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All you want to know about K-15 and shoriya


Aug 30, 2010
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By Arun S Vishwakarma Issue Vol 24.1 Jan-Mar2009 | Date : 27 Jan , 2012 Shourya and Sagarika is a new common missile that can be launched from multiple
platforms, i.e. ground, submarine and mobile launcher. The naval version is called
Sagarika, while the land based version is called Shourya1. The Indian doctrine of
Minimum Credible Nuclear Deterrence envisages “No First Use” (NFU) policy and a triad of
nuclear counterstrike capability. The land based Agni-2 missile range is limited to about
3,300 km, and the longer range Agni-3 will enter service soon. The sea leg of the triad based on blue water naval assets dispersed across the world’s
oceans is most survivable and thus a critical part of the triad. The ability to reach all
corners of a potential challenger requires a range of 5,000 to 8,000 km. DRDO is developing sub-surface launched long range Agni-3SL with heavy MIRV payload and ABM countermeasures.Indian nuclear powered ATV due for sea trial in 2009 will
reportedly carry 12 launch tubes2 of 2.4m diameter. Launch tubes can be flexibly
configured to either carry a two meter diameter Agni-3SL or three wooden rounds3 of
0.74m diameter K15-Sagarika missile. Shourya and Sagarika fills the short to medium
range gap that is below Agni-3’s minimum range.At operational level these missiles
provide for range of warheads necessary for graduated nuclear escalation as enunciated by Indian staff and military warfare collages.4
This multifunction missile made in large quantities would fulfill India’s immediate
requirements. The missile optimally matches latest types of strategic weapons tested at
Pokhran-II in 1998. The missile will most likely takeover the strategic weapons role of
Prithvi and Agni-1 missiles, and make them unambiguously dedicated for conventional
roles thus stabilizing nuclear deterrence. Shourya and its counterpart Sagarika has been tested six times5 till date. The missile is expected to enter service in 2010. Sagarika will
be deployed on submarines and very likely on ‘Sukanya’ class naval vessels too.
Shourya is a compact, slender, two-stage, solid fuel missile designed as a wooden
round. The missile development was initiated as project K15 and was first flight tested6
on 27 October 2004 in the guise of solid fueled Prithvi-III.7 It is stored, deployed and launched in a fiberglass composite canister, which is easy to handle mobile and can be
flexibly deployed on different types of surface and sub-surface platforms. Shourya and
Sagarika share a common design. The missile is sealed and can be launched from a
moving submarine at 50 meter depth.
The 6.2 tonne Shourya is 10 meters long, and has two solid fuel stages of 0.74 meters
diameter. The first stage booster is about two meters long and the second about six meters long. The missile supports a range of unitary warhead configurations, weighing
180 to 1,000 kg. High missile accuracy and ability to fly in a highly depressed trajectory
well within atmosphere indicates that it is a weapon for choice to interdict Command &
Control (C&C) and preemptive tactics.The sixth test flight on November 12th, 2008 was a
depressed trajectory flight (at Mach 6 and 50 km altitude) with continuous rolling to
dissipate heat over a larger surface demonstrated the mastery of difficult aspects of rocketry involving sustained hypersonic flight.The wooden round design sealed in a
fiber glass canister with the aero fins folded inside in a clean & controlled environment
makes it maintenance free and tamper proof. The missile is launched by a hot gas
generator developing 15-200 bar pressure using high burn rate HTBP based composite
propellant. The thick dark gas cloud greatly reduces the thermal signature of the missile.
Once out of the launch tube, the first stage booster motor ignites, taking the missile to five km altitude, when, the main second stage motor takes over. The booster debris
reaches a maximum altitude of six km, well below the horizon of radars beyond 330
