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Afghans to Vote on Saturday


Apr 19, 2012
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Afghan people are committed to permissively join in the presidential runoff on Saturday June 14.

Many Afghans have said that taking part in the second Election Day is a strong response to the enemies of the country.

Shir Zaman, a farmer residing in Kabul, told TOLOnews he will "enthusiastically vote in the runoff elections because it is my right to and I plan to exercise that right."

In resonance to Zaman's outlook of June 14, Nangarhar resident Anar Gul encouraged her fellow Afghans to vote in order to solve the problems of the country.

"I am taking part in elections and ask all Afghans to vote because it is the way of solving the problems," she said.

With the participation of the people, fraud and any other violation can be prevented with just a vote.

Afghans to Vote on Saturday
wish the best for our brotherly Muslim country. May they unite and put an end to this 30 years of war for no reason
Although both of the candidates are considered pro-US. It seems that at this point Ashraf Ghani is favored by Pakistan. Dr Abdullah was a member of the NA and is thus considered pro-India.
Although both of the candidates are considered pro-US. It seems that at this point Ashraf Ghani is favored by Pakistan. Dr Abdullah was a member of the NA and is thus considered pro-India.

Well, Ashraf Ghani is also pro-india because of all their investments in Afghanistan, but he is not Anti-Pakistan at the same time, which is important.

Abdullah is pro-india and anti-pakistan, referring to the latest assassination attempt, which he blames Pakistan for.
Well, Ashraf Ghani is also pro-india because of all their investments in Afghanistan, but he is not Anti-Pakistan at the same time, which is important.

Abdullah is pro-india and anti-pakistan, referring to the latest assassination attempt, which he blames Pakistan for.

Also Ghani is a technocrat with not a very solid political background so he will be easier to manipulate by external powers while Abdullah being NA has a solid political background and has a history of working with pro-India elements going back to the civil war of the 90s.
Also Ghani is a technocrat with not a very solid political background so he will be easier to manipulate by external powers while Abdullah being NA has a solid political background and has a history of working with pro-India elements going back to the civil war of the 90s.

I can assure you that we have some very good advisers to not let it happen. But what is most important for our country is to get the economy back on track.
And only Ghani can do that.

Abdullah is just going to create more problems than good if elected.
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