

SH1: Fu-ck the sheep !!!!

SH2: (pause) Do you think we have time

4. When a tourist coach passed through a small country town in wyoming
one of the passengers
noticed a sheep tied to a lamppost on the corner in the main street.
"Oh that," said the guide, "that's the Recreation Centre
Fan cleaner,

You are okay---see---the americans play the game---they play the game of getting under your skin---they just want you to react.

You see---the americans also love their goats and sheep and chicken and cows and all kinds of farm animals.

1. You have not heard of any cowboy jokes---what do you call a cowboy walking on the streets of wyoming with a sheep on his shoulders---a pi-mp.

2. Why do cowboys have women---because sheep can't do dishes----

3. Two wyoming sheep herders are flying the herd to a new farm. Suddenly, the
engine fails and
the plane begins to fall quickly to the ground.
SH1: Quick! Grab a parachute and jump!

SH2: What about the sheep ?!?

SH1: Fu-ck the sheep !!!!

SH2: (pause) Do you think we have time

4. When a tourist coach passed through a small country town in wyoming
one of the passengers
noticed a sheep tied to a lamppost on the corner in the main street.
"Oh that," said the guide, "that's the Recreation Centre

And the jews love their sheep too----

all i can do after reading this is :what:

Women rights group want it their way---what do you expect when you put extremely physically fit men during wartime and put them together with extremely fit women----there will be sex---willing or unwilling---.

If women rights group have it their way---they would rather see the american soldiers castrated to have the women in armed forces---men and women in military is a recipe for sex and lower combat standards.
What is the big deal here ....................? If this is some jackfest for orgy of Anti-Americanism than fine go ahead boys. However if this is a serious discussion than let us condemn rape. It happens in Pakistan, it happens in USA and it happens in every country. The only differance is it is rarely reported in Pakistan whereas it is more likely to be reported in USA or UK.

I do think though that you have to be very careful with having females in the military. Having women amongst 1,000s of young aggressive, testosterone charged men trained for the rough and tumble of battle, living in spartan conditions, away from home is very toxic recipe.

* And there is nothing for us Pakistani's to be proud off given that we have a tendancy to gange rape women and then parade them naked on the streets. Worse we than don't bother taking any action against the perpetrators.
Having women amongst 1,000s of young aggressive, testosterone charged men trained for the rough and tumble of battle, living in spartan conditions, away from home is very toxic recipe.

Well we are talking about military rape here and it seem you are giving excuse of military sexual assault. Its not excuse that women should not be there in the first place because its natural for a strong army warrior to rape female soldiers.

Recent studies conducted by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs estimates that as many as one in three women as well as men will experience sexual assault or rape while serving in the United States Armed Forces. According to the Department of Defense own statistics as many as 19,000 rapes occurs within the ranks each year.

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Awareness Day | Military Rape Crisis Center

These rough and tough soldiers should be trained to suppress/control their sexual urges before joining Army. Professional Soldiers are trained to fight for a cause not about sexual gratification.They are trained to fight not screw. US Government should taken precautions to insure that their soldiers are fighting and not being sexual perverts. Women will always be at a disadvantage in the service simply because a man soldier can over power them and take sexual advantage of them

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