km. The clean and small diameter missile presents a tiny RCS (radar cross-section). The second stage air fins provide necessary in-flight trajectory control. The main motor
is typically expended at 33 km altitude well within the atmosphere; however the air
fins remain effective beyond post boost phase. The air fins also allow the missile to fly in
a depressed trajectory as well as a cruise and glide in sustained hypersonic regime at 50
km altitude. The payload separation can be done much later after using aerodynamics
for trajectory modification during ascent or descent. The missile is resistant to ABM defense.8
Re-entry Vehicle
Shourya Re-entry Vehicle (RV) supports a wide range of weapons, with total payload
mass ranging from 180 to 1,000 kg. The missile range is a function of payload mass (see
graph below).
The November 2008 test unveiled the new generation RV that is designed and optimized for newer boosted fission and thermonuclear weapon (including those
awaiting confirmatory test). The sharp nose high ‘âeta’ (Ballistic coefficient9) RV design
employs 16 cm diameter blunt nose and half angle of 12° that is mounted on a payload
adapter to interface with the 0.74m diameter mission control module atop the upper
stage. The high ‘âeta’ RV in combination with an all carbon composite body enables
higher re-entry speed even with a light weight payload.10 Mk-4: For light weight 17Kt Fusion Boosted Fission (FBF) warhead11. Mass12: ~180
Mk-5: For 50Kt FBF or 200Kt Thermo Nuclear (TN) warhead14. Mass: ~340 Kg
Mk-6: For 150Kt FBF warhead15. Mass: ~550 Kg.
The all carbon composite re-entry heat shields with multi-directional ablative carbon-
carbon re-entry nose tip make it very light and tough.16 This very light RV mass enables scalable payload and range tradeoff especially for lightweight warhead.
The Shourya has two solid fueled stages of 0.74m diameter. This diameter is compatible
with a recently tested Indian sub-surface launch system that has a 2.4 meter diameter
launch tube17.
First Stage: The first stage solid fuel booster is approximately two meter long and weighs about 1,300 kg including 1,000 kg high density fuel. The booster lifts the missile
to an altitude of five km so that the second stage can operate more efficiently at low
atmospheric pressure. It uses hot gas reaction control for initial control of yaw, pitch
and roll before the air fins unfold and missile gains sufficient velocity for aerodynamic
control surfaces. Second Stage: This six meter long stage weighs about 3.6 tonne and generates 16 tonne
thrust. Case-bonded HTPB-based composite propellant with low burn rate is ignited by a
small pyrogen ignition motor.
The case is made of 250 grade maraging steel to maximize fuel mass fraction that is
critical for scalable payload versus range flexibility. Its nozzle is made of composite
material with metallic backup and carbon phenolic liners. The interstage coupling uses a soft-stage separation mechanism and retro rockets for reliable and safe stage
Navigation & Accuracy
Shourya largely carries the proven avionics set of Agni-3. However, for more extensive
aerodynamic maneuvering, it is augmented by new sensors and flight control system.
Shourya will also benefit form Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)23 expected to be ready by 2012, to ensure guaranteed national access to precision
navigation. These systems enable high accuracy required for precision strike.
Range versus Payload
Missile range and payload mass are inversely related. It is interesting to note that press
reports the Shourya’s range for 1,000 kg and 500 kg payload. The former
corresponding to 1980 vintage 200Kt FBF warhead and the latter corresponding to 150Kt FBF that is yet to be field validated.
The official reporting obfuscates the missile’s much higher range corresponding to field
tested 17Kt FBF warhead that is the mainstay of Indian deterrence.
Shourya class of missile is truly a multi-service missile that has desirable attributes of
small size, mobility, stealth, rich set of warhead options, robustness and cost that could make it the most mass produced Indian missile. It complements the long range Agni
class missiles to provide the Indian military commanders the global range necessary to
secure Indian interests.

