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American Christian Freaks are infiltrating Russia

The rules and Methodology has changed.

Nowadays US and the West push large number of agents and saboteurs under the guise of Religious Organizations and NGO's.

Any Country that allow these groups into their Country is really asking for trouble.

All the Civil unrest in these " Arab Spring " Countries has been funded and organized by these NGO's and RO.

Keep these Freaks out , if you want to save your Countries.
A necessity for Russia. They keep the muslims like meshkati turks,circassians,chechens ,avars,lezgin and jews in line .Without cossacks ,Russia will lose its empire.

Russia lost it empire a LONG time ago, broke down into pieces. So Cossacks still dont fit.
Russia lost it empire a LONG time ago, broke down into pieces. So Cossacks still dont fit.

only because cossacks had been sidelined and the soviet authorities allowed the SSR republics to walk out on their own will.But now Cossacks are back big in Kransodar krai and siberia.
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