I already have, its an old article. He is right about everything except for that payload vs. range thing. In fact he figures about payload are also not correct. For example, in a 1000kg warhead design, ~30% mass (+/-10) is of the structure and warhead electronics (that mass is standard among all payloads, it does not vary with the varying mass of nuclear device). If the nuclear device weighs 180kg, the total warhead mass would be at least 380 kg.
And then we also have the non-practicality of this approach.
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^^^ how about kilotins he mentions.

Apoerantly the biggest india got is 200kt.
India doesn't have a 200KT device.. at least not a validated one. Rest of the article is pure sensationalist jingoism..
Ranges have been increased in the article, Delivery load increased, and about everything else also increased..

Troll article !
India has 300KT warheads as of now.

Our First Gravity bomb had a weight of 1000 kg and yield of 25KT.
India has 300KT warheads as of now.

Our First Gravity bomb had a weight of 1000 kg and yield of 25KT.

And your source if info is?

The article writer had posted a very long list of referrences he took from various publications to write this article and for that reason looks credible...
And your source if info is?

The article writer had posted a very long list of referrences he took from various publications to write this article and for that reason looks credible...

This is ironical but a guy from across the fence saying india has 300Kt device ? I don't believe it !! :woot:

btw, I am not believing it either way :D
From the old post.

Sagarika or Oceanic Series of SLBM have two variants
01. K15 Balistic missile with 750 Km Range with 1000 Kg Payload and 1900 Km range with 200 Kg payload . This missile has been successfully tested 8 Times and is ready for integration with Arihant class , each of which will carry 12 of these missiles. u guys might see some test launch of this missile from arihant before its commission in Jan 2012

02. K4 balistic Missile , Now this missile is still under development , was first tested in Jan 2010 . The missile is considered to be sea launched version of Agni 3 Balistic missile which became operational in 2010 . Missile has a range of 3500-4500 Km depending upon the payload , Last 2 of the 4 Arihant Class SSBN will carry 8 of these Missiles each , Becoz these subs would be slightly larger than first 2 of Arihant class at 7000 Ton

03. K5 Ballistic Missile , this is the Submarine launched version of Agni 5 Ballistic missile , It will have a Range of 6000 Km with a 2000 Kg payload , it will also have 4 Multiple Independent Re entry Vehicle to confuse BMD system . First test of this missile will happen in September 2011

Missile Stats:

Length : 8.5 Metres

Diameter : 1 metre

Weight : 7 tonnes

Payload : 500 kg

Nuclear Ready : Yes

Stages : Two

Developed by: Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Misile Complex, Hyderabad, Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), Research Centre Imarat(RCI)

DRDL : Misssile design & development

ASL : Motors & Propulsion Systems

RCI: Avionics, including control & guiding systems & inertial navigation systems

The test has put into select club of countries with a strategic deterrent force at sea.

•Mk-4: For light weight 17Kt Fusion Boosted Fission (FBF) warhead11. Mass12: ~180 Kg13.
•Mk-5: For 50Kt FBF or 200Kt Thermo Nuclear (TN) warhead14. Mass: ~340 Kg
•Mk-6: For 150Kt FBF warhead15. Mass: ~550 Kg.


The Shourya has two solid fueled stages of 0.74m diameter. This diameter is compatible with a recently tested Indian sub-surface launch system that has a 2.4 meter diameter launch tube17

First Stage: The first stage solid fuel booster is approximately two meter long and weighs about 1,300 kg including 1,000 kg high density fuel. The booster lifts the missile to an altitude of five km so that the second stage can operate more efficiently at low atmospheric pressure. It uses hot gas reaction control for initial control of yaw, pitch and roll before the air fins unfold and missile gains sufficient velocity for aerodynamic control surfaces.

Second Stage: This six meter long stage weighs about 3.6 tonne and generates 16 tonne thrust. Case-bonded HTPB-based composite propellant with low burn rate is ignited by a small pyrogen ignition motor.

The case is made of 250 grade maraging steel to maximize fuel mass fraction that is critical for scalable payload versus range flexibility. Its nozzle is made of composite material with metallic backup and carbon phenolic liners. The interstage coupling uses a soft-stage separation mechanism and retro rockets for reliable and safe stage separation

Navigation & Accuracy

Shourya largely carries the proven avionics set of Agni-3. However, for more extensive aerodynamic maneuvering, it is augmented by new sensors and flight control system. Shourya will also benefit form Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)23 expected to be ready by 2012, to ensure guaranteed national access to precision navigation. These systems enable high accuracy required for precision strike.

Range versus Payload

Missile range and payload mass are inversely related. It is interesting to note that press reports the Shourya’s range for 1,000 kg and 500 kg payload. The former corresponding to 1980 vintage 200Kt FBF warhead and the latter corresponding to 150Kt FBF that is yet to be field validated.

The official reporting obfuscates the missile’s much higher range corresponding to field tested 17Kt FBF warhead that is the mainstay of Indian deterrence


Shourya class of missile is truly a multi-service missile that has desirable attributes of small size, mobility, stealth, rich set of warhead options, robustness and cost that could make it the most mass produced Indian missile. It complements the long range Agni class missiles to provide the Indian military commanders the global range necessary to secure Indian interests.
This loony chap Arun was, once upon a time, Moderator, who was beaten up black and white by other superiors and he had to run for his life. He knows nothing, just gets the clips from newspapers and puts up an article....

Look at his following absurd post:

When asked VK Sarsawat categorically calls it a "BALLISTIC" missile (not cruise missile). Meaning the missile will usually be launched in ballistic mode with hypersonic glide/cruise on re-entry. That is how this small and light weight missile has a range (> 1500 km) far in excess of its class of pure ballistic missiles

So this stupido does not even know the meaning of re-entry. Because this particular missile is not leaving the atmosphere first of all, how would it re-enter?


Atmospheric entry is the movement of human-made or natural objects as they enter the atmosphere of a celestial body from outer space—in the case of Earth from an altitude above the Kármán Line, (100 km).

Thats the reason he was kicked to the curb, by BR policemen.
This loony chap Arun was, once upon a time, Moderator, who was beaten up black and white by other superiors and he had to run for his life. He knows nothing, just gets the clips from newspapers and puts up an article....

Look at his following absurd post:

So this stupido does not even know the meaning of re-entry. Because this particular missile is not leaving the atmosphere first of all, how would it re-enter?


Thats the reason he was kicked to the curb, by BR policemen.

benn telling the op for so long.. aint buying the **** that India has 200kt devices.
This loony chap Arun was, once upon a time, Moderator, who was beaten up black and white by other superiors and he had to run for his life. He knows nothing, just gets the clips from newspapers and puts up an article....

Look at his following absurd post:

So this stupido does not even know the meaning of re-entry. Because this particular missile is not leaving the atmosphere first of all, how would it re-enter?


Thats the reason he was kicked to the curb, by BR policemen.

Ashok - FYI, I dont believe you have the correct information. Arun was booted out of BR due to other issues and not because of his postings. His articles are still referred in BR and are genuine pieces which are not sourced from anywhere. To me as well as lot of people he is still the only guy who has done some good pieces on missile tech.

Renetry above refers to the case where missile has to bear the fiction and heat generated in a depressed trajectory flight (post the boost phase) ..Also sagarika was initially thought to also have ballistic missile profile along DPT profile - bear in mind the article was written somewhere in late 2008 - at the time very few of us knew about Shourya or Sagarika.
Renetry above refers to the case where missile has to bear the fiction and heat generated in a depressed trajectory flight (post the boost phase) ..Also sagarika was initially thought to also have ballistic missile profile along DPT profile - bear in mind the article was written somewhere in late 2008 - at the time very few of us knew about Shourya or Sagarika.

Thats not re-entry, its a descent in the same atmosphere.
More, the laws and principles of physics dont change with the time.
BTW, what is the difference between a wikipedia and his articles - same shik.
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